Wave Optics - I: Created by C. Mani, Principal, K V No.1, AFS, Jalahalli West, Bangalore
Wave Optics - I: Created by C. Mani, Principal, K V No.1, AFS, Jalahalli West, Bangalore
Wave Optics - I: Created by C. Mani, Principal, K V No.1, AFS, Jalahalli West, Bangalore
1. Electromagnetic Wave
2. Wavefront
3. Huygens’ Principle
4. Reflection of Light based on Huygens’ Principle
5. Refraction of Light based on Huygens’ Principle
6. Behaviour of Wavefront in a Mirror, Lens and Prism
7. Coherent Sources
8. Interference
9. Young’s Double Slit Experiment
10. Colours in Thin Films
Spherical Cylindrical
Wavefront Wavefront
from a point • from a linear
source source
. . .
. .
. .
S• . .
. .
. . New
. .
New Wavefront
(Spherical) . Wave-
. (Plane)
(Wavelets - Red dots on the wavefront)
t = + E G
c c r
X i r
AF sin i FC sin r Y
t = + A F C
c c
AB – Incident wavefront
AC sin r + AF (sin i – sin r)
t = CD – Reflected wavefront
c XY – Reflecting surface
For rays of light from different parts on the incident wavefront, the values of
AF are different. But light from different points of the incident wavefront
should take the same time to reach the corresponding points on the
reflected wavefront.
So, t should not depend upon AF. This is possible only if sin i – sin r = 0.
Concave Mirror D Convex Mirror
Convex Lens Concave Lens D
AB – Incident wavefront CD –Refracted wavefront
Coherent Sources:
Coherent Sources of light are those sources of light which emit light waves of
same wavelength, same frequency and in same phase or having constant
phase difference.
Coherent sources can be produced by two methods:
1. By division of wavefront (Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Fresnel’s
Biprism and Lloyd’s Mirror)
2. By division of amplitude (Partial reflection or refraction)
Interference of Waves:
E 1 + E2 Bright Band
Dark Band
E2 S1 •
Bright Band
S2 •
Dark Band
Constructive Interference E = E1 + E2
E 1 - E2 Bright Band
Destructive Interference E = E1 - E2 Trough
Bright Band
1st Wave (E1) Dark Band
2nd Wave
(E2) Resultant The phenomenon of one wave interfering
Wave with another and the resulting
Reference Line redistribution of energy in the space
around the two sources of disturbance is
called interference of waves.
Theory of Interference of Waves:
The waves are with same speed, wavelength, frequency,
E1 = a sin ωt
time period, nearly equal amplitudes, travelling in the
E2 = b sin (ωt + Φ) same direction with constant phase difference of Φ.
ω is the angular frequency of the waves, a,b are the
amplitudes and E1, E2 are the instantaneous values of
Electric displacement.
Applying superposition principle, the magnitude of the resultant displacement
of the waves is E = E1 + E2
E = a sin ωt + b sin (ωt + Φ)
E = (a + b cos Φ) sin ωt + b sin Φ cos ωt
Putting a + b cos Φ = A cos θ (where E is the
A sin θ
b sin Φ = A sin θ displacement, A b sin Φ
is the resultant A
We get E = A sin (ωt + θ) amplitude and
θ is the resultant
phase difference) Φ θ
A = √ (a2 + b2 + 2ab cos Φ) b cos Φ
b sin Φ A cos θ
tan θ =
a + b cos Φ
A = √ (a2 + b2 + 2ab cos Φ)
Imax α (a + b)2
Imin α (a - b)2
Imax (r + 1)2
= where r = a / b (ratio of the amplitudes)
Imin (r - 1) 2
I α a2
a α √w I1 (a1)2 w1
= =
I2 (a2) 2
Young’s Double Slit Experiment:
S •
Single Slit Double Slit
y Screen
S • d
y=nDλ/d y = (2n+1) D λ / 2d
For n = 0, y0 = 0 For n = 0, y0’ = D λ / 2d
For n = 1, y1 = D λ / d For n = 1, y1’ = 3D λ / 2d
For n = 2, y2 = 2 D λ / d …… For n = 2, y2’ = 5D λ / 2d …..
For n = n, yn = n D λ / d For n = n, yn’ = (2n+1)D λ / 2d
Expression for Dark Fringe Width: Expression for Bright Fringe Width:
βD = yn – yn-1 βB = yn’ – yn-1’
= n D λ / d – (n – 1) D λ / d = (2n+1) D λ / 2d – {2(n-1)+1} D λ / 2d
=Dλ/d =Dλ/d
The expressions for fringe width show that the fringes are equally spaced on
the screen.
Distribution of Intensity:
Suppose the two interfering waves
Intensity have same amplitude say ‘a’, then
Imax α (a+a)2 i.e. Imax α 4a2
All the bright fringes have this same
Imin = 0
y 0 y
All the dark fringes have zero
Conditions for sustained interference:
1. The two sources producing interference must be coherent.
2. The two interfering wave trains must have the same plane of
3. The two sources must be very close to each other and the pattern must
be observed at a larger distance to have sufficient width of the fringe.
(D λ / d)
4. The sources must be monochromatic. Otherwise, the fringes of different
colours will overlap.
5. The two waves must be having same amplitude for better contrast
between bright and dark fringes.
Colours in Thin Films:
It can be proved that the path
difference between the light partially A C
reflected from PQ and that from i
partially transmitted and then Q
reflected from RS is P O B
∆ = 2μt cos r r t
For the rays OA and BC to interfere For the rays OA and BC to interfere
constructively (Bright fringe), the destructively (Dark fringe), the path
path difference must be (n + ½) λ difference must be nλ
So, 2μt cos r = (n + ½) λ So, 2μt cos r = n λ
When white light from the sun falls on thin layer of oil spread over water in the
rainy season, beautiful rainbow colours are formed due to interference of light.
End of Wave Optics - I