Lecture 1-2 Computer Organization and Architecture
Lecture 1-2 Computer Organization and Architecture
Lecture 1-2 Computer Organization and Architecture
CSEN 2202
Module 1
Lecture 1 – 2
Instruction to
be executed?
Fetch next Instruction
Decode Instruction
Operand to
Yes Fetch
Execute Instruction
Interrupt Yes
to be Transfer control to
processed? Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
Yes No Wait for
More? next A Simple Instruction Cycle
Instruction Execution Mechanism
• A program is a set of instructions stored in memory
• The program is executed in the computer by going through a cycle for
each instruction
• After the program is loaded onto the memory, the CPU fetches the
first instruction
• Then the instruction is decoded to understand what actions the
instruction dictates
• If required, it fetches the operand from the memory
• Then the CPU carries out those actions i.e. executes the instruction
Instruction Execution Mechanism
• If no interrupt is pending to be serviced, the control is transferred to
the next instruction
• In case some interrupt is pending to be serviced, the CPU transfers
control to the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
• After execution of the ISR, control is transferred to the next instruction
(from where it came to ISR)
• This cycle is repeated continuously by a computer's CPU, from boot up
to shut down.
• The fetch–decode–execute cycle (also known as instruction cycle) is the
basic operational process of a computer
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