Framework For MCHN
Framework For MCHN
Framework For MCHN
Some of the most difficult ethical quandaries in health care today are those that involve children and their
families. Examples are:
1. Conception issues, especially those related to in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, ownership of frozen
oocytes or sperm, and surrogate motherhood
2. Abortion, particularly partial-birth abortion
3. Fetal rights versus rights of the mother
4. Stem cell research
5. Resuscitation
6. Number of procedures or degree of pain a child should be asked to endure to achieve a degree of better
7. Balance between modern technology and quality of life
8. Difficulty maintaining confidentiality of record when there are multiple caregivers
• Legal and ethical aspects of issues are often interviewed, which makes the decision making
process in this area complex
• Because maternal and child health nursing is so strongly family centered, it is common to
encounter some situations in which the interests of one family member are in conflict with those of
another or the goals of a health care provider are different from the family’s.
• Maintaining privacy yet aiding problem solving in this instances can be diffcult but is a central
nursing role.
• Nurses can help clients by providing factual information and supportive listening, and helping the
family and health care providers clarify their values.
• The Pregnant Woman’s Bill of Rights and the United Nations Declaration of Rights of the Child
provide guidelines for determining the rights of the women and children with regard to maternal
and child care.
17 Sustainable development Goals