The Fallacy of Sociologism
It is the absolutisation of the society. It is a
model of education in which social determination
is considered the highest rule and the only
criterion of education.
The fallacy of Sociologism
The only concern lies in the social conditioning
of the student, growth, and continues growth.
What is being taught is to keep growing, not
what the student should aim for as a goal.
Jacques Maritain
The Fallacy of Extreme
Intellectualism identifies the peak of
knowledge perfection with dialectic, rhetoric,
or scientific-technological skill.
The fallacy of Extreme Intellectualism
Jacques Maritain
Maritain identifies two kinds of intellectualism:
the classical rhetoric (eristic, in the manner of
the Greek Sophists, or snobbery) and modern
technological (which we might call
‘professionalism’ or ‘technocratism’). Both forms
of intellectualism abandon universal values and
prefer practical and operative functions of
The fallacy of Extreme Intellectualism
Jacques Maritain
The Fallacy of Voluntarism
Definition of voluntarism
1: the principle or system
of doing something by or
relying on voluntary action Voluntarism, any metaphysical or
psychological system that assigns to the
or volunteers
will (Latin: voluntas) a more
2: a theory that conceives predominant role than that attributed to
will to be the dominant the intellect.
factor in experience or in
the world
The Fallacy of Voluntarism
-The will is superior to the
intellect when it comes to
belief in God
-Faith is voluntary, a free
choice or decision
-Faith must be a deliberate act
of will rather than a position
we take because reason says
we must
The Fallacy of Voluntarism