100KW SPV Power Plant
100KW SPV Power Plant
100KW SPV Power Plant
-:Presenting By: -
SUNSHINE Power Products Pvt. Ltd
SUNSHINE is the brand name of “Sunshine Power Products Pvt. Ltd”, one
of the largest manufacturer and supplier of Non-conventional energy
system in India.
2001 :The Company was founded on May 2001 by Sri Uttam Mukherjee under
the name of Sunshine Energy System Enterprise.
2001 :Started actual production of solar electronics, charge controller & CFL
based luminary for PV Home system & street light systems.
2002 :Empanelment with WBREDA, Govt. of W.B. Kolkata, India.
2002 :Registered with SSI unit under Govt. of W.B.
2004 : i) Converted into Pvt. Ltd. Company & Registered under Indian company
Act 1956.
ii) Registered under NSIC (Govt. Of India)
iii) Awarded ISO 9001 Certification.
2008 : Awarded ISO 14001 environment management systems.
2009 :Registered under DGS&D, Govt. Of India.
2010 :Started SPV Module Manufacturing unit of capacity 10MW.
2011: First Sunshine solar module more than 100Wp & got Module IEC
2012: Start service provider up to 250Wp.
2014: Got module IEC Certificate capacity up to 290Wp.
Process of Production of SPV Module
List of our major customers:
The Nehru National Solar Mission (NSM) was envisaged as one of the eight
missions under the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC). The
strategy of NSM is to create necessary environment to attract industry and
project developers for investment in power generation, manufacturing.
The objective of the Mission is to establish India as a global leader in solar
energy by creating the policy conditions for its large scale diffusion across the
country as quickly as possible.
Mission revised the target of adding 100 GW of solar power Generation out of
which 40 GW is for rooftop solar PV projects capacity by 2022.
Mission is largely focusing on utility scale grid-connected projects, which are
essentially commercial projects.
The Standalone solar PV system are suitable for small electric loads located at the
remote places where grid supply is not present.
What is a Grid Connected / On grid Solar PV System?
In grid connected rooftop or small SPV system, the DC power generated from
SPV panel is converted to AC power using power conditioning unit and is fed to
the grid either of 33 kV/11 kV three phase lines or of 440/220 Volt
three/single phase line depending on the capacity of the system installed at
institution/commercial establishment or residential complex and the
regulatory framework specified for respective States.
These systems generate power during the day time which is utilized fully by
powering captive loads and feed excess power to the grid as long as grid is
available. In case, where solar power is not sufficient due to cloud cover etc.,
the captive loads are served by drawing power from the grid.
What is a Hybrid Solar PV System?
Executive Summary of 100KW Solar Rooftop Project at Roof top of OFBHQ Kolkata,
West Bengal.
State West Bengal
District Kolkata
Name of the beneficiary Ordinance Factory Board
Latitude : 22.56o N
Longitude : 88.34o S
SPV Power Plant
Array capacity 100 kW
Technical details of a SPV Module
PV Module type Poly crystalline
Minimum Capacity 250 Wp
Mounting Arrangement
Mounting Roof mounted, Fixed Type
Each Rated Capacity 25kW X 4 nos.
Output Voltage 3Ø,400 V AC, 50 Hz
Grid Connection Details
Electrical parameters for interconnection 440 V, 3Ø, 50 Hz
Project completion time 5 months
Proposed configuration of Grid Connected PV Power System
The Solar PV Modules to be made of Poly Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Solar cells
of 60 nos. are connected in series to give required 250Wp Solar Module. For 100KWp
Solar PV Power plant is made-up of 400 nos. of 24 V, 250Wp SPV Modules as per IEC
61215, 61730 part-I & Part –II standard.
Model No : SP0250
Type : Poly-Crystalline Silicon Solar Module
Nos. of Cell : 60
Module size : 1639 mm x 982mm x 42 mm
Junction Box : Four Terminals with IP65 Protection
Diode : 15A bypass
Nominal Rating : 24 V, 250W
V max at P max : ≥ 31.12 V
I max at P max : ≥ 8.03 A
Voc : ≥ 36.5 V
Isc : ≥ 8.63 A
FF : > 70.00%
Efficiency (Module) : ≥ 15.00%
PV Module standard : IEC 61215 and IEC 61730-1 & IEC 61730-2
Weight : 18.2 kg. (Approximate)
1 2 3 24 25
26 50
51 75
200 225
375 400
600 V DC
Output (AC)
AC Active Power 25 kW at unity pf
AC Grid Connection 3Ø 400 V + N 50Hz ,
Adjustable AC voltage range As per prevailing grid code
Frequency range As per prevailing grid code
AC wave form Pure Sine wave
THD As per prevailing grid code
Details Technical Specification of Grid Tied String Inverter:
General Electrical data
Efficiency Minimum 95 %
Sleep mode consumption Less than 10 W
DC Side 1. Reverse-polarity protection
2. Reverse current to PV array protection, over voltage,
Under voltage protection
3. Over current
Ordinance Factory Board desires to utilize roofs of the buildings for setting
up of grid connected solar roof top systems to supplement their electricity
consumption from grid source. The generated solar electricity would be
utilized in grid connected mode to avail net-metering benefit. The main
objectives are:
To use the unused roof top effectively for generation of electricity
through solar PV route
Grid Interfacing LT Panel
Expected Annual Energy Generation = (4.5 X 365 X 644 X 0.15 X 0.83) KWh / Year
= 1,31,692 KWh / Year
Implementation Schedule:
The project is planned to be implemented at the earliest. The most essential aspect regarding the
implementation of this project is to ensure that the project is completed within the schedule, spanning
within five (05) months from the date of Sanction of the project.
A good planning, scheduling, and monitoring program is imperative to complete the project on time and
without cost overruns.
Design & Drawing
Procurement process
Supply the Materials
Civil work, Design
Fabrication & Installation
Testing & Commissioning
Handing over
0 1 2 3 4 5
DO’s & DONT’s
For Keeping the system in good health we recommend the followings:-
Clean the surface of the Solar Do not allow any dust and dirt on SPV
Module once in every 15 days. Module surface.
• In case the grid fails, the solar power plant / system has to be
stopped immediately feeding to the grid so as to safe-guard any
grid person/technician from getting shock (electrocuted) while
working on the grid for maintenance etc. This feature is termed as
‘Islanding Protection’.
• In this protection is controlled by inverter.
Some Pictures of Our Major Installation
200kWp SPV Power Plant at Haldia Refinery Under IOCL. 160kWp SPV Power Plant at IISCO Hospital Under SAIL.
100kWp SPV Power Plant at Garden Reach Under GRSE. 80kWp SPV Power Plant at Nirman Bhawan Under UDD.
Some Pictures of Our Major Installation
50kWp SPV Power Plant at Agartala Under NEEPCO. 30kWp SPV Power Plant at Assam Under AEDA.
25kWp SPV Power Plant at Uluberia Under WBREDA. 25 Nos. 10kWp SPV Power Plant at Various Schools Under
Some Pictures of Our Major Installation
15 Nos. 5kWp SPV Power Plant at Various Schools Under 10kWp SPV Power Plant at Manipur Under MANIREDA.
10kWp SPV Power Plant at Tripura Under TREDA. 10kWp SPV Power Plant at Nagaland Under DNRE.