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Internet of Things

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Information Technology Training Program Project on

Internet of Things

By Ayushi Agrawal
ITT Student:CRO0646983

Observer: Karni Singh Rathore

ITT Faculty

Information Technology Training Centre of Jaipur Branch of ICAI

ICAI Bhawan , D-1 , Institutional Area,
Jhalana Doongri , Jaipur - 302004

This is to certify that “AYUSHI AGARWAL” student of

BATCH NO – ITT64 has successfully completed their

PowerPoint Project on “Internet Of Things” under the

guidance of “Karni Singh Rathore”

__________________ _______________
Karni Singh Rathore Ayushi Agarwal

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my

institution ICAI as well as to my mentor Karni sir who gave me
the golden opportunity to do this wonderful assignment of
power point presentation (ppt) on the topic Internet of Things
which also helped me in doing a lot of research and I come to
know about so many new things.
I am really thankful to them.
It helped me increase my knowledge and skills.


21/08/2020 BATCH: ITT64
1. IoT Introduction
2. History Of IoT
3. Typical Views Of IoT
4. Connected World
5. Characteristics
6. How IoT works
7. Structure of IoT.
8. Application of IoT
9. Smart Cities
10. Health Care
11. Security and Surveillance
12. Smart Life Style
13. Protocols
14. Software
15. Architecture
16. Challenges And Issues
17. Technology Road Map Of IoT
18. Conclusion
19. Bibliography

 It is the next stage of internet when "things” are connected to

web /network
 The Internet of Things (IOT) is a scenario in which objects,
animals or people are provided with unique identifiers(IP
address) and has the ability to transfer data over a network
without requiring human-to-human or human-to computer
interaction. IOT has evolved from the convergence of
wireless technologies, micro electromechanical systems
(MEMS) and the Internet.
 The ITU has described four dimensions in IOT: item
identification (“tagging things”), sensors and wireless sensor
networks (“feeling things”), embedded systems (“thinking
things”) and Nano-technology (“shrinking things”)
Internet Usage and Population Statistics


10.00% 29.00 GAME
31.00 SMART-
 Ambient intelligence
 Semantic Sharing
 Flexible Structure
 Complex access technology
 Event driven
How IOT works


To enhance
To collect and the power of
process the TO MAKE THE
To identify the network
smaller and
by developing
and track data to detect processing smaller things

the data of the changes in capabilities to

have the ability to
connect and
the physical different part
things of the
status of network
The Structure of IoT
The IOT can be viewed as a gigantic network consisting of networks
of devices and computers connected through a series of intermediate
technologies where numerous technologies like RFIDs, wireless
connections may fact as enablers of this connectivity
 Tagging Things : Real-time item traceability and addressability

by RFIDs.
 Feeling Things : Sensors act as primary devices to collect data
from the environment.
 Shrinking Things : Miniaturization and Nanotechnology has
provoked the ability of smaller things to interact and connect
within the “things” or “smart devices.”
 Thinking Things : Embedded intelligence in devices through

sensors has formed the network connection to the Internet. It can

make the “things” realizing the intelligent control.

"The Ultimate Goal of IOT

is to Automate Human Life."
Few Applications of IoT
 Building and Home automation
 Manufacturing
 Medical and Healthcare systems
 Media
 Environmental monitoring
 Infrastructure management
 Energy management
 Transportation
 Better-quality of life for elderly
 Smart Business/inventory and Product management
 • Smart Parking Monitoring of
parking spaces availability in the city.
 • Structural health Monitoring of
vibrations and material conditions in
buildings, bridges and historical
 • Noise Urban Maps Sound
monitoring in bar areas and centric
zones in real time.
 • Traffic Congestion Monitoring of
vehicles and pedestrian levels to
optimize driving and walking routes.eg:
place meter
 • Smart Lighting Intelligent and
weather adaptive lighting in street lights.
 • Waste Management Detection of
rubbish levels in containers to optimize
the trash collection routes.
 Power Internet of Things (PIoT) can be widely applied in every
aspect of smart grid, such as power generation, transmission,
distribution and consumption. AMR (auto meter reading) gives
real time data.
 • IoT based online monitoring system of power lines for
transmission tower leaning, conductor galloping, icing,
temperature, wind deviation, micro meteorology and EV assistant
management systems are some of the areas.
HEALTH  Sensors either wearable (e.g.,
accelerometers, gyroscopes) or fixed

CARE (proximity) will be used to gather data

used to monitor patient activities in their
living environments
 • The use of wearable sensors, together
with suitable applications running on
personal computing devices enables
people to track their daily activities (steps
walked, calories burned exercises
performed, etc.), providing suggestions for
enhancing their lifestyle and prevent the
onset of health problems
 • Emergency situations
Smart Business/inventory and Product
 RFID are customarily used to monitor and manage the movement of products
through a supply chain, while readers are placed throughout the facility to be
monitored. IoT technologies can provide enhanced flexibility in terms of readers
positions, while at the same time enabling seamless interoperability between RFID-
based applications
 real-time product availability and maintain accurate stock inventory.
 after-market support, whereby users can automatically retrieve all data about the
products they bought.
 Also, identification technologies can help in limiting thefts and in fighting
counterfeiting by providing products with a unique identifier
 bio-sensor technologies in combination with RFID technology final product quality
and possible shelf life deterioration of the product, e.g., in the food industry
parameters such as temperature and bacterial composition in order to guarantee
required quality of the final product.
Security and Surveillance
 Ambient sensors can be used to monitor the presence of
dangerous chemicals.
 Sensors monitoring the behavior of people may be used to assess
the presence of people acting in a suspicious way.
 Personal identification by means of RFID or similar technologies
is also an option.
 Fire safety
 Access control
 Beyond schedules, a smart  Smart light bulbs are not only
coffee machine will interact about on/off functions but
with your watch or smart also altering the environment
mattress to know when you you choose to be in and
are waking up so it can brew interact with. Whether it is a
bulb changing to the music
coffee at the perfect time.
playing in the room or a light
 How about a trigger that blinking when your oven is
brews a cup when it detects preheated, smart bulbs have
you’re sleepy? many applications.
 Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a software protocol
intended to be used in very simple electronics devices that allows
them to communicate interactively over the Internet. It is particularly
targeted for small low power sensors, switches, valves and similar
components that need to be controlled or supervised remotely,
through standard Internet networks.
 Web Socket standard simplifies much of the complexity around bi-
directional web communication and connection management.
 IPv6 is an Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched
internetworking and provides end-to-end datagram transmission
across multiple IP networks.
 6LoWPAN is a acronym of IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal
Area Networks. It is an adaption layer for IPv6 over IEEE802.15.4
links. This protocol operates only in the 2.4 GHz frequency range with
250 kbps transfer rate.
Thing square Mist open
source firmware is
exceptionally lightweight,
battle-proven, and works
with multiple
microcontrollers with a range
of radios
Contiki, Node red, Thing
speak through which
MATLAB can be used for
data handling, Riot OS etc.

All these provide software to

log sensor generated data
and to integrate sensors on
gateway devices
The layered architecture has two distinct divisions with an Internet layer in between to serve the
purpose of a common media for communication. The two layers at the bottom con-tribute to data
capturing while the two layers at the top are responsible for data utilization in applications
 Edge layer: this hardware layer consists of sensor networks, embedded systems, RFID tags
and readers or other soft sensors in different forms. These entities are the primary data sensors
deployed in the field. Many of these hardware elements provide identification and information
storage (e.g. RFID tags), information collection (e.g. sensor networks), information processing
(e.g. embedded edge processors), communication, control and actuation.
 Access gateway layer: the first stage of data handling happens at this layer. It takes care of
message routing, publishing and subscribing and also performs cross platform
communication, if required.
 Middleware layer: this is one of the most critical layers that operates in bidirectional mode. It
acts as an interface between the hardware layer at the bottom and the application layer at the
top. It is responsible for critical functions such as device management and information
management and also takes care of issues like data filtering, data aggregation, semantic
analysis, access control, information discovery such as EPC (Electronic Product Code)
information service and ONS(Object Naming Service)
 Application layer: this layer at the top of the stack is responsible for delivery of various
applications to different users in Iota. The applications can be from different industry verticals
such as: manufacturing, logistics, retail, environment, public safety, healthcare, food and drug
etc. With the increasing maturity of RFID technology, numerous applications are evolving
which will be under the umbrella of IoT.
 Issues – Society: People, security, privacy
A policy for people in the Internet of Things
• Legislation – Environmental aspects
• Resource efficiency
• Pollution and disaster avoidance – Technological
• Architecture (edge devices, servers, discovery services,
security, etc.)
• Governance, naming, identity, interfaces
• Service openness, interoperability
• Connections of real and virtual world
• Standards
 IoT will inherit the drawbacks of the current internet
on an infinitely larger, but more invisible scale
– Privacy– will be a huge issue when implementing IoT
– Identity - Online Fragmentation of Identity
– Efficiency – speed - person loses identity and is an IP
– Decisions – do not delegate too much of our decision
making and freedom of choice to things and machines
– Balancing
At present IoT is faced with many challenges, such as:
 Scalability

 Technological Standardization

 Interoperability

 Discovery

 Software complexity
 Data volumes and interpretation

 Power Supply
 Interaction and short range communication
 Wireless communication

 Fault tolerance

 The Internet of Things is closer to being implement than the

average person would think. Most of the necessary
technological advances needed for it have already been
made , and some manufacturers and agencies have already
begun implementing a huge version of it.

 The main reasons why it has not truly been implemented is

the impact it will have on the legal , ethical , security and
social fields. Workers could potentially abuse it ,hackers
could potentially access it.

 But in this new era of advance technology the people are

getting smarter and understand the use of these things which
make their life easier than earlier.

 https://

 https://www.slideshare.net/RohitMahali1/iot-presentation-73099870

 https://

 https://www.slideshare.net/hiteshkumarsingh10/iot-basics-86993434

 https://www.tagoreiet.ac.in/uploads/ICT%20tools/cse/IOT.pptx

“Articles and blogs from google through various people talks and
experts guides”

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