DPT Act 1994
DPT Act 1994
DPT Act 1994
• The Delhi Preservation Of Trees Act, 1994
• (i) trees and leaves, flowers and fruits, and all the other parts of
produce and herein before mentioned, of trees,
• (ii) plants not being trees (including grass, creepers, reeds and
moss), and all parts or produce of such plants,
• (iii) wild animals and skins, tusks, horns, bones, silk, cocoons,
honey and wax, and all other parts or produce of animals, and
• (h) "to fell a tree" with its cognate expression, means severing
the trunk from the roots, uprooting the tree and includes
bulldozing, cutting, girdling, lopping, pollarding, applying
arboricides, burning or damaging a tree in any other manner;
• (i) "tree" means any woody plant whose branches spring from
and are supported upon a trunk or body and whose trunk or body
is not less than five centimetres in diameter at a height of thirty
centimetres from the ground level and is not less than one metre
in height from the ground level;
• (l) words and expressions used in this Act and defined in the
Indian Forest Act, 1927 (Central Act 16 of 1927), but not defined
in this Act, shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them
in that Act.
• Tree Authority
• (i) Secretary of Forests or any other officer not below the rank of
Secretary to the Government nominated by the Government. -----
• (1) The Tree Authority shall meet at least once in three months at
such place and time as the Chairman may decide.
• (3) The Tree Officer shall give his decision within sixty days from
the date of receipt of the application:
• (5) Every permission granted under this Act shall be in such form
and subject to such conditions, including taking of security for
ensuring regeneration of the area and replanting of trees or
otherwise, as may be prescribed.
• 10. Obligation to plant trees.-Every person, who is granted
permission under this Act to fell or dispose of any tree,
• shall be bound to plant such number and kind of trees in the area
from which the tree is felled or disposed of by him under such
permission as may be directed by the Tree Officer:
• exempt any person from the obligation to plant or tend any tree.
• 11. Preservation of trees.-(1) Subject to the provisions of section
13, it shall be the duty of the owner of the land to comply with
an order made under section 9, or a direction issued under
section 10 and
• (2) All the owners shall effectively protect all lands or trees
growing in the lands or the areas under their control and where
the Tree Officer is of the opinion that adequate measures have
not been taken to protect the trees from any damage,
• he may direct the owner to take such measures as are considered
necessary to protect trees from damage.
• which has been severed from the ground or the trunk, as the case
may be.
• 16. Forfeiture of timber and other produce from the tree,
implements used for felling and the vehicle and animals used for
transport of such trees.-
• (1) Where any person is convicted of an offence under this Act,
any timber of the tree in respect of which an offence is
• the tools and implements used for felling and any boats, vehicles,
animals or other conveyances used for its transport, may be
ordered by the court to be forfeited to Government.
• (2) Any timber produce from the tree, tools and implements, etc.,
and any boats, animals or other conveyances forfeited under sub-
section (1) shall be disposed of by the Tree Officer in such
manner as may be prescribed.
• 17. Power to release property seized under section 15.-The Tree
Officer may release the property seized under section 15 if the
owner of the land executes a bond in such form as may be
prescribed for its production whenever required.
• excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place of
arrest to the Court of the Magistrate and no such person shall be
detained in custody beyond the said period without the authority
of the Magistrate.
• 19. Power to release person arrested.- Any officer, who has
arrested any person under the provision of sub-section (1) of
section 18 may release such person on his executing a bond with
proper surety to appear,
• (ii) the value of timber and other produce, if any, from the tree in
respect of which the offence has been committed;
• (b) to release any property seized or liable to confiscation, on
payment of the value thereof as estimated by such officer and
the amount determined 'as payable for composition of the
offence, as of ordered by the Tree Officer or any Forest Officer, as
the case may be.
• the organization for the conduct of its business at the time of the
commission of the offence shall be deemed to be guilty of the
offence and shall be liable to be prosecuted against and punished
• (d) power to hold enquiries into offence under the, Act and in the
course of such inquiry to receive and record evidence;
• (3) Every rule made by the Government under this Act, shall be
laid as soon as may be after it is made, before the Legislative
• (3) They shall come into force with effect from the [date] of their
publication in the Delhi Gazette.
• 2. Definitions. -(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise
• (a) "Act" means the Delhi Preservation of Trees Act, 1994 (Delhi
Act 11 of 1994);
• (2) Words and expressions which are used in these rules but not
defined under these rules or the Act, shall have the meaning as
assigned to them under the Indian Forest Act, 1927 (Central Act
16 of 1927).
• 3. Form of report under section 8. - Every report of trees felled
under section 8 shall be made in Form A.
• (3) Court-fee stamps of the value 5.00 (rupees five only) shall be
affixed on every application, made under these rules.
• his capacity to plant the required kind and number of trees and
also the nature of land, make an order directing the applicant to
plant such number and kind of trees as deemed proper by him
• 8. Preservation of Trees. –
• (1) Where a Tree Officer has reason to believe that the owner or
occupier of any property has failed to array out any direction
given by him under the Act or these rules
• (1). -Where the Tree Officer has reason to believe that any
person has failed to carry out the obligations regarding planting
of trees pursuant to an order made under section 9 or a direction
given under section 10, he shall issue a notice in Form H to such
• (2) The Tree Officer shall, after giving the owner or occupier of
the property a reasonable opportunity of being heard, as regards
the cost of which the trees shall be planted or
• (2) Every petition shall state succinctly the grounds of appeal and
the relief prayed for.
• (2) In preparing the valuation report, the Tree Officer shall give
due regard to the condition of such property and shall follow the
instructions issued by the Government from time-to-time in the
matter of preparing such report.
• (3) The Tree Officer shall make a report alongwith a copy of the
valuation report to the Secretary of Forests of the Government and
• he may seek extension of time for making such report and the
Tree Officer, if satisfied with the reasons given, may extend the
time limit by another thirty days.
• (3) The Tree officer shall cause all such trees to be marked by
suitable identification marks, within Sixty days of the date of
receipt of the report under sub-rule (1) or sub-vile (2) and report
compliance to the Secretary or Forests of the Government.
• (4) The Tree Officer shall also keep a record of such trees in a
Register in Form L.
• (See rule 3)
• The Tree Officer,
• Sir,
• I have to report that I have felled on...........(date) at...........
(time) ........... (number) tree/trees from the property owned by
me/under my occupation in the village...........and District...........I
declare that if the said tree/s not been immediately felled,
It/they would have posed grave danger to life/property/traffic
(delete inapplicable words).
• (i) Name and full address of the signatory (In block letters).
• (ii) Title in respect of land in which tree(s) was/were situated.
• (iii) Location of the site from which tree/s felled (give name and
khasra number of plot and indicate as clearly as possible the
actual situation of the tree).
• Place .............................
• Date .............................
• Signature
• [See sub-rule (1) of rule 4]
• (ii) Name and address of the owner of the property (if different
from applicant).
• (iii) Title of the applicant i.e., whether owner/occupant of the
property, etc.
• whose height is not less than one metre from the ground.
• (vii) The exact area (in Sq. metres) from which felling of trees for
which permit is sought (description of the boundaries).
• (xi) Intended use of felled trees (e.g.) for sale, for domestic use,
• Deponent
• Verification
• Deponent
• [See sub-rule (2) of rule 4]
• To The Tree Officer and Conservator of Forests,
• Sir,
• (ii) Name and address of the owner of the property (if different
from the applicant) from which trees were felled.
• (iii) Title of the applicant i.e., whether owner/occupant of the
property etc., from which trees were felled.
ing or Removal/disposal
Details of the
Nature Date Date of
Details of decision taken
whic to the applicant
• FORM E (See rule 6)
• Tree Officer and Conservator of Forests, Government of National
Capital Territory of Delhi. .............................. Dated.......
20 .................
• Subject:-Permission to fell trees.
Sl.No. Species No
• 6. He/she shall deposit a sum of Rs ..................(Rupees.............)
only as security in the office of ......................before starting
felling of the tree/s for ensuring the replanting of the trees
indicated at serial No. 5 above.
• then the Tree Officer shall himself arrange to replant the trees
and recover the cost thereof from the permit holder by way of
adjustment against the security deposit made by the permit
holder or failing that, by recovery of as arrears of land revenue.
• Copy submitted for information to:-,
• 1. The Secretary of Forests, Government of National Capital
Territory of Delhi.
• ( .............).
• Tree Officer and Conservator of Forests
• Shri/Smt ................
• Copy to:
• 1. The Range Forest Officer............ This has reference to his letter
No .............
• 2. The Secretary of Forests, Government of National Capital Territory
of Delhi.
• FORM H [See sub-rule (1) of rule 9]
• Whereas Shri/Smt............was ordered /directed to plant trees in
the property known as............bearing khasra No .............and
situated in the village............and district............vide specified
• Shri/Smt...........
Sl. No.
Name & address of the applicant
Date of receipt
• I/we hereby undertake to keep the said property with me/us for
safe custody. I/we further undertake to produce the said
property ................................... (description of the property)
intact and in the same condition as they are now (reasonable
wear and tear excepted)
• (ii)....................................................................................
(Signature, name and address) Signature
FORM L [See sub-rule (4) of rule 14]
SI. Name & Date of No. of trees Date on which Date on Remarks
NO address Report (specieswis trees are which
e to be marked with report
given) identification submitted
marks to the
of Forests
1 2 3 4 5 6 7