Breathing Techniques
Breathing Techniques
Breathing Techniques
How do you
BREATH is the fuel for singing. The tone we produce when we sing
rests on a cushion of air; thus, the breath is the fuel for the sounds
we produce. The more control you have over the airflow, the more
control you will have over your singing tone. It is how important it is
to supply the fuel properly. The upper airway needs to be open and
Breathing is movement – the movement of air, movement of
muscles and organs, and movement of energy. A healthy voice
means free movement of air and all the muscles involved in
breathing, and free movement of the vocal folds.
In singing, we want to create a feeling of firm support for the lungs so
that as we use the air, the rib cage does not collapse. It is a feeling of
nonviolent resistance keeping the rib cage high and wide and not
allowing the ribs to drop into the waistline. The singer must learn to
inhale quicker and exhale slower than in normal reflexive breathing.
Here’s a simple exercise to discover the muscles and organs involved with
breathing as a singer:
1. Begin with a standing singer’s posture, holding the chest high and
2. Inhale through the nose as you expand the rib cage and lungs to
3. Release any tension in the chest or shoulder area. Now exhale, using
a hissing sound like air escaping from a tire, as you count slowly
from one to eight.
4. Resist the inclination to allow the rib cage to collapse while exhaling.
• Inhale through the nose as you expand the rib cage and lungs to capacity.
• To let the breath out, count aloud extremely slowly from one to six (no
faster than one number per second), with much openness and resonance in
the voice, constantly feeding the tone a great deal of warm air.
• To keep the chest high and wide, think of expanding the rib cage again as
you speak each number.
• Your full breath should be used up when you finish speaking the number
six. Now take another full breath and begin again. As your breath control
grows, increase the count to 8, 10, 12, and so forth (remember to keep the
same slow tempo or speed).
• To strengthen muscles, hold the chest high and wide, and inhale through
the nose as you expand the rib cage and lungs to capacity.
• Now sing the following exercise, thinking about the support and control
provided by the diaphragm as it slowly rises, while the chest stays high,
wide, and quiet. Begin on a comfortable note in your range and sing up
and then down the scale, making each note staccato and using the
following sounds and notes.