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Final Presentation - Changunarayan Municipality

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Contract information

Detailed engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimate of
Gospul Bidol Phat- Sudal Kalam-Masi Nagarkot Road

Client: Changunarayan Municipality

Consultant: ERMC Pvt. Ltd

• Detailed Survey and Engineering Design of Existing roads for
improvement to double lane bituminous standard
S.N Parameters Design Output
1 Length of road 8.285 km
2 Carriageway width 7m
3 Formation Width 13-14m
4 Shoulder Width 2m on either side
5 Green Zone 1m
6 Drain 1m (Rectangular)
7 Design Speed 25 km/hr
Location Map

Starting Point: Gospul,


End Point: kalamasi,

Current Road Scenario
Carriageway: Double lane bituminous Standard upto 1.580 km
Single lane Gravel Road in the remaining sections
Formation: Single lane to Intemediate Lane (4 to 5.5 m)
Alignment: Rolling & Hilly
Geo-graphical Feature: Passes through the rocks of the Tistung
Formation of the Lesser Himalaya Typical Road Section
Climate: warm and temperate
Right of Way (ROW): - 7.5m either side from center line

Shoulder Width: - 0.5m to 1m (unpaved)

Horizontal & Vertical Curvature:
- Horizontal curves are substandard in general (<15m)
- Steep gradients in some sections exceeding 12%

Current Road Scenario
• Culverts and Drain:
• Generally functional, clear of debris, vegetation growth around inlet and outlet.
• Width = 6.80 m between inside of head walls.
• Drains are fully functional and not blocked from debris.
• Geotechnical and Geological:
• Density of mass movement (landslide and erosion) are low
• stable alignment
• Sensitive Locations: More than 10 cut slope failures lying mostly in residual and colluvial soil deposits
• Social and Environmental:
• RoW is clear generally except in some of the built up areas.
• ROW clearing and dismantling of structures in corridor of influence will challenge the road construction
• Major environmental issues those may arise from the construction are:
• stabilization of hill slopes,
• generation of spoil and safe disposal,
• air and noise nuisance, water pollution,
• health and safety of the workers, worker’s camps,
• quarry and borrow and stockpiling of material.
Road Survey

1. Topographical Survey

• Monumentation of the major control points.

• Prepare Description Cards
• Control traverse.
• Detailed topographical survey project alignments.
• Prepare topographical map of contour interval 1m from the survey data.
• Submit detail survey report.

2. Traverse:
• Closed traverse loops were carried out between the Control Stations
Road Survey

3. Detail Topographical Survey

• High Flood Level, Water Level, River Center, River Bank etc.,
• Gully or Streams etc.,
• Boulders, Trees etc.,
• Temples, Church, Gumba, Mosque etc.,
• Residential Buildings, Boundary Walls, City Boundary etc.,
• Tap, Water Chambers, Water Tanks etc.,
• Metal Roads, Gravel Road, Tracks etc.,
• Bridges, Culverts, etc.,
• Telephone Chambers, Telephone Cabinets, Telephone Poles etc.,
• Transformers, Electric Poles, etc.,
• Fire Hydrants, Man Holes, etc.,
• Irrigation Canals, Drain etc.,
4. Topographical Mapping
5. Road Inventory
6. Structure and Cross-drainage Inventory
Geological studies
Studied and Analysed the following aspects:
• Regional Geology
• Geomorphology
• Surface Geology
• Slope Stability Condition
• Landslide and Cut Slope Failures
• Slope Stability
• Engineering Geological Study
• Geological Hazard Study
• Construction Material Survey
Surface Geology
• Road follows the rocks of the Tistung Formation of the Lesser Himalaya.
The tistung fomartion is composed of metasandstone.
• No presence of fault and thrust along the road alignment
• Passes through slightly weathered rock and colluvial, residual soil
deposits. Thickness of colluvial and residual soil deposits range from 1 to
more than 3m.
• Natural hill slope ranges from 5 to 65 degrees.
• Less chance of cut slope failure due to low height cut slope and land use
Regional Geological Map of Bhaktapur Area (Stocklin
and Bhattarai, 1977)
Hydrological study
Approach of Hydrological Study
• Identify representative hydrological stations (RHS)
• Identify representative meteorological stations (RMS)
• Collect monthly and instantaneous flood flow data of RHS
• Collect monthly and extreme 24-hr rainfall data of RMS
• Analyze RHS data: average monthly flow, trend, peak flow
• Analyze RMS data: average monthly rainfall, trend, 24-hr max. rainfall, IDF curves
• Field visit to visually observe site condition of existing cross drainages along the
road, potential landslide and debris flow areas, river bed materials, mark
approximate location of cross drainage using GPS
• GIS Analysis: delineation of catchment of each cross drainage, length and slope
of main river, river slope in the vicinity of cross drainage, average rainfall using
Thiessen Polygon
• Use GIS analysis output to estimate flood flows for 100 years return period using
• Use output of survey (x-section) along bridge to estimate HFL and other
hydrological parameters
• Use rainfall data to check peak discharge in bridges, culverts and side drains
Summary of Rainfall Stations
Index Elevation MAR MWI
Station Name Latitude Longitude
No. (m) (mm) (mm)

NAGARKOT 1043 27 42 85 31 2163 1896 1547

BHAKTAPUR 1052 27 40 85 25 1330 1515 1193

NANGKHEL 1082 27 39 85 28 1428 DNA DNA

CHANGU HARAYAN 1059 27 42 85 25 1543 DNA DNA

Hourly Design Intensities for the Proposed Road

Return Period, T
2 5 10 20 50 100
Hourly Rainfall Design
Intensity (mm/min) 0.76 0.86 0.93 1.01 1.10 1.18
Design Floods of Different Return Periods

Return Period, T
2 5 10 20 50 100

Design Floods by PCJ

1996 (m3/sec/km2)

1.1 3.5 5.3 7.1 9.4 11.2

Hydraulics of Proposed Cross Drains (Pipe Culvert)

CD type Size Full flowing Max. design Length of Max. Head Friction Max. flow,
  (m) area, m2 slope, % CD, m loss, m coeff.(f) m3/sec

0.60 0.28 3 6 0.18 0.05 2.66 0.74

Pipe culvert

0.90 0.63 3 6 0.18 0.05 3.26 2.05

Pipe culvert

1.20 1.12 3 6 0.18 0.05 3.76 4.21

Pipe culvert
Design Floods of Different Return Periods

Drain Type b, m d, m A, m2 P, m R, m n S V, m/s Q, m3/s

Tick Drain [A] 0.8 0.3 0.12 1.154 0.104 0.016 0.10 4.34 0.52

Tick Drain [B] 0.8 0.45 0.18 1.368 0.131 0.016 0.10 5.07 0.91

0.45 0.45 0.2025 1.31 0.155 0.016 0.10 5.66 1.15
Drain [C]
Selection of Cross Drainage Structures Type

Pipe culverts:

• proposed in areas where the discharge is concentrated

• intersection points of vertical gradients

Slab culverts

• Slab culverts will be preferred for cases where the topography would make construction of a
floodway/causeway difficult.
Proposed Pavement composition
Pavement Layers New Pavement Strengthening

Asphalt Wearing 30 mm 30 mm

Granular Base 100 mm 150 mm

Sub-base, CBR 30% 150 mm 150 mm
Task Performed in Detailed Engineering Design

• Detailed design of Horizontal/vertical alignment and Cross sections

• Design retaining and support structures
• Design slope protection measures
• Finalize the design of Pavement structures
• Design and selection of appropriate drainage
• Design cross-drainage structures
• Develop Materials source maps to show potential construction material sources, with type
of material and indicative quantities available
• Prepare detailed drawings and specifications
Design approach & complications
• Design radius=min. 20m
• Design Speed=25km/h
• Due to the narrow existing radius, the alignment is shifted
more towards hillside (preferably) or valley side inducing
heavy cutting and filling respectively.
• Camber Slope
Design approach & complications
District Road (Core Network)
S.No Design Standard
Hill Terai

1 Ruling gradient (%) 7 5

2 Limiting gradient (%) 10 6

3 Exceptional gradient (%) 12 7

4 Limitation of maximum gradient length (m) above average gradient of 7% 300 -

5 Maximum recovery gradient (%) to be applied after gradient in excess of 7% for a minimum recovery length of 150 4 -

6 Maximum gradient at bridge approach (%) 6 5*

7 Minimum gradient on hill roads (for better drainage) (%) 0.5 (max 1%) -
Project Appreciation and Design standards
Road Cross Section, 2 Lane - NRS 2070
Design Output
Environmental Consideration Made in Alignment
Section, Survey and Design Phase
• Avoidance of landslide-prone and geological unstable areas, sensitive ecosystems and important
cultural and religious sites.
• Avoidance of large scale cutting and filling incorporating the idea of mass balancing
• Proper Design of Cut slopes to minimize possibility of destabilization
• Provision of suitable drainage facilities utilizing discharge to natural drainage channels
• Provision of spoil mass transportation up to nearby tipping sites
• Shifting of Electric poles, water supply pipelines etc from roadway to safe sites
• Bioengineering works along with small slope protection civil structures
• Rehabilitation and reconstruction of irrigation canals
• Inlet and outlet protection works of cross drainages, culverts to mitigate the damage to cultivated
land, private property etc
• Provision of breast walls in potential and existing landslide area
• Proper drainage management to protect the road and roadside slope from adverse effect of
accumulated water
Comparision between Previously agreed DPR
and newly Prepared DPR
S.N Parameters Old DPR New Design Output

1 Length of Road 8.967 km 8.612 km

2 Carriageway width 3.75 m 7m

2 Formation Width 6.25 m 13-14m

3 Shoulder 0.75 m on either side 2m on either side
4 Green Zone Nil 1m
5 Drain Rectangular (1m) Rectangular (1m)
6 Earthwork 41123.179 cum (Cut) 199220.046(Cut)
20740.486 cum (Fill) 49132.957(Fill)
7 Retaining Works 3409.095(Masonry)
Comparision between Previously agreed DPR
and newly Prepared DPR
S.N Parameters Old DPR New Design Output

8 Side Drain 7002m

Covered Drain 2820 m
9 Cross Drainage Structures 30 no.s Pipe Culvert 30 no.s Pipe Culvert
2 no.s Slab Culvert 2 no.s Slab Culvert
1 no. box culvert 1 no. box culvert
10 Total Cost of Road NRs 254,797429.7 NRs 350,940,189.07

11 Cost Per Km of Road NRs 28,415,013.9 NRs 42,358,502.00

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