Final Presentation - Changunarayan Municipality
Final Presentation - Changunarayan Municipality
Final Presentation - Changunarayan Municipality
Detailed engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimate of
Gospul Bidol Phat- Sudal Kalam-Masi Nagarkot Road
Current Road Scenario
• Culverts and Drain:
• Generally functional, clear of debris, vegetation growth around inlet and outlet.
• Width = 6.80 m between inside of head walls.
• Drains are fully functional and not blocked from debris.
• Geotechnical and Geological:
• Density of mass movement (landslide and erosion) are low
• stable alignment
• Sensitive Locations: More than 10 cut slope failures lying mostly in residual and colluvial soil deposits
• Social and Environmental:
• RoW is clear generally except in some of the built up areas.
• ROW clearing and dismantling of structures in corridor of influence will challenge the road construction
• Major environmental issues those may arise from the construction are:
• stabilization of hill slopes,
• generation of spoil and safe disposal,
• air and noise nuisance, water pollution,
• health and safety of the workers, worker’s camps,
• quarry and borrow and stockpiling of material.
Road Survey
1. Topographical Survey
2. Traverse:
• Closed traverse loops were carried out between the Control Stations
Road Survey
Return Period, T
2 5 10 20 50 100
Tick Drain [A] 0.8 0.3 0.12 1.154 0.104 0.016 0.10 4.34 0.52
Tick Drain [B] 0.8 0.45 0.18 1.368 0.131 0.016 0.10 5.07 0.91
0.45 0.45 0.2025 1.31 0.155 0.016 0.10 5.66 1.15
Drain [C]
Selection of Cross Drainage Structures Type
Pipe culverts:
Slab culverts
• Slab culverts will be preferred for cases where the topography would make construction of a
floodway/causeway difficult.
Proposed Pavement composition
Pavement Layers New Pavement Strengthening
Asphalt Wearing 30 mm 30 mm
5 Maximum recovery gradient (%) to be applied after gradient in excess of 7% for a minimum recovery length of 150 4 -
7 Minimum gradient on hill roads (for better drainage) (%) 0.5 (max 1%) -
Project Appreciation and Design standards
Road Cross Section, 2 Lane - NRS 2070
Design Output
Environmental Consideration Made in Alignment
Section, Survey and Design Phase
• Avoidance of landslide-prone and geological unstable areas, sensitive ecosystems and important
cultural and religious sites.
• Avoidance of large scale cutting and filling incorporating the idea of mass balancing
• Proper Design of Cut slopes to minimize possibility of destabilization
• Provision of suitable drainage facilities utilizing discharge to natural drainage channels
• Provision of spoil mass transportation up to nearby tipping sites
• Shifting of Electric poles, water supply pipelines etc from roadway to safe sites
• Bioengineering works along with small slope protection civil structures
• Rehabilitation and reconstruction of irrigation canals
• Inlet and outlet protection works of cross drainages, culverts to mitigate the damage to cultivated
land, private property etc
• Provision of breast walls in potential and existing landslide area
• Proper drainage management to protect the road and roadside slope from adverse effect of
accumulated water
Comparision between Previously agreed DPR
and newly Prepared DPR
S.N Parameters Old DPR New Design Output