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Class - XII Unit - 1

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Kendriya Vidyalaya

AGCR colony, 1 Shift,


Welcome to Class - XII
Subject :- Physical education
Syllabus :-Physical education
Class XII (2022–23)
Theory Max. Marks 70
Unit I Management of Sporting Events
● Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organising,
Staffing, Directing & Controlling)
● Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post)
● Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) &
League (Staircase & Cyclic)
Unit II Children & Women in Sports

 Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Bow Legs;

Flat Foot; Round Shoulders; Lordosis, Kyphosis, and
Scoliosis and their corrective measures
 Specialconsideration (Menarche & Menstrual
 Female Athletes Triad (Osteoporosis, Amenorrhea,
Eating Disorders)
Unit III Yoga as Preventive measure for
Lifestyle Disease
 Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana,
Pavanmuktasana, Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardha – Matsyendrasana,
Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Suryabedhan pranayama.
 Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Katichakrasana,
Pavanmuktasana,Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-vajarasana,
Paschimottanasana, Ardha-Mastendrasana, Mandukasana, Gomukasana, Yogmudra,
Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati.
 Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana,
UttanMandukasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati,
Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-Viloma.
 Hypertension: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakransan,
Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana, Sarala Matyasana, Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasana,
Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shavasana, Nadishodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam.
Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN
(Children with Special Needs - Divyang)

 Organizations promoting Disability Sports (Special Olympics;

Paralympics; Deaflympics)
 Advantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs.
 Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with
special needs.
Unit V Sports & Nutrition

Concept of balance diet and nutrition

Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food sources & functions

Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components of Diet

Unit VI Test & Measurement in Sports
 Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school:
o Age group 5-8 yrs/ class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test
o Age group 9-18yrs/ class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit & Reach
flexibility test, Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for boys, Modified
Push-Ups for girls).
 Computing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
 Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test
I. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength
II. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength
III. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility
IV. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility
V. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility
VI. Six Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance
Unit VII Physiology & Injuries in Sports
 Physiological factors determining components of physical fitness
 Effect of exercise on Muscular System
 Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System
 Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries -Abrasion,
Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain; Bone & Joint
Injuries - Dislocation, Fractures - Green Stick, Comminuted,
Transverse Oblique & Impacted)
Unit VIII Biomechanics & Sports

Newton’s Law of Motion & its application in sports

Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static and Centre of Gravity and its
application in sports
Friction & Sports
Projectile in Sports
Unit IX Psychology & Sports
Personality; its definition & types (Jung Classification & Big
Five Theory)
Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports
Psychological Attributes in Sports – Self Esteem, Mental
Imagery, Self Talk, Goal Setting
Unit X Training in Sports
 Concept of Talent Identification and Talent Development in Sports
 Introduction to Sports Training Cycle – Micro, Meso, Macro Cycle.
 Types & Method to Develop – Strength, Endurance and Speed
 Types & Method to Develop – Flexibility and Coordinative Ability
Practical Max. Marks 30
Practical Max. Marks 30
1. Physical Fitness Test: SAI Khelo India Test, Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT)* 6
2. 02. Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of any one IOA recognised Sport/Game of Choice)** 7 Marks
3. 03. Yogic Practices 7 Marks
4. 04. Record File *** 5 Marks
5. 05. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) 5 Marks
*Test for CWSN (any 4 items out of 27 items. One item from each component: Aerobic Function, Body Composition, Muscular
strength & Endurance, Range of Motion or Flexibility)
**CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang): Bocce/Boccia , Sitting Volleyball, Wheel Chair Basketball, Unified
Badminton, Unified Basketball, Unified Football, Blind Cricket, Goalball, Floorball, Wheel Chair Races and Throws, or any
other Sport/Game of choice.
**Children With Special Needs can also opt any one Sport/Game from the list as alternative to Yogic Practices. However, the
Sport/Game must be different from Test - ‘Proficiency in Games and Sports’
***Record File shall include:
❖ Practical-1: Fitness tests administration.
❖ Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for each lifestyle disease.
❖ Practical-3: Anyone one IOA recognised Sport/Game of choice. Labelled diagram of Field & Equipment. Also mention its
Rules, Terminologies & Skills.
Start the unit -I

Unit I
Management of
Sporting Events
Unit I Management of Sporting Events

 Functionsof Sports Events Management (Planning,

Organising, Staffing, Directing & Controlling)
 VariousCommittees & their Responsibilities (pre;
during & post)
 Fixturesand its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye &
Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic)
Introduction :
Sport management is the field of business dealing with
sports and recreation. Sports management involves any
combination of skills that correspond with planning,
organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting, leading, or
evaluating of any organization or business within the
sports field.
Specifically, sports management as a profession
involves the oversight of nearly all aspects of an athletic
program's competition. This may include athletic
training, providing resources for athlete education,
ensuring team and coach compliance, even fostering
interest for your team or club in local communities.
Management : Management is a set of principles which relate to
the various functions such as planning, organizing, staffing,
directing, coordinating, controlling etc. which are helpful in
achieving organizational goals.
Definition of management : A'Management Is a distinct process
consisting of planning, organising, actuating and controlling;
utilising in each both science and art, and followed in order to
accomplish pre-determined objectives.“
According to Peter F. Drucker "Management is a multi-purpose
organ that manages business and manages managers and
manages workers and work."
According to Mc Farland, "Management is how managers create,
direct, maintain and operate purposive organizations through
systemic, coordinated and cooperative human effort."

Sports management is the field of business dealing with sports

and recreation. Sports management involves skills that
correspond with planning, organizing, directing, controlling,
budgeting, leading, or evaluating any organization or business
within the sports field.
According to P. Chelladurari, "Sports management coordinates
resources, technologies, processes, personnel and situational
contingencies for the efficient production and exchange of
sports services."
Meaning of Planning
Planning is deciding in advance as to what is to what is
to be performed and when, where, how and by whom
it is to be performed. In fact, planning is process which
helps us in reaching our goal efficiently and smoothly.
It can also be said that a plan is a predetermined
course of action to achieve a specified goal.
“Planning is the process of making a sequence of work
for a future line of action”.
Definition of Planning :

 Accordingto A.K. Furn—Planning is a process to

achieve objectives by solving the problems and
making it easier to complete the task Whereas.
 O.Donnell says—Planning is a process of making
decision like why, when, how by whom.
 Accordingto Allen – “A plan is a trap laid to
capture the future”.
Objectives Of Planning
 To reduce undue pressure
 To provide proper co-ordination among the committees.
 To have good control over all the activities.
 To improve efficiency.
 To reduce the chances of mistakes.
 To increase the creativity.
 To enhance the sports performance.
 To protect existing facilities.
 Provide new facilities to meet demand.
 Helps in decision making.
 The organisation is a process of identifying and grouping the work to be
performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and
establishing the relationships for the purpose of enabling the people to work
most effectively. The organisation is the detailed arrangement of work and
working conditions in order to perform the assigned activities in an effective
manner. 'Organising translates plans into action' by deciding who will perform a
particular task, and how and where it will be performed.
 According to Louis A. Allen : "It is the process of identifying and
grouping of the works to be performed, defining and delegating
responsibility and authority and establishing relationships for the
purpose of enabling people to work most efficiently"
 According to Theo Haimman : "Organising is the process of
defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and
establishing authority relationship among them.
Staffing is the process of filling positions/posts in the organization with
adequate and qualified personnel. Staffing is the process of acquiring,
deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality t
create positive impacts on the organization's effectiveness
 Definition:
According to McFarland: "Staffing is the function by which managers
build an organization through the recruitment, selection, and
development of individuals as capable employees."

 According to Koontz, O'Donnell and Heinz Weihrich: "Filling the position

in the organization structure through identifying workforce
requirements, inventorying the people available, recruitment, selection,
placement, promotion, appraisal, compensation, and training of needed

Directing is said to be a process in which the managers

instruct, guide, and oversee the performance of the workers
to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the
heart of the management process. Planning, organizing, and
staffing have got no importance if direction function does
not take place.
 Definition:

According to Koontz and O'Donnel: "Directing is the

interpersonal aspect of managing by which the subordinates
are led to understand and contribute effectively and
efficiently to the attainment of the enterprise's objectives".
 Controlling is the basic managerial function. It is the process of ensuring the actual
activities are confined to the planned activity. It is an essential function for all
levels of management. It ensures the right things are done in the right manner at
right time. Each and every organization set its goals. All activities are directed
towards the goals. Controlling is defined as a measurement of Actual performance
and expected performance and taking corrective action.
 Definition:
According to Koontz and O'Donnell : "Controlling is the measurement
and correction of the performance of subordinates to make sure that
the enterprise objectives and plans devised to attain them are being
According to George R. Terry: "Controlling is determining what is being
accomplished, that is, evaluating the performance and if necessary,
applying corrective measures so that the performance takes place
according to plans.”
Various Committees & its
Responsibilities (pre; during & post)

 Formation of committees and their Responsibilities


Executive Committee

Responsibilities pre Responsibilities during Responsibilities post

Responsibilities Pre
• To prepare the budget of the tournament.
• To prepare the Schedule or programme.
• To prepare sports Ground/courts/Track , sports equipment.
• To form the various committee.
• To send the information to the various teams about dates and
venues of the tournament.
• Food and accommodation committee.
• To arrange prizes and certificates for winners.
• To send the entry forms to the various institutions early and receive
them on time for timely preparation of fixtures.
Responsibilities during
 Arrangement during inauguration of sports tournament.
 Tocheck that the sports ground/field/court and related sports
equipment are in order.
 Organised as per schedule.
 To check the arrangement of refreshment to players and
 Necessary
announcements regarding the progress of the
 Score sheet and record.
 Update information to the electronic and print media.
 To maintain proper discipline.
Responsibilities post
 Prizes and certificates to the participants.
 Detailed results and other necessary information to the
 Security refunds to the departing team.
 To collect all the records/files.
 Payment to the officials.
 Toprepare reports related to the expenditure of the
 Mementos to the chief guest or guest of honour , etc.
Executive Committee
Organising committee for Games & Sports
Publicity committee
Marking committee
Finance committee
Transport committee
Food and accommodation committee
Committee for officials
Reception committee
Ground and equipment committee
Committee on entries &Programmes
First Aid committee
Committee for Entertainment & Refreshments
Announcement Committee
 Tournament – Knock-Out, League Or
Round Robin & Combination
 Procedure To Draw Fixtures – Knock-
Out (Bye & Seeding) & League
(Staircase & Cyclic)
Tournament – Knock-Out, League Or Round
Robin & Combination

Tournament:- A planned series of matches

schedule among teams and players within
certain framework of rules and regulations for
supremacy is called tournament. In tournaments
there are various methods to organise in which
teams and players participate, to give their best
Importance of Tournament
 The sportsman learns the discipline by playing tournaments.
 The sportsman meets other sportsman at a single platform.
 He learns ethical values such as honesty, fair play, respect
for others.
 Tournaments provides recreation to all, i.e. organizers,
spectators, students.
 Helpful in Selection of Players.
Types of Tournament

1- Knockout or Elimination Tournament

2- League or Round Robin Tournament
3- Combination Tournament
4- Challenge Tournament
1- Knockout or Elimination Tournament

1- Knockout or Elimination Tournament

A-Consolation tournament First Type
B-Consolation tournament Second Type
 Meaning of Knockout or Elimination Tournament:- In this
type of tournament, the team once defeated, gets
eliminated from the tournament. Only the winning teams
contest in the next rounds. Opportunities are given to the
winning players/teams.
Meaning of Fixture :-fixture is a fixed schedule
where day, date and time are mentioned for the
participating teams are players.it is fixed on the
basis of the lots and is important to see and check
that previous years winner and runner-up teams
are in different halves.it is decided beforehand
whether tournament will be knockout, league,
combination and accordingly schedule is fixed. We
call it fixture of the tournament.
Meaning of Competition:- Competition is
a struggle is a contest. It may be in any
sports activity or academic pursuit or in
any other field of life. Competition may
be between two team or more individuals
or between two or more teams of the
same place or different places.
Procedure to Draw Fixture Knockout
 Step1. Divide the total no teams in to two half if total
no teams are more than 16 divided than also in quarter.
 Step 2. Check if total no of team are in power of two
i.e. (2,4,8,16,32,64........) or not.
 Step3. If total no of teams are not in power of two
then byes will be given.
 Step 4. Calculate the byes & place them according to
the formula.
 Step5. Arrange the match. It should be remembered
that match can be arranged between the teams in the
same round.
 Step 6. It should be remembered that if the
total no teams are more than 16 the byes of
upper half will be placed separately my lower
half will be separately.
 Step7. In case of seeding or special seeding we
calculate the byes of the deducting total no
seeding from the total no. of teams.
Formula No. 1. Total no matches = total no of
team 1
Formula No. 2. To calculate total no of rounds
multiply 2 with 2 continuously (2*2*2*....) unit
the multiplication value reaches equal to or
more than the total no. of teams than
calculate the repetition of digit 2multiplication
which will be equal to total no rounds.
 Formula No. 3 total no byes = next power of total
no of team

 Formula No. 4 If total no teams are even. 2,4,6,8

 Team in upper half = total no team/2
 Team of lower half =Total no team/2

 Total no teams are odd (1,3,5,7,9....) then

 Team in upper half =Total no teams+1/2
 Teams in Lower half =Total no teams-1/2
Formula No. 5 :-
Bye:-When the total no of teams are not in
power of two (i.e.2,4,8,16,32,64) then byes are
given to some team. Those teams get the bye
they do not play in 1st round they directly play
in the 2nd round.
If total no byes are even (2,4,6,8)
Then byes in upper half =Total no Byes/2
Bye in lower half =Total no Byes/2
 If total no bye are odd (1,3,5,7)Then
 Bye in upper half =Total no Bye-1/2
 Byes in lower half =Total no Byes-1/2
 Formula no. 6. When divide the total no of team in
quarter then divide the total no. of team my 4 &
follow the given table.
Formula no - 7 placement of bye :-
 1st bye will be given to last team of lower half
 2nd bye will be given no. 1st team of upper half
 3rd bye will be given to 1st team of lower half
 4th bye will be given to last team of upper half
 5th bye comes besides bye no. 1
 6th bye besides bye no. 2
 7th besides bye no. 3
 8thbye near to bye no. 4 then 9 the bye near to bye
no. 5 soon
 Meaning of Seeding:-Seeding is a special advantage
given to last year winner & runner up team or to the
good teams of the Tournament with the help of seeding
teams can be directly entered in to any round except
the final round seeding always given in form of power
of two i.e. (2,4,8,16,32).
 Special Seeding: Any player of team which gets direct
entry into quarter or semi-final is known as special
 Seeding placement will follow the same sequence of
Example of knockout basis fixture
 Example 1 :- 13 team fixture on the basis of
knockout .
 Totalno. of matches :-(n-1)Total no teams -1 =
13-1=12 matches
 Total no of round = 2*2*2*2(next power of two)
 Digit 2 repeats four time so no of round =4rounds
 Total no bye :- next power of 2- total no. of team
16-13 =03bye
No of team in upper half
=Total no of team+1/2= 13+1/2= 07 team
No. of teams in lower half

=Total no of team-1/2 = 13-1/2= 06 team

No. of bye on upper half

= No. of bye -1/2 = 3-1/2= 1 bye

No. of bye on lower half

= No. of bye +1/2 =3+1/2= 2bye

Example 2 :-Fixture for 24 team on the basis
knockout tournament
 Total no matches = Total no of team -1 = 24-1 = 23 matches
 Total no. round = 2*2*2*2*2
i.e. Digit 2 report 5 times = 5 rounds
So total no round = 5 round
 Total team in upper half = Total no of teams =24/2
 Total team in lower half = Total no of teams =24/2
 = 12 teams
 Total No bye= next power of two-total no of team= 32-24 = 08 byes
 Bye in upper half = 8/2 = 4
 Bye in lower half = 8/2 = 4
Example(3) :-11 teams by giving Seeding of 2 teams

 Total no matches = Total no of team -1 = 11-1 = 10

 Total no round = 2*2*2*2
 Repatriation of digit 2 is 4 time so total no round = 4 rounds
 When seeding is given in fixture, one round is added
 Total no bye :- next power of two =
(total no team - no seeding teams)
= 16- (11-2) = 16-9 = 7 byes
Team in upper half =Total no of team+1/2
= 11+1/2 = 6 teams
Team in lower half =Total no of team-1/2

= 11-1/2 = 5 teams
No. of bye on upper half

= No. of bye -1/2 = 7-1/2=3 bye

No. of bye on lower half

= No. of bye +1/2 =7+1/2=4bye

Advantages of knockout Tournament
 These tournament are economical and less expensive.
 Tournament run for shorter duration as number of
matches are less.
 Theperformance of each team/player has to be their
best effort because of fear exit from tournament.
 Thereis less requirement of number of officials due to
shorter duration of tournament.
 ConsideredNot so fair chance to all teams so odder
decided to draw.
Disadvantages of Knockout Tournament
 Itmay be possible that stronger team being matched
together in early round & get eliminated in the early round
that can lose the charm of the tournament.
 Itmay be possible that weak team got the position in the
 Due to the fear of elimination players play with the fear
which is not good for his health & sports performance.
 Talented players some time are not selected due to
elimination of their team in early round.
League Or Round Robin
League Or Round Robin :-
In this kind of tournament each player or team gets a
chance to play against all other teams at last once. How
ever in double league, the teams get chance to play twice
against each opponent.
 Two Types of League Tournament:
 (a) Single League
 (b) Double League
(a)Single League: In this league, the
team is certainly going to play each team
once. The number of total matches is
decided by this formula = N( N- 1)/2

(b)Double League: In this league, each

team plays their opponent twice. The
number of matches is determined with
help of this formula = N (N – 1)
Advantages of League Tournament

1. Only real player/ team that has best

potential will be the winner of the tournament.
2. Charm of the tournament still maintained
through out the tournament.
3. Good team/ player will continues through out
the tournament so the chance of selection of
good players is still alive.
Disadvantages of League Tournament

1. Funds are required more

2. Time is required more
3. Result come late
4. Officials & ground needed more
5. Equipment's are needed more.
Procedure to draw the picture (League or
Round Robin tournament )

The following methods are used for the

fixtures in a league tournament :-
1- Cyclic Method
2- Staircase Method
3- Tabular Method
1-Cyclic Method

 Cyclic Method:-In cyclic method, if the number of teams is

even, the team number 1 is fixed on the top of right hand
side and other teams in ascending order consecutively
downward and then upward on the left side and rotate them
clockwise. If the number of teams is odd, then bye is fixed
on top right side and the rest procedure remains same.
 Total no. of match for single league =N (N 1)/2
(N= Total Number of team)
 Total no. of matches for double league= N (N – 1)
 If no. of teams is even, the rounds would be = N – 1.
 If no. of team is odd the rounds would be = N.
2-Staircase Method

Staircase Method:-In stair-case method,

the fixtures are made just like a ladder
or a stair- case. In this method, no bye
is given to any team and there is no
problem of even or odd number of
Method of Deciding the Winner in a League Tournament

 Ifa team gets maximum points in a tournament, it is declared the

winner of the tournament. The following way is used to give the
Winner of the match = 2 points
Loser of the match = 0 point
Draw = 1 point
 British Method
Percentage of points = Total points obtained × 100/Total possible
 American Method:
Percentage =Matches won/Matches played× 100
3-Combination tournament:
 Combination Tournaments: Combination tournaments are
organized in group or zonal matches. Whenever there is a
large number of teams, combination tournaments facilitate
the Physical Education Teachers, job. It gives them elbow
room to try out new experiments.
There are mainly four types of combination tournaments.
 (a) Knock out cum knock out
 (b) League cum league
 (c) Knock out Cum league
 (d) League cum knock out
4. Challenge Tournament
A challenge is a request made to the
holder of a competitive title for a
match between champion and
challenger, the winner of which will
acquire or retain the title. In some
cases the champion has the right to
refuse a challenge; in others, this
results in forfeiting the title.
Thank you

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