NCM-119 Power Point Presentation
NCM-119 Power Point Presentation
NCM-119 Power Point Presentation
a process of influence
a point of polarization for group
cooperation (Chapin)
a management skill that focuses on the development and
deployment of vision, mission and strategy as well as the creation
of a motivated workforce (Bitpipe)
Leadership Roles
• Decision maker
• Communicator
• Evaluator
• Facilitator
• Risk taker
• Mentor
• Energizer
• Coach
• Counselor
Other characteristics of leaders:
• Intelligence
• Knowledge
• Judgment
• Decisiveness
• Oral fluency
• Emotional intelligence
• Independence
• Personable
• Adaptability
• Leadership Theories:
• 1. Great Man Theory
• From Aristotelian philosophy.
• Asserts that some people are born to lead
whereas others are born to be led.
• Suggests that great leaders will arise
when the situation demands it.
• Ex. Kings of great
Britain,Aristotle,Abraham Lincoln
• 2. Trait Theory
• Assume that some people have certain
characteristics or personality traits that
make them better leaders than others.
• They have ambition,great oratory
skills,good looks,and persuasive.
• Ex. Pope John Paul, Mother Theresa,
Margaret Thatcher,Gandhi because of the
special traits they possess
Common TRaits of Leaders
• 1. Positive Traits-They bring people to progress.
Transcend their own traits to people who will
become positive leaders themselves. They are
cheerful,intelligent,and good looking
• 2.Negative Traits-They take people to
destruction. They destroy rather than build.
They are not able to grow good leaders but
followers, who go after each other. They are
bitter, aggressive, loud mouth and ugly people
• 3. Behavioral Theory
• Developed by Kurt Lewin, White and
• Leadership styles: Authoritarian,
Democratic and Laissez-faire
Leadership Assumed Leader
style employee characteristic
Autocratic External forces -Task accomplishment
(authoritarian) (power & rather than
authority) relationship
-use directive behavior
-makes decision alone
-exercises power w/
-expect respect &
obedience fr. staff
Leadership Assumed Leader
style employee characteristic
Democratic Internal drives -primarily concerned
(participative) and impulses w/ human relations &
team work
-communication is
open & two way
-spirit of collaboration
& joint effort that result
to staff satisfaction
Leadership Assumed Leader
style employee characteristic
Permissive Internal drives & -Few established
(laissez-faire) impulses policies
-abstain from leading
-not useful in highly
structure organization
Bureaucratic External force -Lack sense of security
-Tends to relate
impersonally to staff
-Apply fixed & inflexible
-avoids decision making
w/o standards or norms
for guidance
• 4. Situational Theory/Contingency Theory
• Situational theories propose that leaders
choose the best course of action based
upon situational variable.
• Different styles of leadership may be
more appropriate for certain types of
Situational Theory/Contingency
• It is also called Contingency theory because the
leadership style will be dependent on the
situation that a leader is faced at the moment.
Among the proponents are Paul Hersey,
Kenneth Blanchard,Fred Fiedler,Vroom and
Yetton and Robert House
4 Leadership Styles(S1-S4)-D1-D4
• S1: Directing/Telling Leaders- The leader
defines the role and tasks of the follower and
supervises them closely. Decisions arew made by
the leader and announced, so communication is
largely one-way
• S2: Coaching/ Selling Leaders-The leader still
defines roles and tasks, but seeks ideas and
suggestions form the followers. Decisions
remain the leaders’s prerogative, but
communication is much more two -way
• S3-Supporting/Participating Leaders
• -The Leader passes day-to-day decisons such as
task allocation and processes to the follower. The
leader facilitates and takes part in decisions but
control is with the follower.
• S4-Delegating Leaders
• Leaders are still involved in decisions and
problem solving, but control is with the follower.
The follower decides when and how the leader
will be involved.
Levels of maturity:
M1 – person is unwilling and unable to perform the job.
M2- person is unable but willing to perform the job.
M3 – person is able but unwilling to perform the job.
M4 – person is able and willing to perform the job.
• 5. Contingency Theory
• Contingency theories of leadership focus
on particular variables related to the
environment that might determine which
particular style of leadership is best
suited for the situation.
• According to this theory, no leadership
style is best in all situations.
• Success depends upon a number of
variables, including the leadership style,
qualities of the followers, and aspects of
the situation.
- suggests that managers adapt their leadership
styles in relation to changing situation.
1. Scientific Management
Established by a mechanical engineer
Frederick Taylor, the “Father of scientific
Postulated that if workers could be taught the
“one best way to accomplish a task”,
productivity would increase.
4 Overriding principles of scientific management:
P – Planning
O – Organizing
S – staffing
D – Directing
CO – Coordinating
R – Reporting
B – Budgeting
5. Human Relations Management
6. Motivational theory
Emphasized that worker output was best when
workers were treated humanely.
Most well-known motivation theories:
A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Stated that people are motivated to satisfy
certain needs, ranging from basic survival to
complex psychological needs.
E. McClelland’s studies
Motivated by 3 basic needs: achievement,
affiliation and power.
F. Gellerman’s stretching
To energize people to enjoy the beauty of
pushing themselves beyond what they think
they can do.
I. Theory M
For management, people are motivated to
work highly complex factors that maybe
biological, psychosocial, social or economic.
7. Total Quality Management (TQM)
Emphasizes doing the right thing for customers
and the end result of this method is to satisfy
Japanese criteria of TQM:
1. monetary incentives for workers
2. things will work out as they are supposed to
3. user’s feedback as basis for product
4. things should have aesthetic quality
8. Management By Objectives (MBO)
A process of agreeing upon objectives within an
organization so that management and
employees agree to the objectives and
understand what they are.
Principles of Management
According to Fayol:
1. Division of work – specialization of labor;
encourages continuous improvement in skills
and methods.
2. Authority – the right to give orders and the
power to exact obedience.
3. Discipline – no slacking, bending of rules.
4. Unity of command – each employee has one
and only one boss to give instructions or
5. Unity of direction – a single mind generates a
single plan and all play their part in that plan
but only one person is in-charge of the group’s
6. Remuneration – wage for the services rendered
to the organization.
7. Subordination of individual interests to the
general interest – an employee or group of
employee’s interests should not precede over
the interests of the whole organization.
8. Centralization – decisions are made at the top;
produces uniformity of action.
9. Decentralization – increases motivation of
nurses at lower levels since they are asked to
participate in decision-making.
10. Scalar chain – interconnectedness of people
within the organization from top to bottom.
11. Order – people and materials are in the right
place at the right time.
12. Equity & justice – fair and just treatment
13. Stability of tenure – limited turnover of
14. Initiative – thinking out a plan and do what it
takes to make it happen.
15. Esprit de corps – promotion of team spirit
builds harmony and unity within the
Nursing Management
A set of activities with a group of people which
involves managerial functions.
Is establishing vision and goals, communicating
and guiding others in accomplishing these vision
and goals.
Is facilitative, participative and empowering
others on how visions and goals are established
and carried out.
General Principles of Nursing Management:
1. Is planning
2. Is the effective use of time
3. Is decision-making
4. Meeting patient’s nursing care needs is the
business of the NM
5. Is the formulation and achievement of social
6. Is organizing
7. Is the active organ of the division of nursing, of
the organization and of the society in which it
8. Denotes a function, social position or rank, a
discipline and a field of study.
9. Organizational cultures reflect values and
10. Is directing and leading
11. A well-managed division of nursing motivates
employees to perform satisfactorily
12. Is efficient communication
13. Is controlling and evaluating
Comparison of Leadership and Management
Leadership Management
Motto Do the right Do things right
Challenge Change Continuity
Focus Purposes Structures and
Time frame Future Present
Methods Strategies Schedules
Questions Why? Who, what,
when, where and
Outcomes Journeys Destinations
Human Potential Performance
Principles of Management
According to Fayol:
1. Division of work – specialization of labor;
encourages continuous improvement in skills
and methods.
2. Authority – the right to give orders and the
power to exact obedience.
3. Discipline – no slacking, bending of rules.
4. Unity of command – each employee has one
and only one boss to give instructions or
5. Unity of direction – a single mind generates a
single plan and all play their part in that plan
but only one person is in-charge of the group’s
6. Remuneration – wage for the services rendered
to the organization.
7. Subordination of individual interests to the
general interest – an employee or group of
employee’s interests should not precede over
the interests of the whole organization.
8. Centralization – decisions are made at the top;
produces uniformity of action.
9. Decentralization – increases motivation of
nurses at lower levels since they are asked to
participate in decision-making.
10. Scalar chain – interconnectedness of people
within the organization from top to bottom.
11. Order – people and materials are in the right
place at the right time.
12. Equity & justice – fair and just treatment
13. Stability of tenure – limited turnover of
14. Initiative – thinking out a plan and do what it
takes to make it happen.
15. Esprit de corps – promotion of team spirit
builds harmony and unity within the
• MINTSBERG- Groups the basic roles performed
by managers as Interpersonal, informational, and
• 1. as a Manager-as a. one who monitors
information, b. dessiminates information c. as
spokesperson or representative of the
4 Planning modes:
1. Reactive – occurs after a problem exists.
2. Inactivism – seeking the status quo and
spending energy preventing change and
maintaining conformity.
3. Preactivism – utilizing technology to
accelerate change and are future oriented.
4. Interactive or Proactive – considers the past,
present and future and attempting to plan the
future of their organization rather than react
to it.
Steps in planning:
1. Determining objectives
2. Collecting data
3. Developing a plan of action
4. Evaluation
Types of planning:
A. According to duration
1. Strategic or long range planning
2. Operational or short range planning
B. According to approach
1. Top-down
2. Bottom-up
C. Other types
1. One type planning
2. Stand by planning
3. Back-up planning
4. Functional planning