Unit 1 BM
Unit 1 BM
Unit 1 BM
Unit 1 - Introduction
• Customer recognition.
• Competitive edge in market.
• Easy introduction of new products.
• Customer loyalty and shared values.
• Enhanced credibility and
• Ease of purchase.
• Higher Margins
Brand Equity (Page 31)
• Branding is all about creating differences.
• Difference arise from the “adding value” to a
product through marketing activity.
• The value can be created for a brand in many
Brand Equity
• Brand equity is a set of assets (and liabilities)
linked to a brand’s name and symbol that adds to
(or subtracts from) the value provided by a
product or service to a firm and/or that firm’s
customers. (Aaker, p 8)
– Major Assets
• Brand Name Awareness
• Brand Association
• Perceived Quality
• Brand Loyalty
Customer Based Brand Equity
• CBBE is the differential effect that brand
knowledge has on consumer response to the
marketing of the brand.
– Brand Knowledge Components
• Brand Awareness
• Brand Image
Keller Page 42 - 45
Customer Based Brand Equity
• Brand Knowledge is the key to create brand
equity---- it creates differential effect.
• Customer Knowledge drives the difference
that manifest themselves in terms of brand
Brand Awareness
• Brand Recognition – ability to confirm prior
exposure to the brand when given the brand
as a cue.
• Brand Recall – ability to retrieve the brand
from memory when given the product
category the needs fulfilled by the category or
purchase or usage situation as a cue.
Brand Image
• Brand Image is consumer perception of and
preferences for a brand, measured by various
types of brand associations held in memory.
• Strong, favorable, unique associations to the
brand in memory with the help of marketing
programs. (p50-51)
Associative Network Memory Model (pp.45 -
• How brand knowledge exits in customer
• ANMM views memory as a network of nodes
and connecting links, in which nodes
represent stored information or concepts and
links represent the strength of association
between the nodesl
Sources of Brand Equity
• Brand Awareness
• Brand Image
Secondary Sources of Brand Knowledge
Strategic Brand Management Process
• Strategic brand management involves the design
and implementation of marketing programs and
activities to build, measure and manage brand
equity. (page 32)
• It involves four steps
– Identifying and developing brand plans
– Designing and implementing brand marketing programs
– Measuring and interpreting brand performance
– Growing and sustain brand equity
Identifying and Developing Brand Plans
• The brand management process starts with a clear
understanding of what the brand is to represent
and how it should be positioned with respect to
• Brand planning involves three interlocking models
– Brand positioning model (competitive advantages)
– Brand resonance model (create loyalty relationships
with customers)
– Brand value chain (financial impact)
Strategic Brand Management Process
Branding Challenges (pp 26 -30) (Self-Study)
Source: https://brandequity.economictimes.indiatime
Tata Group
• https://
Relevance and Differentiation
New Product Category
How Pepsi continues to stay relevant and connect with every
• https://www.businessinsider.in/advertising/
Why are Indian brands transporting consumers to older times with their