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Virus & Antivirus

• Introduction
• Symptoms
• How does it spread
• Types of Computer Viruses
• Prevention and Cure
• Antivirus Software

•Computer viruses are a type of software program that, like

a biological virus, reproduces and spreads itself.

•Some virus may display only a message on the screen,

others may slow down the PC

•They can also erase files or even format your floppy or

hard disk and crash the system
Why termed as Virus.

They are called viruses because they share some of the traits
of biological Viruses.

A computer virus passed from computer to computer like a

biological virus Passes from person to person
•Need a host for residence.
•Capable of self-replicate.
•Cause damage to host.
Types of computer Virus

•Boot Virus :- The boot virus copies the virus code in the
boot sector
•Polymorphic Virus :- They are coded in such a way that they
infect a system and change their signature
•Macro Virus :- Macros are blocks of code written to
automate frequently performed tasks and embedded in a
program file
•Worms :-Worms are programs which usually spreads over
network connections.
• Trojans :- A Trojan is a program file that claims to do
something but it actually does something that is not

• The hard disk runs out of space.
• The computer does not boot.
• The computer system becomes slow.
• Display unwanted messages.
How does Virus spread
•Computer viruses spread by attaching themselves to other
computer program files.
•When you exchange a file or pen drive with a virus, the
virus spreads from one computer to the another
 Downloadable Programs
 Cracked Software
 Email Attachments
 Internet
 Booting From CD
Prevention and cure
•Install an Antivirus software
•Regularly update the program
•Open email attachment files only if you are expecting the
attached files, or the sender is known and has confirmed
sending the file
•Try to avoid downloading and installing software from the
•Install only registered copies of software on the system
What is Antivirus Software?

•Computer programs intended to Identify and Eliminate

Computer Viruses.
•Antivirus program runs in the Random Accesses Memory of
a computer.
Method of detecting the virus by antivirus

Two different techniques to accomplish this:

•Examining files to look for known viruses by means of a
virus dictionary.
•Identifying suspicious behavior from any computer
program which might indicate infection.
 Most commercial anti-virus software uses both of these
approaches, with an emphasis on the virus dictionary
Signature-Based Detection Compare the contents of a file to
a dictionary of virus.
Behavior -Based Detection:
•Observe how the program execute in the computer Rather
than looking for signature .
•Check the suspicious file and show warnings to the user.
Heuristic -Based Detection:
•Detect and remove all threats.
•Create a generic signature.
• Don't share Drive C: without a password and without
read-only restrictions.
• Use Anti-Virus.
• Delete e-mail file attachments.
• Have multiple backups of important files.
• More secure operating systems
e.g. UNIX
Popular Antivirus Software's
• Norton Anti-Virus
• MacAfee
• Avast
• Quick Heal
• Panda
Boot virus:
• Boot viruses infects the boot records of hard disk and
floppy disks. Generally these are considered more
dangerous than program viruses.

Macro Viruses
• These viruses infects data files. For example,
Microsoft word document and template files are
susceptible to macro virus attacks they spread rapidly
as infected documents are shared on networks or
downloaded from internet sites.
Program Virus
• ,.OVL, or .SCR. program files are attractive targets for
computer virus because they are widely used and have
relativity, simple formats to which viruses can attach
• According to an administrator of AOL, the Trojan
steals passwords and sends an E-mail to the hackers
fake name and then the hacker has your account in his
• According to a Conspiracy theory virus has created by
the persons who created antivirus.

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