Chapter 7 Small Business
Chapter 7 Small Business
Chapter 7 Small Business
Small Business
To be able to:
Define small business and its types.
Elaborate the characteristics of Small
Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of operating a small
What is Small Business?
* Small business are either services or retail operations like
grocery stores,medical stores,tradepeople,bakeries and small
manufacturing units. These are independently owned organizations that
require less capital and less workforce and less or no machinery.
* Small business is defined as a privately owned corporation,
partnership, or sole proprietorship that has fewer employees and less
annual revenue than a corporation or regular -sized business.
2 Kinds of
01 Very 02 The
small Bigger Small
Where the owner is the Business
principal worker, and he The owner mainly
employs one or more directs the work of
assistants. This is the the employees.
micro business.
Differences between
small and BIG
1. As a group, change through a cycle of 1. As a group, change through
births and deaths. expansion.
2. The risk or reward estimate is done by 2. The risk or reward calculation is done
the individual owner who either gets by employee- manager.
profit or loss.
labor intensive.
service. It can well produce goods or services that
are designed to the particular needs of an
A small business succeeds in a small isolated
or overlooked markets.
A small business often operates in unstable
05 “
Capital comes from the owner or small
The area of operation is small. This means
the business is community-based.
07 “
A small business is closer to the market place. Not
a few small business conduct their operations right
inside the market place.
Generally, the owner of small businesses
are also the managers.
of small business
3. Government
Incentives. The 5.
government Independence.
1. Personal extends both Small business
relationships financial and owners are the
technical masters of their
with assistance own destinies.
customers and particularly They are not
2. Flexibility in 4. Simple
employees. production and employees.
management. record
marketing to They make their
The owner keeping.
small own decisions.
being the boss entrepreneurs. Small
and manager,
he can easily
require few
changes in his and simple
product and sets of
services. records.
Other Advantages
Independence Financial Gain
Entrepreneurs are their Entrepreneurship offers
own bosses. They a greater possibility of
choose whom to do achieving significant
business with and financial rewards than
what work they will working for someone
do. else.
Other Advantages
Control Prestige
Entrepreneurs who It offers the status of
are driven by passion being the person in
and creativity and charge. Some
possess a “vision” of entrepreneur are
what they aim to attracted to the idea of
achieve. being the boss.
Other Advantages
Equity Opportunity
It gives an individual Entrepreneurship
the opportunity to creates an opportunity
build equity which for a person to make a
can be kept, sold, or contribution. They help
passed on to the next local economy through
generation. innovations.
of small business
1. Difficulty of
raising a
4. Lack of
opportunities 2. Risk of
for employees. failure.
3. Limited
management of
Other Disadvantages
Time Commitment Risk
This leaves all of the Even if the business has
duties and been structured to
responsibilities to the minimize the risks and
owner. Small- liability to the owner,
business owners risks can’t be
report working more completely eliminated.
than eighty hours a
Other Disadvantages
Uncertainty Financial Commitment
Even though the business Even the smallest of
may be successful at the business ventures requires a
start, external factors such as certain amount of capital to
downturns in the economy, start. Committing these types
new competitors entering the of funds to a business
marketplace, or shifts in venture makes them
consumer demand may stall unavailable for personal or
the businesses growth. family.
Other Disadvantages
Small Businesses Experience Small Businesses Have
Higher Costs Smaller Budgets
Small businesses have Small-scale businesses are
lower bargaining power typically faced by budget
than their larger hurdles. They can’t afford
counterparts, and this the levels of research and
hampers their ability to development, marketing,
lower the unit costs of their and technology.
Other Disadvantages
Small Businesses Cannot Small Businesses Have Less
Compete on Price Brand Recognition
Small businesses cannot A large business enjoys
compete with their larger brand recognition wherever
competitors on price is a it goes. A small company
direct consequence of their won’t have the brand
lack of bargaining power. recognition it requires to
easily gain more
Why Small Business
Lack of Lack of Wrong
ment of
experience money. location