Unit 4 WTO
Unit 4 WTO
Unit 4 WTO
The World Trade Organization came into being in 1995. One of the
youngest of the international organizations, the WTO is the successor
to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) established in
the wake of the Second World War.
This growth in trade has been a powerful engine for overall economic
expansion and on average trade has grown by 1.5 times more than the
global economy each year. Total exports in 2019 were 250 times the
level of 1948. The GATT and the WTO have helped to create a strong
and prosperous trading system contributing to unprecedented growth.
“The past 70 years have seen an exceptional growth in world
trade. Merchandise exports have grown on average by 6%
“Each member receives guarantees that its exports will be
treated fairly and consistently in other members’ markets.
WTO agreements
How can you ensure that trade is as fair as possible, and as open as is
practical? By negotiating rules and abiding by them.
The WTO’s rules – the agreements – are the result of negotiations between
the members. The current set is largely the outcome of the 1986- 94
Uruguay Round negotiations, which included a major revision of the original
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
The Uruguay Round created new rules for dealing with trade in services and
intellectual property and new procedures for dispute settlement. The
complete set runs to some 30,000 pages consisting of about 30 agreements
and separate commitments (called schedules) made by individual members in
specific areas, such as lower tariffs and services market-opening.
It all began with trade in goods. From 1947 to 1994, the GATT was the
forum for negotiating lower tariffs and other trade barriers; the text of
the GATT spelt out important rules, particularly non- discrimination.
Since 1995, the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO and its
annexes (including the updated GATT) has become the WTO’s umbrella
agreement. It has annexes dealing with specific sectors relating to
goods, such as agriculture, and with specific issues such as product
standards, subsidies and actions taken against dumping. A recent
significant addition was the Trade Facilitation Agreement, which entered
into force in 2017.