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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

Presented by,
Dr Mirunalini Sundaravadivelu
Post Graduate in Public Health Dentistry
• Introduction
• Actions of NSAID’s
• NSAID’S selectivity
• Prostaglandins
• Classification
• Topical NSAID’s
• NSAIDs are a group of chemically dissimilar agents that differ in their antipyretic,
analgesic, and anti-inflammatory activities.
• They act primarily by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase enzymes that catalyze the
first step in prostanoid biosynthesis.
• This leads to decreased prostaglandin synthesis with both beneficial and
unwanted effects.
• Differences in safety and efficacy of the NSAIDs may be explained by relative
selectivity for the COX-1 or COX-2 enzyme.
• Inhibition of COX-2 is thought to lead to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic
actions of NSAIDs, whereas inhibition of COX-1 is responsible for prevention of
cardiovascular events and most adverse events.
Basic Properties
• Weak organic acid
• Binds to serum proteins (albumin)
• Generally have low ionization constant
• Causing binding to sites of inflammation
• Main anti-inflammatory properties due to inhibition of prostaglandin
synthesis by blocking the enzyme prostaglandin G/H synthase (PGHS)
also called cyclooxygenase (COX)2
• Analgesia
• Antiinflammatory
• Antipyresis
• Antiplatelet
• Inhibit COX-1 thus preventing thromboxane A2 (TXA2) production to
decrease platelet aggregation
Role of prostaglandins as local mediators
• Prostaglandins and related compounds are produced in minute
quantities by virtually all tissues.
• They generally act locally on the tissues in which they are synthesized
and are rapidly metabolized to inactive products at their sites of
• Therefore, prostaglandins do not circulate in the blood in significant
• Thromboxanes and leukotrienes are related compounds that are
synthesized from the same precursors as the prostaglandins
Synthesis of prostaglandins

• Arachidonic acid is the primary precursor of the prostaglandins and related

compounds, and it is present as a component of the phospholipids of cell
• Free arachidonic acid is released from tissue phospholipids by the action of
phospholipase A2 via a process controlled by hormones and other stimuli.
• There major pathways in the synthesis of PG from
The cyclooxygenase
Lipoxygenase pathways
Cyclooxygenase pathway
• Eicosanoids with ring structures (that is, prostaglandins,
thromboxanes, and prostacyclins) are synthesized via the
cyclooxygenase pathway.
• Two related isoforms of the cyclooxygenase enzymes exist.
• Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) is responsible for the physiologic
production of prostanoids, whereas cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) causes
the elevated production of prostanoids that occurs in sites of chronic
disease and inflammation.
• COX-1 is a constitutive enzyme that regulates normal cellular
processes, such as gastric cytoprotection, vascular homeostasis,
platelet aggregation, and reproductive and kidney functions.
• COX-2 is constitutively expressed in tissues such as the brain, kidney,
and bone.
• Its expression at other sites is increased during states of chronic
• Differences in binding site shape have permitted the development of
selective COX-2 inhibitors.
• Additionally, expression of COX-2 is induced by inflammatory
mediators such as TNF-α and IL-1 but can also be pharmacologically
inhibited by glucocorticoids, which may contribute to the significant
anti-inflammatory effects of these drugs.
Lipoxygenase pathway
• Alternatively, several lipoxygenases can act on arachidonic acid to
form leukotrienes.
Actions of prostaglandins

• Actions of prostaglandins are mediated by their binding to a variety of distinct G-coupled

protein receptors in cell membranes.
• Prostaglandins and their metabolites act as local signals that fine-tune the response of a
specific cell type.
• Their functions vary depending on the tissue and the specific enzymes within the
pathway that are available at that particular site.
• For example, the release of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) from platelets during tissue injury
triggers the recruitment of new platelets for aggregation and local vasoconstriction.
• Prostacyclin (PGI2), produced by endothelial cells, has opposite effects, inhibiting platelet
aggregation and producing vasodilation.
• The net effect on platelets and blood vessels depends on the balance of these two
• Prostaglandins have a major role in modulating
Therapeutic pain, inflammation, and fever.

uses of • They control many physiological functions, such as

acid secretion and mucus production in the
prostaglandins gastrointestinal (GI) tract, uterine contractions, and
renal blood flow.
• Prostaglandins are among the chemical mediators
released in allergic and inflammatory processes.
• PGs induce hyperalgesia by affecting the transducing
property of free nerve endings so that stimuli that normally
do not elicit pain are able to do so.
• NSAIDs do not affect the tenderness induced by direct
application of PGs, but block the pain sensitizing mechanism
induced by bradykinin, TNFα, interleukins (ILs) and other
algesic substances primarily by inhibiting COX-2.

Analgesia • This constitutes the peripheral component of the analgesic

action of NSAIDs.
• They are, therefore, more effective against inflammation
associated pain.
• Lately the central component of analgesic action of NSAIDs
has also been shown to involve inhibition of PG synthesis in
the spinal dorsal horn neurones as well as in brain, so that
PG mediated amplification of pain impulses does not occur
• NSAIDs lower body temperature in fever, but do
not cause hypothermia in normothermic
• Fever during infection and tissue injury is produced
Antipyresis through the generation of pyrogens including, ILs,
TNFα, interferons which induce PGE2 production in
hypothalamus—raise its temperature set point.
• NSAIDs block the action of pyrogens but not that of
PGE2 injected into the hypothalamus.
• The most important mechanism of antiinflammatory action of NSAIDs is
considered to be inhibition of COX-2 mediated enhanced PG synthesis at the site
of injury.
• However, there is some evidence that inhibition of the constitutive COX-1 also
contributes to suppression of inflammation, especially in the initial stages.
• The antiinflammatory potency of different compounds roughly corresponds with
their potency to inhibit COX.
• However, nimesulide is a potent antiinflammatory but relatively weak COX
• PGs are only one of the mediators of inflammation, and inhibition of COX does

Anti- not depress the production of other Mediators like LTs, PAF, cytokines, etc.
• Inflammation is the result of concerted participation of a large number of

inflammatory vasoactive, chemotactic and proliferative factors at different stages, and there
are many targets for antiinflammatory action.
• Activated endothelial cells express adhesion molecules (ELAM-1, ICAM-1) on
their surface and play a key role in directing circulating leucocytes to the site of
inflammation (chemotaxis).
• Similarly, inflammatory cells express selectins and integrins. Certain NSAIDs may
act by additional mechanisms including inhibition of expression/activity of some
of these molecules and generation of superoxide/other free radicals.
• Growth factors like GM-CSF, IL-6 as well as lymphocyte transformation factors
and TNFα may also be affected.
• Stabilization of lysosomal membrane of leukocytes and antagonism of certain
actions of kinins may be contributing to antiinflammatory action of NSAIDs.
• Level of PGs in menstrual flow, endometrial biopsy
and that of PGF2α metabolite in circulation are
raised in dysmenorrhoeic women.
• Intermittent ischaemia of the myometrium is
probably responsible for menstrual cramps.
Dysmenorrhoea • NSAIDs lower uterine PG levels—afford excellent
relief in 60–70% and partial relief in the remaining.
• Axcillary symptoms of headache, muscle ache and
nausea are also relieved.
• Excess flow may be normalized
• NSAIDs inhibit synthesis of both proaggregatory
(TXA2) and Antiaggregatory (PGI2) prostanoids, but
effect on platelet TXA2 (COX-1 generated)
• Therapeutic doses of most NSAIDs inhibit platelet
aggregation and prolong bleeding time.
Antiplatelet • Aspirin is highly active, because it acetylates
aggregatory platelet COX irreversibly in the portal circulation
before getting deacetylated by first pass
metabolism in liver.
• Small doses of aspirin are therefore able to exert
antithrombotic effect for several days.
• Risk of surgical and anticoagulant associated
bleeding is enhanced.
• During foetal circulation ductus arteriosus is kept
patent by local elaboration of PGE2 by COX-2.
• Unknown mechanisms switch off this synthesis at
birth and the ductus closes.

Ductus • When this fails to occur, small doses of

indomethacin or aspirin bring about closure in
arteriosus majority of cases within a few hours by inhibiting
PG production.
closure • Administration of NSAIDs in late pregnancy has
been found to promote premature closure of
ductus in some cases.
• Risk of post-partum haemorrhage is increased.
• Prescribing of NSAIDs near term should be avoided
• Sudden spurt of PG synthesis by uterus occurs just
before labour begins.

Parturition • This is believed to trigger labour as well as facilitate

its progression.
• Accordingly, NSAIDs have the potential to delay and
retard labour.
• Gastric pain, mucosal erosion/ulceration and blood loss
are caused by all NSAIDs to varying extents: relative gastric
toxicity is a major consideration in the choice of NSAIDs.
• Inhibition of COX‑1 mediated synthesis of gastroprotective
PGs (PGE2, PGI2) is clearly involved, though local action
inducing back diffusion of H+ ions in gastric mucosa also
plays a role.
• Deficiency of PGs reduces mucus and HCO3¯ secretion,
Gastric tends to enhance acid secretion and may promote
mucosal ischaemia.
mucosal • Thus, NSAIDs enhance aggressive factors and contain
defensive factors in gastric mucosa; are therefore
damage ulcerogenic.
• Paracetamol, a very weak inhibitor of COX is practically
free of gastric toxicity and selective COX-2 inhibitors are
relatively safer.
• Stable PG analogues (misoprostol) administered
concurrently with NSAIDs counteract their gastric toxicity
• NSAIDs produce renal effects by at least 3 mechanisms:
 COX-1 dependent impairment of renal blood flow and reduction of
g.f.r., which can worsen renal insufficiency.
 Juxtaglomerular COX-2 (probably COX-1 also) inhibition dependent Na+
and water retention.
 Ability to cause papillary necrosis on habitual intake.
Renal effects • Renal effects of NSAIDs are not marked in normal individuals, but
become significant in those with CHF, hypovolaemia, hepatic cirrhosis,
renal disease and in patients receiving diuretics or antihypertensives.
• Analgesic nephropathy occurs after years of heavy ingestion of
analgesics. Regular use of combinations of NSAIDs and
chronic/repeated urinary tract infections increase the risk of analgesic
nephropathy. Pathological lesions are papillary necrosis, tubular
atrophy followed by renal fibrosis.
• Aspirin precipitates asthma, angioneurotic
swellings, urticaria or rhinitis in certain susceptible
Anaphylactoid individuals.

reactions • These subjects react similarly to chemically diverse

NSAIDs, ruling out immunological basis for the
Mechanism of action Weak organic acid that irreversibly acetylates and, thus, inactivates cyclooxygenase.

Pharmacological Anti‐inflammatory actions: Higher doses; 3‐6 g/day, OA , RA, Rh fever, Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, Blocks action of kinins which are
actions mediated through prostaglandin synthesis, Inhibits granulocyte adherence to damaged vasculature, Stabilizes lysosomes, Inhibits migration
of PMN leukocytes & macrophages into the site of inflammation, Analgesia: inhib of PG :300‐600mg ,6‐8 hrly, Antipyretic axn.: inhib of PG:
resets the “hypothalamic thermostat”, Inhibition of platelet aggregation: low doses: irreversibly inhibit platelet COX , antiplatelet effect lasts
8‐10 days.(acts on TXA2 ,no effect on PGI2)

Pharmacokinetics Well absorbed from the stomach, more from upper small intestine, Distributed all over the body, 50‐80% bound to plasma protein
(albumin), Metabolized to acetic acid and salicylates (activemetabolite), Excreted by the kidney

Adverse effects CNS: Headache, Tinnitus, dizziness, blurred vision, irritability, hyperventilation (Salicylism) CVS.: fluid retention, HT, edema, CHF(rarely) GIT
upset: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, peptic ulceration & bleeding Hypersensitivity: bronchial asthma, angioedema & rashes,
Thrombocytopenia, Hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding tendency as aspirin competes with vitamin K, so decreasing prothrombin synthesis

Adverse drug reactions Renal effects: renal insufficiency, renal failure, hyperkalemia, proteinuria. Analgesic nephropathy on chronic use, Hepatic: Liver function
abnormalities, rarely liver failure,

Contraindications Peptic ulcer, esophageal varices, bronchial asthma, idiosyncrasy, allergy, viral infection in children, bleeding tendency and small dose in gout
(competes with uric acid excretion).

Interactions Aspirin displaces oral anticoagulants and oral hypoglycemics from their plasma protein binding sites, so increasing their activities and may
lead to toxicity, Barbiturates increase the analgesic effect of aspirin.
Acute aspirin poisoning
• Restlessness, tremors, convulsion, vomiting, dehydration, hypotension,
hyperventilation, hyper reflexia, hyperpyrexia & coma.
• Activated charcoal 50g to adsorb salicylates and prevents its absorption.
• Alkalinization of urine (to enhance excretion) by i.v Na HCO3 which also corrects
• Anticonvulsant e.g. i.v diazepam.
• Cold fomentation and ice bags.
• Correct dehydration by i.v fluids (5% dextrose).
• Correct acid / base balance (alkalosis or mixed alkalosis/acidosis need no specific
• Correct hypoprothrombinemia by i.v vitamin K.
• Hemodialysis may be needed
Locally acting salicylates
• Salicylic acid: keratolytic, antiseptic & fungistatic.
• Methyl salicylate (wintergreen oil): used as counterirritant for muscle
and joint pain.
• Sulfasalazine : it is a combination of sulfapyridine and 5‐aminosalicylic
acid (5‐ASA). Sulfasalazine liberates 5‐ASA in the colon where it blocks
the synthesis of leukotriene B4 locally and used in ulcerative colitis
• Ibuprofen was the first member of this class to be introduced in 1969
as a better tolerated alternative to aspirin.
• All have similar pharmacodynamic properties but differ considerably
in potency and to some extent in duration of action
• The analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflammatory efficacy is rated
somewhat lower than high dose of aspirin.
• All members inhibit PG synthesis, naproxen being the most potent;
but their in vitro potency to inhibit COX does not closely parallel in
vivo anti-inflammatory potency.
• Inhibition of platelet aggregation is short-lasting with ibuprofen, but
longer lasting with naproxen.
• All are well absorbed orally, highly bound to plasma
proteins (90–99%), but displacement interactions
are not clinically significant—dose of oral
anticoagulants and oral hypoglycaemics need not
be altered.
• Because they inhibit platelet function, use with
anticoagulants should, nevertheless, be avoided.
Pharmacokinetics • Similar to other NSAIDs, they are likely to decrease
and interactions diuretic and antihypertensive action of thiazides,
furosemide and β blockers.
• All propionic acid derivatives enter brain, synovial
fluid and cross placenta.
• They are largely metabolized in liver by
hydroxylation and glucuronide conjugation and
excreted in urine as well as bile
• Ibuprofen is used as a simple analgesic and
antipyretic in the same way as low dose of aspirin.
It is particularly effective in dysmenorrhoea in
which the action is clearly due to PG synthesis
inhibition. It is available as an ‘over-the-counter’

Uses • Ibuprofen and its congeners are widely used in

rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other
musculoskeletal disorders, especially where pain is
more prominent than inflammation.
• They are indicated in soft tissue injuries, fractures,
vasectomy, tooth extraction, postpartum and
postoperatively: suppress swelling and
• Ibuprofen is better tolerated than aspirin. Side
effects are milder and their incidence is lower.
• Gastric discomfort, nausea and vomiting, though
less than aspirin or indomethacin, are still the most
common side effects.

Adverse • Gastric erosion and occult blood loss are rare. CNS
side effects include headache, dizziness, blurring of
effects vision, tinnitus and depression. Rashes, itching and
other hypersensitivity phenomena are infrequent.
However, these drugs precipitate aspirin-induced
• Fluid retention is less marked.
• They are not to be prescribed to pregnant women
and should be avoided in peptic ulcer patient
• It has been rated as the safest traditional NSAID by the spontaneous
adverse drug reaction reporting system in U.K. Ibuprofen (400 mg) has
been found equally or more efficacious than a combination of aspirin
(650 mg) + codeine (60 mg) in relieving dental surgery pain, but is a
weaker antiinflammatory; not suitable for acute gout and other
similar conditions
• The anti-inflammatory activity is stronger and it is particularly potent
in inhibiting leucocyte migration—may be more valuable in acute
• It is also recommended for rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing
• Because of longer t½ regular use can effectively suppress platelet
• Naproxen carries lower thrombotic risk than diclofenac, etoricoxib,
• An additional action to stabilize lysosomes and inhibit LOX has been
demonstrated with ketoprofen; though antiinflammatory efficacy is
similar to ibuprofen, and side effects are more
• More effective than ibuprofen, but gastric side effects are also more.
It is used as an ocular antiinflammatory action
• This arylacetic acid NSAID has potent analgesic but modest antiinflammatory
• In postoperative pain it has equalled the efficacy of morphine, but does not
interact with opioid receptors and is free of opioid side effects.
• Like other NSAIDs, it inhibits PG synthesis and relieves pain primarily by a
peripheral mechanism.
• In short-lasting pain, it has compared favourably with aspirin.
• Ketorolac is rapidly absorbed after oral and i.m. administration.
• It is highly plasma protein bound and 60% excreted unchanged in urine.
• Major metabolic pathway is glucuronidation; plasma t½ is 5–7 hours
• Nausea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, ulceration,
loose stools, drowsiness, headache, dizziness,
Adverse nervousness, pruritus, pain at injection site, rise in
serum transaminase and fluid retention have been
effects noted.
• Ketorolac has been used concurrently with
morphine to keep its dose low.
• Ketorolac is frequently used in postoperative,
dental and acute musculoskeletal pain: 15– 30 mg
i.m. or i.v. every 4–6 hours (max. 90 mg/ day).
• It may also be used for renal colic, migraine and
pain due to bony metastasis.
• Orally it is used in a dose of 10–20 mg 6 hourly for
short-term management of moderate pain.
Use • Ketorolac has been rated superior to aspirin (650
mg), paracetamol (600 mg) and equivalent to
ibuprofen (400 mg).
• Continuous use for more than 5 days is not
• Topical ketorolac is quite popular for noninfective
ocular conditions
• This indole acetic acid derivative is a potent
antiinflammatory drug with prompt antipyretic
Indomethacin • Indomethacin relieves only inflammatory or tissue
injury related pain.
• It is a highly potent inhibitor of PG synthesis and
suppresses neutrophil motility.
• Indomethacin is well absorbed orally, rectal
absorption is slow but dependable.
• It is 90% bound to plasma proteins, partly
Pharmacokinetics metabolized in liver to inactive products and
excreted by kidney.
• Plasma t½ is 2–5 hours.
• A high incidence (up to 50%) of gastrointestinal and
CNS side effects is produced.
• Gastric irritation, nausea, anorexia, gastric bleeding
and diarrhoea are prominent.
• Frontal headache (very common), dizziness, ataxia,
Adverse mental confusion, hallucination, depression and
psychosis can occur.
effects • Leukopenia, rashes and other hypersensitivity
reactions are also reported. Increased risk of
bleeding due to decreased platelet aggregability.
• It is contraindicated in machinery operators,
drivers, psychiatric patients, epileptics, kidney
disease, pregnant women and in children
• Because of prominent adverse effects, indomethacin is
used as a reserve drug in conditions requiring potent
antiinflammatory action like ankylosing spondylitis, acute
exacerbations of destructive arthropathies, psoriatic
arthritis and acute gout or rheumatoid arthritis that are
not responding to better tolerated NSAIDs.
• Malignancy associated fever refractory to other
Uses antipyretics may respond to indomethacin.
• It has been the most common drug used for medical
closure of patent ductus arteriosus: three 12 hourly i.v.
injections of 0.1–0.2 mg/kg achieve closure in majority of
• Bartter’s syndrome responds dramatically, as it does to
other PG synthesis inhibitors
• It is a prodrug—generates an active metabolite (6-MNA) which inhibits both COX-
1 and COX-2.
• It possesses analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflammatory activities; effective in the
treatment of rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis as well as in soft tissue injury.
• Nabumetone has caused a lower incidence of gastric erosions, ulcers and
bleeding, probably because the active COX inhibitor is produced in the tissues
after absorption.
• However, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea can occur
• The plasma t½ is 24 hours.
• Antipyrine (phenazone) and amidopyrine (aminopyrine) were introduced in 1884 as antipyretic
and analgesic.
• Their use was associated with high incidence of agranulocytosis: are banned globally.
• Phenylbutazone was introduced in 1949 and soon its active metabolite oxyphenbutazone was
also marketed.
• These two are potent antiinflammatory drugs, inhibit COX, but have slow onset, weak analgesic
and antipyretic action.
• Their gastric toxicity is high; edema due to Na+ and water retention is frequent and CNS side
effects, hypersensitivity reactions, hypothyroidism are reported.
• They have gone out of use due to residual risk of bone marrow depression and other toxicity.
• Two other pyrazolones available in India—metamizol and propiphenazone are primarily used as
analgesic and antipyretic.
Metamizol (Dipyrone)
• In contrast to phenylbutazone, this derivative of amidopyrine is a potent and promptly
acting analgesic and antipyretic but poor antiinflammatory and not uricosuric.
• It can be given orally, i.m. as well as i.v, but gastric irritation, pain at injection site occurs.
• Occasionally, i.v. injection produces precipitous fall in BP.
• Few cases of agranulocytosis were reported and metamizol is banned in the USA and
some European countries.However, it has been extensively used in India and other
European countries.
• Adverse reaction shows that risk of serious toxicity with this drug is lower than with
aspirin or many other NSAIDs.
• Its fixed dose combination with antispasmodics is banned in India
• Another pyrazolone, similar in properties to metamizol; found to be
better tolerated.
• This NSAID is a relatively weak inhibitor of PG synthesis and moderately COX2 selective.
• Antiinflammatory action may be exerted by other mechanisms as well, e.g. reduced
generation of superoxide by neutrophils, inhibition of PAF synthesis and TNFa release,
free radical scavanging, inhibition of metalloproteinase activity in cartilage.
• The analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflammatory activity of nimesulide has been rated
comparable to other NSAIDs.
• It has been used primarily for short-lasting painful inflammatory conditions like sports
injuries, sinusitis and other ear-nose-throat disorders, dental surgery, bursitis, low
backache, dysmenorrhoea, postoperative pain, osteoarthritis and for fever.
• Nimesulide is almost completely absorbed orally, 99% plasma protein bound, extensively
metabolized and excreted mainly in urine with a t½ of 2–5 hours.
• Gastrointestinal (epigastralgia, heart burn, nausea, loose
motions), dermatological (rash, pruritus) and central
(somnolence, dizziness).
Adverse • Gastric tolerability of nimesulide is better, though ulcer
complications are as prevalent as with other NSAIDs.
effects • Instances of fulminant hepatic failure have been associated
with nimesulide and it has been withdrawn in Spain, Ireland,
Singapore and Turkey; use in children is banned in Portugal,
Israel and now in India as well.
Diclofenac sodium
• An analgesic-antipyretic antiinflammatory drug, similar in efficacy to naproxen.
• It inhibits PG synthesis and is somewhat COX-2 selective.
• Neutrophil chemotaxis and superoxide production at the inflammatory site are
• It is well absorbed orally, 99% protein bound, metabolized and excreted both in
urine and bile.
• The plasma t½ is ~2 hours.
• Has good tissue penetrability and concentration in synovial fluid is maintained for
3 times longer period than in plasma, exerting extended therapeutic action in
• Diclofenac is among the most extensively used
NSAID; employed in rheumatoid and osteoarthritis,
Use bursitis, ankylosing spondylitis, toothache,
dysmenorrhoea, renal colic, posttraumatic and
postoperative inflammatory conditions—affords
quick relief of pain and wound edema.
• Generally mild: epigastric pain, nausea, headache,
dizziness, rashes. Gastric ulceration and bleeding
Adverse are less common.
• Some comparative trials have found its gastric
effects toxicity to be similar to celecoxib and etoricoxib.
• Like many NSAIDs, diclofenac can increase the risk
of heart attack and stroke.
• A moderately COX-2 selective congener of diclofenac having similar
• Enhancement of glycosaminoglycan synthesis may confer
chondroprotective property to aceclofenac.

• Since measurable inhibition of platelet TXA2 production (a COX-1

function) occurs at therapeutic doses of meloxicam, it has been
labelled ‘preferential COX-2 inhibitor’.
• Efficacy of meloxicam in osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis is
comparable to piroxicam.
• Plasma t½ is 15–20 hours permiting single daily dose.
• Gastric side effects of meloxicam are milder, but ulcer complications
(bleeding, perforation) have been reported on long-term use.
• This newer indole-acetic acid NSAID is moderately COX-2 selective
with properties similar to diclofenac.
• At lower doses, gastric tolerance is better than older NSAIDs.
• It is metabolized by hydroxylation and glucuronide conjugation, and
excreted in urine with a t½ of 7 hours.
• Postoperative analgesia with etodolac lasts for 6–8 hours.
• Side effects are abdominal pain, rashes and dizziness.
• It is approved for use in osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis as well as in
acute musculoskeletal pain
FENAMATE (Anthranilic acid derivative)
• Mephenamic acid - An analgesic, antipyretic and weaker
antiinflammatory drug, which inhibits synthesis of PGs as well as
antagonises some of their actions.
• Mephenamic acid exerts peripheral as well as central analgesic action.
• Adverse effects: Diarrhoea is the most important dose-related side
effect. Epigastric distress is complained, but gut bleeding is not
significant. Skin rashes, dizzines and other CNS manifestations have
• Oral absorption is slow but almost complete. It is
highly bound to plasma proteins—displacement
interactions can occur; partly metabolized and
excreted in urine as well as bile. Plasma t½ is 2–4
• Uses: Mephenamic acid is indicated primarily as
Pharmacokinetics analgesic in muscle, joint and soft tissue pain
where strong antiinflammatory action is not
• It is quite effective in dysmenorrhoea.
• It may be useful in some cases of rheumatoid and
osteoarthritis but has no distinct advantage.
• Because of the theoretical advantage of inhibiting COX-2 without affecting COX-1
function, some highly selective COX-2 inhibitors have been introduced over the past 2
• They cause less gastric mucosal damage; occurrence of peptic ulcer and ulcer bleeds is
clearly lower than with traditional NSAIDs.
• They do not depress TXA2 production by platelets (COX-1 dependent); do not inhibit
platelet aggregation or prolong bleeding time, but reduce PGI2 production by vascular
• Currently, 3 selective COX-2 inhibitors (also called coxibs) Celecoxib, Etoricoxib and
Parecoxib are available in India.
• Rofecoxib and Valdecoxib were withdrawn within few years of marketing for increasing
cardiovascular (CV) risk.
• It has been concluded that selective COX-2 inhibitors should be used only
in patients at high risk of peptic ulcer, perforation or bleeds.
• If selected, they should be administered in the lowest dose for the
shortest period of time.
• Moreover, they should be avoided in patients with history of ischaemic
heart disease/hypertension/cardiac failure/cerebrovascular disease, who
are predisposed to CV events.
• The COX-2 selectivity of celecoxib is modest and similar to that of diclofenac.
• It exerts antiinflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic actions with low ulcerogenic potential.
• Comparative trials in rheumatoid arthritis have found it to be as effective as naproxen or
diclofenac, without affecting COX-1 activity in gastroduodenal mucosa.
• Platelet aggregation in response to collagen exposure remained intact in celecoxib recipients and
serum TXB2 levels were not reduced.
• Though tolerability of celecoxib is better than traditional NSAIDs, still abdominal pain, dyspepsia
and mild diarrhoea are the common side effects.
• Rashes, edema and a small rise in BP have also been noted.
• Celecoxib is slowly absorbed, 97% plasma protein bound and metabolized primarily by CYP2C9
with a t½ of ~10 hours.
• This newer COX-2 inhibitor has the highest COX-2 selectivity.
• It is suitable for once-a-day treatment of osteo/rheumatoid/acute gouty
arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, dysmenorrhoea, acute dental surgery pain
and similar conditions, without affecting platelet function or damaging
gastric mucosa.
• The t½ is ~ 24 hours.
• The rate of thrombotic cardiovascular events with etoricoxib use has been
found similar to that with diclofenac
• Side effects are dyspepsia, abdominal pain, pedal edema, rise in BP, dry
mouth, aphthous ulcers, taste disturbance and paresthesias
• It is a prodrug of valdecoxib suitable for injection, and to be used in
postoperative or similar short-term pain, with efficacy similar to
• It shares the same risk of serious cutaneous reactions as valdecoxib.
• Phenacetin introduced in 1887 was extensively used as analgesic-
antipyretic, but is now banned because it was implicated in analgesic
abuse nephropathy
• Paracetamol (acetaminophen) the deethylated active metabolite of
phenacetin, was also introduced in the last century but has come into
common use only since 1950.
• The central analgesic action of paracetamol is like aspirin,
i.e. it raises pain threshold, but has weak peripheral
antiinflammatory component.
• Analgesic action of aspirin and paracetamol is additive.
• Paracetamol is a good and promptly acting antipyretic.
• Paracetamol has negligible antiinflammatory action.
Actions • It is a poor inhibitor of PG synthesis in peripheral tissues,
but more active on COX in the brain.
• One explanation offered for the discrepancy between its
analgesic-antipyretic and antiinflammatory actions is its
inability to inhibit COX in the presence of peroxides which
are generated at sites of inflammation, but are not present
in the brain.
• The ability of paracetamol to inhibit COX-3 (an isoenzyme
so far located in dog brain) could also account for its
analgesic antipyretic action.
• In contrast to aspirin, paracetamol does not stimulate respiration or
affect acid-base balance; does not increase cellular metabolism.
• It has no effect on CVS.
• Gastric irritation is insignificant— mucosal erosion and bleeding occur
rarely only in overdose.
• It does not affect platelet function or clotting factors and is not
• Paracetamol is well absorbed orally, only about
1/4th is protein bound in plasma and it is uniformly
distributed in the body.
• Metabolism occurs mainly by conjugation with
Pharmacokinetics glucuronic acid and sulfate: conjugates are excreted
rapidly in urine.
• Plasma t½ is 2–3 hours.
• Effects after an oral dose last for 3–5 hours
• Paracetamol is one of the most commonly used ‘over-the-counter’
analgesic for headache, mild migraine, musculoskeletal pain,
dysmenorrhoea, etc. but is relatively ineffective when inflammation is
prominent as in rheumatoid arthritis.
• Paracetamol is recommended as first choice analgesic for
osteoarthritis by many professional bodies.
• It is one of the best drugs to be used as antipyretic, especially in
children (no risk of Reye’s syndrome).
Adverse • In isolated antipyretic doses paracetamol is safe
and well tolerated. Nausea and rashes occur
effects occasionally, leukopenia is rare
Acute paracetamol poisoning
• It occurs especially in small children who have low hepatic glucuronide conjugating ability.
• If a large dose (> 150 mg/kg or > 10 g in an adult) is taken, serious toxicity can occur.
• Fatality is common with > 250 mg/kg.
• Early manifestations are just nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and liver tenderness with no impairment of
• After 12–18 hours centrilobular hepatic necrosis occurs which may be accompanied by renal tubular
necrosis and hypoglycaemia that may progress to coma.
• Jaundice starts after 2 days.
• Further course depends on the dose taken.
• Fulminating hepatic failure and death are likely if the plasma levels are above the line joining 200 µg/ml at
4 hours and 30 µg/ml at 15 hours.
• If the levels are lower —recovery with supportive treatment is the rule.
Fixed Drug Reaction
• Fixed drug eruption (FDE) is a cutaneous adverse drug reaction characterized
by the development of erythematous itchy or asymptomatic macules caused
by intake of a variety of drugs
• A case of FDE due to paracetamol in a 9-year-old child in 2018

Srinivas SM, Shekar R, Gnanamurthy N. Fixed drug eruption to paracetamol in a child. Indian J Paediatr Dermatol
• Many NSAIDs have been marketed in topical
formulations (mostly as gels) for application over
painful muscles or joints.
• These preparations are being used for
osteoarthritis, sprains, sports injuries, tenosinovitis,
Topical backache, spondylitis and other forms of soft tissue
NSAIDs • It is presumed that the drug would penetrate to
the subjacent tissues attaining high concentrations
in the affected muscles/joints, while maintaining
low blood levels.
• Diclofenac 1% gel : VOLINI GEL, RELAXYL GEL,
• Ibuprofen 10% gel : RIBUFEN GEL
• Naproxen 10% gel : NAPROSYN GEL
• Ketoprofen 2.5% gel : RHOFENID GEL
Preparations • Flurbiprofen 5% gel : FROBEN GEL
• Nimesulide 1% gel : NIMULID TRANS GEL,
• Piroxicam 0.5% gel : DOLONEX GEL, MOVON GEL,
Choice of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug
• Mild-to-moderate pain with little inflammation: paracetamol or low-dose ibuprofen.
• Postoperative or similar acute but short lasting pain: ketorolac, a propionic acid derivative, diclofenac or
• Acute musculoskeletal, osteoarthritic, injury associated pain: paracetamol, a propionic acid derivative or
• Exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, acute gout, acute rheumatic fever:
naproxen, piroxicam, indomethacin, high dose aspirin.
• Gastric intolerance to traditional NSAIDs or predisposed patients: a selective COX-2 inhibitor or
paracetamol. Arthritis patients who are dependent on NSAIDs and have developed peptic ulcer must
receive concurrent proton pump inhibitor as gastroprotective.
• Patients with history of asthma or anaphylactoid reaction to aspirin/other NSAIDs: nimesulide, COX-2
• Patients with hypertension or other risk factor for heart attack/stroke: avoid selective COX-2 inhibitor; a
propionic acid derivative or aspirin may be used at the lowest dose for the shortest period.
• Paediatric patients: only paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen have been adequately evaluated in
children — should be preferred in them. Due to risk of Reye’s syndrome, aspirin should be avoided.
• Elderly patients: use lower dose of the chosen NSAID.
• Fast acting drug formulation is suitable for fever, headache and other short lasting pain, while longer
acting drugs/sustained release formulations are appropriate for chronic arthritic pain.
• Pregnancy: paracetamol is the safest; lowdose aspirin is probably the second best.
• Hypertensive, diabetic, ischaemic heart disease, epileptic and other patients receiving long-term regular
medication: possibility of drug interaction with NSAIDs should be considered.
• Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics- 12th
• Essentials of Medical Pharmacology – 7th Edition, KD TRIPATHI MD
• Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology - South Asian Edition

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