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1 Exercises Product Quatity Control Geometrical Tolerancing

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Lecturer PhD Alina Sivitski

School of Engineering/Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

• Geometrical tolerancing
• Feature Control Frame
• Maximum Material Condition (MMC)
• Regardless of Feature Size (RFS)
• Regardless of Feature Size (RFS)
• Perpendicularity gauging measurement method example
• True Position –Location of a Feature
• Geometrical tolerancing, problems to solve, homework
• Standards geometrical tolerancing

Feature Control Frame

The feature control frame states the requirements or instructions for the feature to
which it is attached. The feature control frame controls features. Each feature control
frame contains only one message (requirement); if two messages for a feature are
necessary, two feature control frames are required.

Feature Control Frame

The first compartment of a feature control frame contains one of the fourteen
geometric characteristic symbols. Only one of the symbols can be placed in a feature
control frame; if there are two requirements for a feature, there must be two feature
control frames or a composite tolerance. The symbol will specify the requirement for
the feature, such as, “this feature must be flat,” or “this feature must be positioned.”

Feature Control Frame

The second compartment of a feature control frame contains the total tolerance for
the feature. The feature tolerance is always a total tolerance, never a plus/minus

Feature Control Frame

The second compartment of a feature control frame contains the total tolerance for
the feature. The feature tolerance is always a total tolerance, never a plus/minus
If the tolerance is preceded by a diameter symbol (⌀), the tolerance is a diameter or
cylindrical shaped zone, as in the position of a hole. If there is no symbol preceding
the tolerance, the default tolerance zone shape is parallel planes or a total wide zone,
as in the position of a slot or profile of a surface.
Regardless of Feature
Size (RFS) is the Feature Control Frame
default condition of Following the feature tolerance in the feature control frame, a material condition
all geometric modifier (materjali seisundi muutja, modifitseerija), such as MMC or LMC (Material
tolerances by rule #2 Condition Modifiers) may be specified if the feature has size, such as a hole. If the
of Geometrical feature has size, and no modifier is specified, the default modifier is RFS. If the
dimensioning and feature has no size, such as a plane surface, then the modifier is not applicable.
Tolerancing (GD&T)
and requires no
callout. Regardless of
feature size simply
means that whatever
dimensioning and
Tolerancing (GD&T)
callout you make, is
independently of the
size dimension of the
Feature Control Frame

The third and following compartments of a feature control frame contain the datum
feature reference(s) if they are required. For example, if a form tolerance, such as
flatness or straightness, is specified, then no datum feature reference is allowed.
However, if a location tolerance like position is specified, the datum feature
references are usually specified.
Feature Control Frame

The alphabetical order of the datum references has no significance—the significance is their order of
precedence, reading from left to right as primary, secondary, and tertiary. The primary is the first feature
contacted (minimum contact at 3 points), the secondary feature is the second feature contacted (minimum
contact at 2 points), and the tertiary is the third feature contacted (minimum contact at 1 point). Contacting
the three (3) datum features simultaneously establishes the three (3) mutually perpendicular datum planes
or the DRF. The DRF is created by so-called Datum Simulators which are the manufacturing, processing, and
inspection equipment, such as surface plate, a collet, a three jaw chuck, a gage pin, etc.

Feature Control Frame

In certain situations, the datum feature modifiers Maximum Material Boundary (MMB)
or Least Material Boundary (LMB) may be applied to the datum feature. The default
modifier is Regardless of Material Boundary (RMB). Since the datum feature has size
(it can get larger and smaller), information is necessary on the size condition of the
datum feature to which the datum feature reference applies. The modified condition
of the datum feature (MMB, LMB, RMB) defines the size or condition of the datum
feature simulator.


Surface Parallelism Callout

The Surface Parallelism Callout above shows how Surface Parallelism can be called out on
a drawing. Parallelism is relative to the “A” datum in the callout.

Maximum Material Condition (MMC)

Maximum Material Condition (maksimaalse materjali seisund) or for short, MMC, is a
Symbol: feature of size symbol that describes the condition of a feature or part where the
maximum amount of material (volume/size) exists within its dimensional tolerance.
The callout also removes 
GD&T Rule#2 which states that all geometry tolerances are controlled independently
of the feature size
Feature of Size When you have a feature that GD&T is called on:
If it is a hole or internal feature: MMC = smallest hole size
If it is a pin or external feature: MMC = largest size of the pin

Maximum Material Condition (MMC)

In each of these cases, the part will have the maximum amount of material that
would be allowed within the part tolerances.
Max Material Condition is one of the dimensional limits on a part. The other side of
the tolerance range would be the Least Material Condition.
The only GD&T Symbols where Max Material Condition can be applied are:
Straightness (axis)
True Position – very common

Maximum Material Condition (MMC)

Reason for Use:

If you want to ensure that two parts never interfere, or limit the amount of
interference between the parts when they are at their worst tolerances, MMC can be
called out. Take a shaft that must go through a hole with clearance between the two.
The MMC of the shaft would be the Maximum diameter
The MMC of the hole would be its Minimum diameter
If you made sure that the MMC of the shaft was always smaller than the MMC of the
hole, you guarantee there will always be clearance between the parts. This is
important for any tolerance stack to ensure that when the tolerances are at their
least desirable condition, the part still functions properly.
Maximum Material Condition (MMC)

Gauging Max Material Condition:

Maximum material condition comes in handy when it comes to making a functional
gauge for the part. If you want to limit the size of your feature, you can specify the
max material condition call out additionally control it with GD&T.
For example if you wanted to ensure that a pin always fits into a hole when the hole
is at MMC, we could design a pin gauge thatmimics the lower limit of the hole. The
gauge that controls the Max Material Condition of a part is called a Go-
Gauge (Meaning the Part must always Go into it)
Maximum Material Condition (MMC)
Gauging Max Material Condition:

The Go-Gauge for a hole or internal feature would exist of a pin that is just a tiny bit
(few microns) smaller than the Maximum Material Condition of the hole. The gauge
pin would then be inserted into the hole and as long as the pin Goes into the hole,
the part is in spec.
(Note: The pin gauge may be made slightly smaller (a few microns) than the MMC to
account for any straightness or tolerance issues that may be inherent in producing
the gauge)

*Remember when no GD&T is called on the hole the

envelope principal applies – meaning the geometric
and size effects of the hole cannot be larger or smaller
than the tolerances specified.
Maximum Material Condition (MMC)
Combination Gauging with GD&T Symbols
The true benefit of using the maximum material condition on a feature is the ability to call out
GD&T with dimensional tolerances and be able to gauge for them at the same time. When
geometric control and material control are used together, they form the true maximum
envelope or virtual condition that the part can be in and still be to specification.
For example, you have a pin with a dimensional and perpendicularity call outs. The pin needs to
be within both perpendicular enough and small enough so that it doesn’t get stuck when
inserted into its mating hole at a 90° angle to the face of the part. In this case all you really
care about is the pin fits into the hole at the worst case limits (MMC and max perpendicularity
tolerance make up the maximum envelope of the part)
The envelope requirement means
that the maximum (or minimum)
allowable size for a part must be
within the same range (or out of the
same range) as the maximum size
(or minimum size). It specifies that
the surface of a single feature of size
(a cylindrical surface or a feature
established by two parallel opposite
plane surfaces) should not violate
the imaginary envelope of perfect
(geometrically ideal) form at the
maximum material size.
Note on Bonus Tolerance:
When a functional gauge is used for
Perpendicularity, any difference the
actual feature size is from the
maximum material condition would
be a bonus tolerance. The goal of a
maximum material condition callout
is to ensure that when the part is in
its worst tolerances, the
Perpendicularity and size of the
hole/pin will always assemble
together. This means that if you
make a pin smaller, you make more
bonus tolerance for yourself. This
bonus can be added to the GD&T
tolerance and would widen the
perpendicularity tolerance.
Bonus Tolerance = Difference
between MMC & Actual condition

Maximum Material Condition (MMC)

Final Notes:
Features of Size:
Maximum Material Condition is one of three features of size callouts in GD&T. The
other two are Least Material Condition and Regardless of Feature Size. All of these
specify the condition that the part or feature must be in to apply the specified
geometric tolerance.
Default to Regardless of feature size
When there is not call out to Maximum Material Condition or Least Material Condition,
the part, by default, is measured regardless of feature size (RFS). This means there
is no bonus tolerance and the envelope of the part is not defined. The part must be
controlled geometrically regardless of what size the feature is at.
Reason for Use Regardless of Feature Size (RFS):
Since Regardless of feature size is the default condition it is used always and ignored only when specified. It
is applied for most part conditions. RFS is always kept where balance is critical and where both sides of the
tolerance must be maintained independently of the GD&T callouts.
Regardless of Feature size requires the axis to be measured separately from the size of the hole and cannot
be gauged easily. However, there is no bonus tolerance allowed in this condition so the perpendicularity
would be much better controlled regardless of the size of the hole.
In the following example, no material modifiers are called out, RFS would be implied and the control for the
parts would be like this:
Reason for Use Regardless of Feature Size (RFS):

This of course makes sense and follows the normal rules of GD&T. However if you were to add a
Max Material Condition to the drawing, the hole limits are quite different. If you were to control
perpendicularity of an axis with MMC, you could control and gauge the part according to Example
from perpendicularity.
There is now a bonus tolerance that is added to the perpendicularity tolerance to make it larger.
With Regardless of feature size this could not happen, as the perpendicularity would have to be the
same, regardless of the features size. 
Reason for Use Regardless of Feature Size (RFS):
Axis control can also be called out for Perpendicularity and is one of the more common forms of axes call
outs. When it is referenced for a circular feature, the feature control frame will contain the diameter (Ø)
symbol. Axis Perpendicularity can be applied to a positive feature (pin/boss) or to a negative feature (a
hole). When Perpendicularity is referenced for axial control of a feature, the symbol now specifies a
cylindrical boundary where the axis of the referenced feature must lie. This cylindrical boundary is formed by
taking a line that is directly perpendicular to the datum feature. When this version of Perpendicularity is
called out it is to be used with maximum material condition (MMC) to enable easy gauging of the part. See
example below for how these particular parts are gauged.

A cylinder surrounding a referenced theoretical axis
which is directly perpendicular to the datum feature.
The tolerance zone is the diameter of this symbol in
which the central axis of the measured feature must
Perpendicularity gauging measurement method example
To ensure that a part or feature is axially perpendicular, Maximum material condition is most often
called out on axis perpendicularity to allow easy measurement with a gauge. This allows it to be
designed for either a negative (hole) or positive (pin) feature and can take into account a bonus
Gauge size for an internal feature (like a hole): *Note on Bonus Tolerance:
When a functional gauge is used for
Gauge Ø (pin gauge)= Min Ø of hole (MMC) – Perpendicularity Tolerance Perpendicularity, any difference the
actual feature size is from the
Gauge size for an external feature (like a pin): maximum material condition would
be a bonus tolerance. The goal of a
Gauge Ø (hole gauge) = Max Ø of pin (MMC) + Perpendicularity Tolerance maximum material condition callout
is to ensure that when the part is in
its worst tolerances, the
orientation and size of the hole/pin
will always assemble together. This
means that if you make a pin
smaller, you make more bonus
tolerance for yourself. This bonus
can be added to the GD&T tolerance
and would widen the
perpendicularity tolerance.
Bonus Tolerance = Difference
between MMC & Actual condition 

Axis Perpendicularity one more Example with MMC:

If you have a critical hole feature that needs to remain parallel to the surface that is
formed into, perpendicularity can be called out to ensure that the hole is straight. In
this example, a bolt hole is specified to remain perpendicular to its surface.

Axis Perpendicularity Example with MMC:

Without an MMC callout, you would need to control just the center axis of the hole
and measure it to ensure it is at 90° to the bottom surface. However, when MMC is
called out on the print, you are controlling both the size and the orientation of the
hole. You now can check both tolerances using a functional gauge with the following
Formula for a perpendicularity functional gauge:
Gauge Ø (pin gauge) = Min hole Ø – Perpendicularity Tolerance
Gauge Ø = 9.9 – 0.2 = 9.7

Hole Ø + Hole Perpendicularity > 9.7 (Pin Ø) to be in spec.

Due to the Max Material Condition callout, if you have a hole that is larger than the
MMC of 9.9 you will have bonus tolerance that can be added on to your
perpendicularity. (According to print Hole Ø cannot be above 10.1 though)
In the example below – the hole is at the least material condition (largest hole size)
with the hole at the LMC, your bonus tolerance that can be added to the
perpendicularity is calculated as follows:
Bonus Tolerance = Actual Part Size – Max Material Condition
Bonus Tolerance = 10.1 – 9.9 = 0.2

Adding this bonus tolerance to
your perpendicularity means
your “gauged” perpendicularity
tolerance can go up to 0.4 when
the part is at its largest

Final Notes on Geometrical tolerance - Perpendicularity

Very Common:
Perpendicularity is very common in its surface and axis form. You will see this
commonly on many mechanical engineering drawings.
Features of Size:
Perpendicularity will most likely have an MMC or LMC callout if gauge control is used
in a production environment. It allows both size and orientation to be measured
quickly on the line, as opposed to having to measure perpendicularity with a
CMM (coordinate measuring machine, that is rather expensive and
Axis Controls:
Straightness, Axis Angularity, Axis Parallelism, True Position, and Axis
Perpendicularity can all be called out to control a center axis. Usually, when this is a
case in a production environment, MMC is also called out so that a functional gauge
can be used. However, the only callouts with this case that you would see commonly
are perpendicularity and straightness.
GD&T Tolerance Zone:
True Position –Location of a feature

A 2-dimensional cylindrical zone or, more commonly a 3-Dimensional cylinder, centered at

the true position location referenced by the datums.
The cylindrical tolerance zone would extend though the thickness of the part if this is a hole.
For the 3-dimensional tolerance zone existing in a hole, the entire hole’s axis would need to
be located within this cylinder.

True Position using modifiers (MMC/LMC)

The tolerance zone is the same as above except only applied in a 3D condition. A 3-
Dimensional cylinder, centered at the true position location referenced by the datum
surfaces. The cylindrical tolerance zone would extend though the thickness of the part if this
is a through hole for the 3-dimensional tolerance zone similar to the RFS version. While this
is the tolerance zone, the call-out now references the virtual condition of the entire part. This
means that the hole’s position and size are controlled together as one. (see gauging section)

Gauging / Measurement:
True Position –Location of a Feature
True position of a feature is made by first determining the current referenced point and then
comparing that to any datum surfaces to determine how far off this true center the feature
is. It is simplified like a dimensional tolerance but can be applied to a diameter tolerance
zone instead of simple X-Y coordinates. This is done on a CMM or other measurement

True Position Using material modifiers (MMC only)

When a part is checked for true position under a feature of size specification, usually a
functional gauge is used to ensure that the entire feature envelope is within specification. If
you have a specification for Maximum Material Condition, the desired state is that a hole will
not be too small, or a pin not too large. The following formulas are used to create a gauge for
true position under MMC.*
Gauging of an Internal Feature
For the true position under MMC of a hole:
Gauge Ø (pin gauge)=Min Ø of hole (MMC)-True Position Tolerance
Gauging of an External Feature
For true position under MMC of a pin:
Gauge Ø (hole gauge) = Max Ø of pin (MMC) + True Position Tolerance

Note on Bonus Tolerance:

When a functional gauge is used for True
Position, any difference the actual feature size
is from the maximum material condition would
be a bonus tolerance. The bonus tolerance for
position then increases as the part gets closer
to LMC. The goal of a maximum material
condition callout is to ensure that when the
part is in its worst tolerances, the True
Position and size of the hole/pin will always
assemble together. For instance, if you had a
large hole size but was still in tolerance (closer
to LMC), you make more bonus tolerance for
yourself making the true position tolerance
larger. You can now have the hole center more
out of position due to the bonus tolerance.
Bonus Tolerance = Difference between MMC &
Actual condition.

Locations of the gauge pins or holes are given on the drawing as basic dimensions. All gauge
features should be located in the datum true positions, but sized according to the formulas
Relation to Other GD&T Symbols:
True Position –Location of a feature
True position is closely related to symmetry and concentricity as they both require the
location of features to be controlled. However, True position is more versatile since it can be
called on a feature of size or combined with other geometric tolerances to specify an entire
part envelope.

True Position using features of size (MMC/LMC)

True position with used of MMC or LMC is related to axis perpendicularity when used on a
hole or pin. The tolerance of both perpendicularity and true position now refers to the
uniformity and cylindrical envelope of a central axis. However, with true position you can
make the tolerance referenced to several datum’s as opposed to just one with axis
perpendicularity. When you callout true position using datums on the face, and sides of the
part – perpendicularity is controlled as well.  See example 2 for more details.
When Used:
True Position –Location of a feature
You can see in the example 1 below how a hole can be called out using true position.
However, this can also be applied to anything in need of a location tolerance, such as a pin, a
boss or even an edge of a part. When you have a hole in a part such as a bolted surface, true
position is usually called out. It can be used almost anywhere to represent any feature of

True Position using material condition (MMC/LMC)

True position of a feature of size under MMC is used when a functional gauge is ideal for
checking the part. True position is also useful for describing and controlling a bolt pattern for
a pipe fitting or a bolted fixture. If you specify the control using MMC, it allows you to have a
pin gauge that you can insert into the part to see if the bolt pattern is functionally accurate.
You will see true position called with MMC very commonly in bolt patterns where relative
location of all the bolts and necessary clearance is critical. LMC with true position is a little
less common but often used when minimum wall thickness is desired.
True Position –Location of Hole Example 1:
Four holes are to be located on a block to ensure contact is always maintained and located
within a specific position. The holes need to line up with the threaded connections in the
mating part.

The True position callout on a block

True Position –Location of Hole Example 1 continue:
With true position called out the holes do not need to be in exact positions as shown below,
but their centers can vary by the amount specified by the tolerance. The basic dimensions
(dimensions in the squares) are un-toleranced and describe the true location the hole would
be in if it was perfect. In a 2D check of the upper right hole, the true location would be 40
mm from datum A and 40 mm from datum B. The holes center is calculated, usually by a
CMM and compared to the true location. As long as the holes center is in the blue tolerance
zone of 0.2 mm specified by the feature control frame, the part is in tolerance.
Note: in this case, the surface of the part is
called out (Datum C). This means the entire
hole must have its axis align with the datum.
The tolerance zone would actually ensure
that the location and the perpendicularity
are within the specified tolerance. Since all
the central points at any cross-section are
controlled by true position, the parts axis
(line between all central points) would be
controlled for orientation.
The biggest thing to note about this design is
that no matter what size hole you have, your
true position would always have to be the
same. This is ideal for when proper exact
alignment is required for function of the
part. It does, however, remove the possibility
of using a functional gauge.
True Position – Hole size and location using MMC Example 2:
Taking the same example, the true position can also be specified with a maximum material
condition callout. This means you are now controlling the envelope of the entire hole
feature, including the size of the hole throughout its entire depth.
True Position – Hole size and location using
MMC Example 2 continue:

With an MMC callout you now can use a

functional gauge to measure this part, to
determine that the size and geometric
tolerancing are within spec at the same
Formula for a the functional gauge to
measure the true position of all holes:
Individual Pin Diameters = Min hole Ø -True
position tolerance (bonus)
This example Pin Ø = 9.9 – 0.2 = Ø 9.7
Location of pins: Same specifications
True Position – Hole size and location using MMC
Example 2 continue:
This would be the go gauge that would measure for
hole size, orientation, and position. The part would
be pressed down onto the gauge and if it fits the
part is in specification. Notice that datum A, B, and
C are all included in the gauge to check the location
of the hole. The desired function of the part is met
by ensuring that the part touches all the datums
and that the gauge pins are able to fully go through
the holes.

As long as the gauge can go into the part, it is

in spec. This makes it very easy to accurately
gauge the part right on a production line. The
function of the part is confirmed because as
long as the surface that the part is bolted to
has the same tolerances, it will always fit.
Final Notes:
Bonus Round
Remember the further you are from MMC when it is referenced in the feature control frame, the more bonus
tolerance you are allowed. For a hole, the larger the diameter, (closer to the LMC) the more bonus tolerance you
have for your true position.
Bonus tolerance = true position tolerance (measured hole size – MMC hole size)
Note: Keep in mind the opposite is true for a positive feature like a pin, where the smaller the pin means you have
more bonus tolerance.
Called with or without the Ø symbol
There are two ways true position can be called out – either as a distance, in X and Y or most commonly as a
diameter. When true position is called out as a distance, you are permitted to move from the tolerance in X or Y
direction by the allowed tolerance. However, when done this way, the tolerance zone actually forms a square.
This is usually undesirable since in the corners of the square are further from the center than the sides. This also
removed over 57% of your tolerance zone! Most commonly, true position with reference to location is called
with the diameter (Ø) symbol to be called as a cylindrical or circular tolerance zone.
Slotted Features:
Another common way true position can be called out is with slotted features. If you have a slot in your part that
must always be located correctly, you can use true position to ensure that each of the planes that make up the
slot are always located in the correct position. Symmetry can also be used in this case – but only if the slots have
a referenced datum plane that they are symmetrical about (and measuring symmetry is very difficult!).

When parallelism concerns cylindrical size

features or datums, the inspection becomes
more difficult, especially when the feature,
datum, or both, are RFS. Here again, standard
layout methods using a surface plate, height
stand, and indicator can be used for small
quantities as long as the inspector understands
the meaning expressed by the feature control
symbol. FIG. 52 shows an inspection gage
design used to check the parallel ism of
cylindrical size features.
FIG. 57 shows two identical parts containing
clearance holes assembled with two 0.50 in.
(12.7 mm) bolts. Each part can be dimensioned
and toleranced as shown, with MMC specified
after the hole location tolerance. Also shown is a
hole relation gage for each of the parts. Hole
relation gages check hole-to-hole relationship,
not hole location to some other part feature. The
gage could contain fixed-pin gage features in
place of the separate gage pins shown, which fit
tightly into basically located bushings in the
Locational and squareness tolerances represent
the actual differences in size between the gage
pin and the clearance hole feature. Since feature
size will vary from hole to hole, part to part, and
process to process, the true tolerance is a
variable; the 0.50 in. (12.7 mm) bolt or gage pin
and the interchangeable design requirement are
the constants. The positional tolerance is 0.10 in.
(2.5 mm).

FIG. 58 shows the

tolerances and
gages for the
manufacture and
assembly of two
different parts. One
part contains
clearance holes and
the other holes are
tapped for 0.50 in.
(12.7 mm).
FIG. 60 shows a similar
workpiece with the less
critical MMC requirement
on the datum diameter.
The holes are located
from the center of the
datum diameter when the
datum is at MMC. Also
shown is the design of a
gage to check the part

FIG. 61 shows another workpiece

in which the holes never need to
be exactly located from the
center of a specified datum
feature. A gage-fit allowance has
been specified. It is directly
reflected in the size of the datum
gage feature since the gage is
0.995 in. (25.27 mm) and differs
from the MMC size of the part
(1.000 in. [25.40 mm]) by 0.005
in. (0.13 mm). A fairly large
allowance could be specified if
the datum was merely a
convenient starting place for

A pattern of interchangeable features (holes) is the most

critical feature on the part shown in FIG. 62, but it is not
locationally critical in relation to any single datum feature.
The 0.30 in. (7.6 mm) minimum breakout specification is
the result of a stress analysis and an end-product
requirement. No single datum is specified, and the 0.30 in.
(7.6 mm) minimum specification can be readily gaged with
a tubing micrometer or a fork gage as shown.
FIG. 63 shows a workpiece with
seven holes. The specified
positional tolerance includes the
location and angularity
tolerances for each radial hole.
Also shown is the gage required
for checking the part. In use, all
seven gage pins must go through
the part at one time. In
designating the datum, if RFS
callouts had been used instead
of MMC for the diameter and
width of the slot, the gage would
be required to center on the two
datum features. As a result, one
gage pin could be used to
individually qualify each hole in
Reference to the datum.
All major CAD systems support ISO 1101 prior to the 2017 edition.
The ISO 1660:2017 standard on profile tolerancing has added several important capabilities that may be
useful for additive manufacturing industry. These include tools for defining specifications (1) for restricted
features and compound features, (2) using unequally disposed or offset tolerance zones, and (3) using
tolerance zones of variable width.

An example of the use of profile tolerancing for an additively manufactured part (ASME Y14.46-2017,
Product Definition for Additive Manufacturing, The Americal Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York,
NY, 2017)

Supply chains in
manufacturing industry
depend on standardized data,
such as STEP, to exchange
complete product information.
Major CAD vendors have
implemented and tested
dimensional and geometrical
tolerancing specifications that
are currently used in industry
(CAx Implementor Forum.
www.cax-if.org). Figure on
the rigth shows an example of
a test case in which a 3D
model with geometrical
tolerancing information is
represented in a neutral STEP
format for exchange. But
similar support of new ISO
GPS tolerancing standards
must await the native CAD
implementations of these new

Note that as we go from

top to bottom, the
second line could have
either exactly the same
datum references as the
top line or a subset.  The
third and fourth lines
must have datum
references that are
subsets of the line above,
and the datums must
always be in the same
order as the line above.
Mounting fixture used to locate and orient a rod (not shown) through the
large bore. The fixture will be bolted to a frame through the four bolt holes
that are counterbore to recess the bolt heads. The bolt holes have too much
clearance to properly align the rod, so the fixture will be aligned with two
locating pins in the frame that will fit in the Ø6 hole and slot.
TASKs To Solve:
1. Determine the minimum diameter allowed for the counterbore
2. Determine the maximum depth allowed for the counterbore
3. Determine the diameter of the bolt holes at MMC
4. Identify every feature that qualifies as a feature of size
5. The width of the base is specified with a basic dimension of 60 mm, with no
tolerance. (Note that as a feature of size, it could have had a tolerance
directly specified.) What are the minimum and maximum allowed
dimensions for the base width? Explain how they are determined
6. Describe the datum features A, B, and C. Describe their corresponding
datums Describe the datum reference frame that is defined by applying A, B,
and C in that order. Describe how the part is stabilized by these datums.
Explain why this is more appropriate for this application than using the
edges of the base for datums B and C. (Notice that the basic dimensions are
either measured from, or implied to be centered on, the datums of the datum
reference frame )
7. If datum feature B is produced with a diameter of Ø6.00, what is the
diameter of the tolerance zone in which its axis must lie? What if it is
produced at Ø6.05?

Homework TASKs To Solve continues:

8. If the bolt holes are produced at Ø6.0, what is the diameter of the tolerance zones locating the bolt
hole pattern with respect to the true position specified by the basic dimensions? What if the bolt
holes are produced at Ø6.1?
9. If the bolt holes are produced at Ø6.0, what is the diameter of the tolerance zones locating the
position of the bolt holes with respect to one another? What if the bolt holes are produced at
10. Explain why the M modifier is appropriate for the bolt hole position tolerance.
11. For the large bore, explain what provides control of each of the following: orientation, straightness
of its center axis, and cylindricity of its surface.
12. Assume the part is cast, and the casting operation can provide a surface profile tolerance of less
than 0.5. Which surfaces can likely be left in the as-cast condition without compromising any of the
requirements of the drawing? How would this change if the drawing were modified to use the
edges of the base as datum features B and C, while still maintaining the functional goals for the
alignment of the rod?

GD&T (geometrical dimensioning and tolerancing) is defined and controlled by standards to provide
uniformity and clarity on a global scale. One widely utilized standard is published by the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers as ASME Y14.5–2009 Dimensioning and Tolerancing. It is part of the broader set of
ASME Y14 standards that cover all aspects of engineering drawings and terminology. The International
Organization of Standards (ISO) also publishes a series of standards that have been more commonly used in
European countries. The two standards have developed in parallel and are mostly similar in concept and
terminology. The ASME standard tends to put more emphasis on design intent while the ISO standards
have a greater emphasis on metrology, or the measurement of the resulting part. According to the ASME
approach, the parts are defined primarily in a way to ensure that they will perform the desired function,
without specifying what equipment or processes should be used to manufacture or inspect the parts. The
ASME Y14.5–2009 standard is utilized in this textbook.


Standards geometrical tolerancing

Asendatud uuema versiooniga alates

ISO 22081:2021
Geometrical product specifications
(GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing —
General geometrical specifications and
general size specifications
Standards geometrical tolerancing
Standards geometrical tolerancing
Standards geometrical tolerancing:
Standards geometrical tolerancing:


1. https://www.gdandtbasics.com/perpendicularity/
2. https://www.gdandtbasics.com/maximum-material-condition/
3. https://www.gdandtbasics.com/true-position/
4. https://www.fictiv.com/articles/gdt-101-an-introduction-to-geometric-dimensioning-and-tolerancing
5. Edward P. Morse, Craig M. Shakarji, Vijay Srinivasan. A Brief Analysis of Recent ISO Tolerancing
Standards and Their Potential Impact on Digitization of Manufacturing. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-
review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of the 15th CIRP Conference on Computer
Aided Tolerancing - CIRP CAT 2018.
Available from:
[accessed Nov 21 2020].
6. https://www.industrial-electronics.com/engineering-industrial/fund-tool_9.html
Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Tel 620 2002 (E-R 8.30–17.00)

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