Haramaya University College of Health and Medical Science
Haramaya University College of Health and Medical Science
Haramaya University College of Health and Medical Science
By Gada Diba
1 metabolic syndrome 12/15/2022
At the end of this presentation, the students should be able to:
The worldwide prevalence of MetS has steadily risen over the years, hand-
pooled prevalence of MetS based on IDF and NCEP/ATP III criteria among
different study subjects in Ethiopia (Ambachew et al., 2020)
This systematic review provides evidence of an estimated pooled prevalence
34.89% and 27.92% by using NCEP/ATP III and IDF criteria, respectively
Syndrome X
Deadly quartet
Reaven’s syndrome
Cardiometabolic syndrome
MetS is not a disease, but rather a clustering of metabolic risk factors that have
been proven to make the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) at least
twice as likely, and increase the possibility of suffering from type 2 diabetes
(T2D) fivefold (Haverinen et al.,2021).
The risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,
and research fields including the same components (obesity, glucose and lipid
metabolism and blood pressure), however the definitions emphasize different
components and use different cutoff points.
E.g. the definition by the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes insulin
AHA/NHLBI and IDF criteria are the most commonly used because of their
simplicity and practicality in the clinical setting.
Atherogenic Dyslipidemia
Elevated triglycerides.
This definition includes patients with IFG; fasting plasma glucose between 100 mg/
dL and 126 mg/dL) and type 2 DM (fasting plasma glucose of 126 mg/dL or
Thus, elevated fasting glucose represents a progressive continuum of abnormal
glucose homeostasis.
IGT is also recognized as a state of altered glucose homeostasis.
which one plays the predominant role in metabolic syndrome pathogenesis and
According to cross sectional study done in Addis Abeba in 2019, which involves
325 participants, older age, Amhara ethnicity, overweight status ,higher income
and higher education levels were risk factors for MetS (Solomon S, Mulugeta
W.,2019) .
Based on cross sectional study done in Ayder Comprehensive Specialized
signs or symptoms.
One sign that is visible is a large waist circumference.
And if blood sugar is high, the signs and symptoms of diabetes — such as :
1. pharmacological
2. non-pharmacological.
and other drugs that affect satiety or body weight are crucial targets, each
of which requires a systematic evaluation and a patient-centered
intervention (Aguilar-Salinas et al., 2019).
metabolic syndrome.
Conversely, different diets like Mediterranean-style diets, characterized by high
dairy, fish, wine, and cereal grain intakes seem to be associated with lower risk .
programs reported that, compared with usual care, diet and physical activity
promotion programs reduced T2D incidence, body weight, and fasting blood
glucose while improving other cardio metabolic risk factors (Balk et al, 2015).
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
blockers are useful antihypertensive drugs.
people with prediabetes will prevent or delay the development of diabetes and
Recent thiazolidinedione studies have also demonstrated efficacy in delaying or
preventing type 2 diabetes in people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and
insulin resistance (Durbin RJ ,2004).
Other studies have shown that both acarbose and orlistat can be used to delay
Adiposopathy leads to atherogenic dyslipidemia as well as several other risk factors for
7%-10% weight loss significantly affects CHD risk