Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Chapter 1
What is Explosive !
Velocity of Detonation (VOD): VOD is the speed at which the detonation travels
through the explosive.
Strength: Strength of an explosive is in most cases expressed as a percentage of
the strength of blasting gelatin.
Weight Strength: it denotes the strength of any weight of an explosive compared with
the same weight of blasting gelatin.
Volume Strength: It denotes the comparison of any volume of an explosive with the
same volume of blasting gelatin.
Properties of Explosives
Detonation Stability: It means the detonation goes through the entire explosives
Sensitiveness: Sensitiveness or propagation ability is expressed in the length of the air
gap over which the donor cartridge of an explosive will detonate a receptor cartridge
under unconfined conditions.
Sensitivity: Explosives susceptibility to detonation upon receiving an external impulse
such as flame or friction. OR the minimum energy needed to initiate the explosive.
Density: Density of explosive is its specific weight expressed as kg per liter or grams
per ccm. The density determines the charge concertation in the blast hole.
Density is an important consideration when choosing an explosive. For difficult blasting
conditions or where fine fragmentation is required, a dense explosive is usually necessary. In
easily fragmented rock or where fine fragmentation is not needed, a low-density explosive will
often suffice.
Properties of Explosives
The Environmental Properties are more and more taken into consideration. The
aim is to minimize the toxic fumes and such negative side-effects as headache and
skin irritation when handling nitroglycerin explosives.
Resistance to Freezing is important in areas where the temperature falls below
zero degree centigrade. Dynamites and watergels become stiffer in low
temperature and lose their good tamping characteristics while emulsion explosives
retain their excellent tamping characteristics even at the lowest temperatures.
Properties of Explosives