Cultural and Values Orientations - Final
Cultural and Values Orientations - Final
Cultural and Values Orientations - Final
Collectivist values are evident in many
traditional chinesse performance such as
dragon dance which requires the close
cooperation of the group rather than
exceptional skills by individual.
Masculinity and Fimenity
• Masculinity and Feminity demension
describe how a cultures dominant values are
assertive or maturing .In Masculine cultures
people strive for maximal distinction between
how men and women expective to think
behave culture labels as feminine are those
that permit more overlapping social roles for
the sexes and places high value on feminine
treats such as quality of life interpersonal
relationship and concern for the weak?
Masculinity and Feminity
Culture it is acceptable for the wife to go out
the work while the husband going the homes
minding the children and taking care of
domestic core
Power Distance