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Instructor: Wasihun Altaseb

Conceptualizing Nationalism, Nations and States
Nationalism: is the doctrine that asserts the nation as the
basic political unit in organizing society.
Nationalism is the most influential force in international affairs.
Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a
particular nation (as in a group of people), especially with the aim of gaining
and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland
*According to Heywood:
Nations: are historical entities that evolve organically out of more
similar ethnic communities and they reveal themselves in myths,
legends, and songs.
Nationalism, nations and states cont’d…

The state was combined with a nation forming a compound noun the nation state
which was organized differently and pursued different goals.
A nation, in contrast to a state, constitutes a community of people joined by a
shared identity and by common social practices.
State is a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under
one government.

•Nationalism is a social and political movement

•one can understand nationalism as an organising political principle that requires
national homogenisation and gives absolute priority to national values and
‘interests’ in aiming to achieve ‘national goals’.
Nationalism, nations and states cont’d
Understanding International Relations

We now live in a world where it is impossible to isolate our

experiences and transactions from an international dimension.
Originally, the study of international relations (a term first used by
Jeremy Bentham in 1798)
It was seen largely as a branch of the study of law, philosophy or
Throughout the world, many have established individual
ways of understanding international relations.
Today, international relations could be used to describe a range of
interactions between people, groups, firms, associations, parties,
nations or states or between these and (non) governmental
international organizations.
Understanding International Relations

 comprehensive, broad and multidisciplinary.

 Inter- ♠ refers to something between and among.
♠ having to do/inter with one or more than
 National ♠ refers to sovereign state/country.
♠ the actors are mainly states.
Inter-national refers to the interaction and communication
between countries regardless of national boundaries.
Understanding IR cont’d…
Events such as international conflict, international conferences on global
warming and international crime play a fundamental part in the study of
international relations.
Participation in international relations or politics is also inescapable.
On the other hand, there are legal, political and social differences between
domestic and international politics.
Domestic law is generally obeyed, and if not, the police and courts enforce
International law rests on competing legal systems, and there is no common
Scholars and practitioners in international relations use concepts and theories
to make their study more manageable.
Understanding IR cont’d…
• International Relation [IR] is the study and practice of
political, social and economic relationships among the world’s
nations, especially between and among national governments
which can be bi-lateral and multi-lateral relations.
• International relations may also refer to the interactions
between Non-Governmental Groups, such as Multinational
Corporations (MNC)(companies that operate in more than
one country) or International Organizations(IO) such as the
Red Cross or the United Nations(UN).
Understanding IR cont’d…

International politics is pre-eminently concerned with the art of achieving group
ends against the opposition of other groups.

But this is limited by the will and ability of other groups to impose their demands.

If physical force were to be used to resolve every disagreement there would result
an intolerable existence for the world‘s population.

Society would not prosper and every human being would be suspicious of every
other human.

International politics is also about maintaining international order.

The arena of international relations and politics seems to be continually
Understanding IR cont’d…

In 1800 there were no international organizations, but now there is one for
almost every activity–both governmental and non-governmental.

When the United Nations Charter was signed in October 1945, only 51 states
signed it.

Currently, the UN grew up to 192 member states.

There has also been the continuing growth of
governmental and international services.

Interdependence implies that people, businesses and organizations rely on
each other (and their rivals) in different places for ideas, goods and services.

International relations and politics are necessary for all states, but political
power is not centralized and unequal.
Historical Development of IR
 Historical Development of International Relations as a
 The study of International Relations as a discipline is
an ancient, example the history of wars of the Greek
city-states, the relations of Italian city-states and the
ties of tribute states to the Chinese Empire.
 But political science specializing in the subject of
International Relations appeared in the United States
with the advent of the First World War (1914-1918)
and the formation of the League of Nations (1919).
Historical development of IR
Traditionally, international relations have
been attention to the have to the state as an
actor and the state’s interest, chiefly national
security and power.
• A concern with arms race, crisis and wars, and
the causes of wars
Historical development of IR
• Recently in international relations concern: gender
perspectives, environmental issues, ethnicity,
terrorism and international political economy.
• In general, the field of international relations is
devoted to the study of how the system of states
could be made to work more effectively to enhance
the power of law, peacefully manage interstate
affairs, preserve order and minimize the prospects
of war.
The Nature and Evolution of International Relations

The rise of the sovereign state in medieval Europe consisted of a complicated

pattern of overlapping jurisdictions and loyalties.
In medieval Europe there were two institutions with pretensions to power
over the continent as a whole the Catholic Church and the Empire.
The Church was the spiritual authority, with its centre in Rome.
Apart from a small Jewish minority, all Europeans were Christian and the
influence of the Church spread far and penetrated deeply into people‘s lives.
The Church occupied a crucial role in the cultural and intellectual life of the
Middle Ages.
The Nature and Evolution of International
 International system is a dominant set of ideas, power
structure, economic patterns, and rules that shape the
domestic politics in a particular and international relations
of more countries in more places in a particular historical era.
 one way or the other, historical development of IRs is related
to the creation of modern States.
 The history of IRs is often traced back to the Peace of
Westphalia of 1648, where the modern state system was
 Before Westphalia, the European medieval organization of
political authorities were based on a vaguely hierarchical
religious order, governments were not secular.
 On October 24th 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia was signed,
The Nature and Evolution of IR
• The war began in 1618, when the Austrians tried to
impose Roman Catholicism on their Protestant
The purpose of Westphalia Peace Treaty
was basically to:-
- end-up the 30 year religious war
- reduce religious authority and legitimacy.
Westphalia treaty contributed much for
the formation of:-
- sovereign states ( given to the king not to the
states or the people)
Nature and evolution of IR cont’d…
The Thirty Years‘ War, 1618–1648, was the bloodiest and
most protracted military confrontation of the era.
The war concerned which state should have hegemony (or
dominance) over Europe.
The treaty of Westphalia, 1648, which concluded the 30
years of warfare, has come to symbolize the new way of
organizing international politics.
International politics was a matter of relations between states
and no other political units.
All states were sovereign, meaning that they laid claims to the
exclusive right to rule their own territories and to act.
All states were formally equal and they had the same rights and
Nature and evolution of IR cont’d…
Once these states had made themselves independent both of the pope and
the emperor, they soon discovered that their relations had become vastly
more complicated.
In order to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts, the
different rulers began dispatching ambassadors to each other‘s courts.
This diplomatic network provided a means of:
*Gathering information
*Spying (employed to obtain information, may be secret)
*A way of keeping in touch with one another
*Carrying out negotiations and concluding deals.
The embassies were given extraterritorial rights and legal immunity,
diplomatic dispatches were regarded as inviolable and ambassadors had
the right to worship the god of their choice.
Actors in International Relations
• The participants in international relations,
often called actors.
• Actors have a great influence on the
relationships between nations and on world
There are two major actors in international
relations: state and non-state actors.
Actors in international relation
1 State actors
International Relations (IR) traditionally focused on interactions between
International Relations : traditionally focused on interactions between
Relationships between all sorts of political entities , including
international organizations, multinational corporations, societies and
Al l states have their own capitals, armies, foreign ministries, flags and
national anthems.
states are also sovereign in relation to each other: they act in relation to
other states, declaring war, concluding a peace, negotiating a treaty, and
many other things.
Non-State Actors
• Non-state actors are also called transnational actors
1. Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)
 Organizations whose members are national
 Fulfill a variety of functions and vary in size from
just a few states to virtually the whole UN
2. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
 Private organizations, some of considerable size
and resources
 Some have political purpose, some economic or
Non state actors
3. Multinational Corporations (MNCs
• Companies that span multiple countries
• Often control greater resources and operate
internationally with greater efficiency, than many
small states
• May prop up (or even create) friendly foreign
governments but may also provide poor states
with much-needed foreign investments and tax
Non state actors
Levels of Analysis in International Relations

The individual level

International relations can be analyzed from the perspective of individuals.

Here we would look at the behaviors, motivations, beliefs and orientation
of the individual in affecting a particular international phenomenon.
If looking at the actions of individuals, we would likely also need to
engage with the implications of human nature.

Psychological factors matter at the level of individual members of society
or of a group.

They are also an important factor in the analysis of foreign policy.

The particular mindsets and perceptions of political leaders and key actors
might influence their decisions and behavior.
Level of analysis in IR cont’d…
The group level
A group level analysis would try and break the analysis down into
certain kinds of groups:
*How they relate to the state level and
*Where they position themselves with respect to the global dimension
of the issues they are dealing with.
An example of this can be seen in the work of Engelen et.al. (2012).
It discuss the global financial crisis as the misrule of experts, pointing
at the politicized role of technocratic circles and the relative lack of
democratic control over the boards of large banks and corporations.
A group-level analysis focusing on foreign policy would
look, for example, at the role of lobbying groups and the way they
influence national decision making on an issue.
The group level analysis of IR cont’d…
 In this sense, a group-level analysis would be more interested in
the actions of groups of individuals such as:
All voters of a country and the way they express their views in the
general election,
Political parties picking up on the issue in their campaigns or social
movements forming to counter the effects of the crisis on society.
 A group-level analysis could be interested in activist/pressure
groups like anonymous that seek to influence the global debate about
the winners and losers of globalization and capitalism, and so forth.
Level of analysis in IR cont’d…
The state level
The IR literature, the main focus remains on the state as the
dominant unit of analysis.
This enduring focus on the state, and therefore, on the state level of
analysis is referred to as the relative state-centrism of the discipline.
This means that IR scholars would generally
not only regard states as the central unit of analysis as such.
They conceive of the state as a point of reference for other types of
From this perspective, the state acts as the arena in
which state officials, politicians and decision-makers operate.
The state is seen as the framework that encapsulates society and as
the main point of reference for the individual.
State level analysis of IR cont’d…
The state is being the main location of power within the international sphere.
A state level analysis might be interested to look at any one of the following:
a. How states interact with each other to deal with the crisis in other words,
their foreign policy?
b. How they build off each other‘s suggestions and react to international
developments and trends ?
c. How they cooperate, say, in the framework of international organizations ?
d. How we look at them as competitors and antagonists, each of them pushing
for a stronger position in what makes up the world economy?
A state-level study would also require careful consideration of what kinds of
states we are looking at (how they are ordered politically).
Level of analysis in IR cont’d…
The system level
It consider the global system as the structure or context within
which states cooperate, compete and confront each other over issues
of national interest.
 Taking international scenarios to analyze international relation.
 Particularly important in that context is:
The distribution of power amongst states, meaning, whether there
i. one main concentration of power (uni-polarity),
ii. two (bipolarity) or
iii. several (multi-polarity).
Global circumstances are seen to condition the ability and
opportunity of individual states and groups of states to pursue their
interests in cooperative or competitive ways.
The system level analysis of IR cont’d...
A system-level study would need to consider global linkages
that go beyond single interactions between states.
It would need to look at such things as the balance of power
between states and how that determines what happens in
global politics.
This could include developments that are even outside the
immediate control of any particular state or group of states.
 It includes such as the global economy, transnational
terrorism or the internet.
A global level would give us the big picture and help us to
grasp wide ranging dynamics that emerge from the global
economic system to affect its various components, states,
national economies, societies, and individuals.
The structure of international system
International Relations scholars maintain that political power is
usually distributed into three main types of systems namely:
(i) uni-polar system,
(ii) bipolar system and,
(iii) multipolar system.

These three different systems reflect the number of powerful states
competing for power and their hierarchical relationship.
1.Uni-polar international system
There is one state with the greatest political, economic, cultural and
military power and hence the ability to totally control other states.
In both bipolar and multipolar systems there is no one single state
with a preponderant power and hence ability to control other
Structure of IR cont’d…
2. Bipolar system
There are two dominant states (super powers) and the less powerful
states join either sides through alliance and counter alliance formations.
It is vulnerable for zero-sum game politics because when one
superpower gains the other would inevitably lose.
One typical historical example where the world was under bipolar
system is the cold war period.
3. Multipolar system
It is the most common throughout history.
During the period around World War I, it was a typical world system.
It usually reflects various equally powerful states competing for

In such system, it is possible to bring change without gaining or losing power.
Structure of IR cont’d…
Power is the currency of international politics.
 As money is for economics, power is for international relations
 In the international system, power determines the relative
influence of actors and it shapes the structure of the international
 Hans Morgenthau, a famous thinker of realism theory in IR,
argues that International politics, like all other politics, is a struggle
for power.
 It thus follows from this that power is the blood line of
international relations.
 Power can be defined in terms of both relations and material
(capability) aspects.
Power cont’d…
Dahl‘s definition understands power as A‘s‘ ability to get B‘ to
do something it would not otherwise do.
Example: the United States and Soviet Union had roughly
balanced capabilities during the cold war era.
Even though they can mutually destruct each other, the two
world powers were in a stalemate for the whole of the cold war
Because wherever capabilities are equal, power tends to vanish
(destruct) totally.
With the demise of the Soviet Union, for instance, the power
balance has changed in favour of the US.
Therefore, the USA owned the ability to get Russia to do what
Russia would not otherwise do.
Structure of IR cont’d…
Anarchy is a situation where there is absence of authority
(government) be it in national or international/global level systems.
Within a country anarchy‘ refers to a breakdown of law and order,
In relations between states it refers to a system where power is
decentralized and there are no shared institutions with the right to
enforce common rules.
States had to rely on their own resources or to form alliances
through which the power of one alliance of states could be
balanced against the power of another alliance.
Such power balances were precarious, states had an incentive to
engage in aggressive wars.
Structure of IR cont’d…
 Sovereignty is another basic concept in international
relations and it can be defined as an expression of:
I. A state‘s ultimate authority within its territorial entity
(internal sovereignty) and,
II. The state‘s involvement in the international community
(external sovereignty).
 In short, sovereignty denotes double claim of states
from the international system, i.e.,
*Autonomy in foreign policy and
*Independence/freedom in its domestic affairs.
Theories of International Relations
 A theory of IRs is a set of ideas that explains how the
international system works.
 Theories of international relations allow us to
understand and try to make sense of the world around us
through various lenses, each of which represents a different
theoretical perspective.
 Thus, it is necessary to simplify International Relations
 It is used to explain how any state behaves.
 Let us see each theories one by one:
Theories of IR cont’d…
Liberalism in IR was referred to as a utopian theory and is still
recognized as such to some degree today.
This is because, its proponents view human beings as innately
good and believe peace and harmony between nations is not only
achievable, but desirable.
Believes in democratic peace theory, states that shared liberal
values should have no reason for going to war against one another
or democracies do not go to war with each other (Immanuel Kant).
Liberals have faith in the permanent cessation of war is an
attainable goal example US President Woodrow Wilson in
Fourteen Points.
The last of his points was to create a general association of
nations, which became the League of Nations.
Idealism/liberalism cont’d…
 From 1919 - 1930s, the discipline was dominated liberal
 The primary concern of this approach academic study of IRs
had the potential to contribute to the prevention of war and
the establishment of peace.
 Believes the prospects for the elimination of war lay with:
i. a preference for democracy over aristocracy
ii. free trade over autarky (economic self sufficiency)
iii. collective security over the balance of power system
(Burchill, 1996).
 A system of collective security was advocated to replace
antagonistic alliance systems with international order based
on the rule of law and collective responsibility.
Idealism/liberalism cont’d…
 The creation of the League of Nations after the end of the First
World War was the culmination of the liberal ideal of IRs.
 Liberals also argue that international law offers a mechanism
by which cooperation among states is made possible.
 IL refers to the body of customary and conventional rules
(eg. treaties) which are binding on civilized states in their
intercourse with each other.
 IL performs two different functions.
1. Operating system: Provide mechanisms for cross-border
2. Normative system: To shape the values and goals these
interactions are pursuing.
Idealism/liberalism cont’d…
There are three competing views on this matter.
1. Some scholars say international law is not a law at all
but a branch of international morality.
2. IL is a law in all senses of the term.
3. It is a matter of definition.
Theories of IR cont’d…
 Realism gained momentum during the Second World
 International system is anarchic.
 Believe conflict is unavoidable and perpetual and so
war is common and inherent to humankind.
 ‘All politics is a struggle for power’’.
 View that politics is primarily about domination as
opposed to cooperation between states.
 State need to maximize their security and chances of
Realism cont’d…
Focus of analysis Liberalist Realist

Human nature Innately good and Act in their own self-

believe in peace interests and selfish.

Cessation of war is Conflict is unavoidable

War an attainable goal. and war is common and
inherent to humankind.

Magnifies areas of Magnifies instances of

World lens cooperation war and conflict.
Realism cont’d…
Focus of Liberalist Realist
Optimistic view (world Pessimistic view (war
IR View order can be improved, with and conflict is common
peace and gradually and peace are achieved
replacing war). when states are
preparing for future
State and non state actors but
Major actor state is ultimate power State.
Assisting states in States partake in IO’s
IO’s formulating decisions and only when it is in their
helping to formalize self-interest to do so.

Argues that a capitalist society is divided into two

contradictory classes:
a. The business class (the bourgeoisie)
b. The working class (the proletariat).
Marx hoped for an eventual end to the class society and
overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the proletariat.
With decolonization, the US withdrawal from Vietnam and
the rise of a third world alliance global relations issues
detach from Cold War rhetoric and started to encompass
matters like:
i. Economic and financial relations
ii. Development, social issues
iii. Regional integration
iv. Non state actor as main player beside State.
Structuralism/Marxism cont’d…
 Structuralism is the third perspective or paradigm
which emerged as a critique of both realism and
pluralism concentrated on:
*Inequalities within the international system,
*Inequalities of wealth between the rich (North) or
the first world and the poor south or the third world.
 Inspired by the writings of Marx and Lenin.
 Focused on dependency, exploitation and the
international division of labor.
 Argued, most states were not free rather they were
subjugated by the political, ideological and social
consequences of economic forces).
Structuralism/Marxism cont’d…
 The basis of inequality was the capitalist structure of
the international system.
 Class system globally producing centre–periphery
relation (exploitation of Least Developed Countries by
Economically Developed Countries).
 Major writers in the structuralism perspective emerged
from Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.
Theories of IR cont’d…
 It’s a middle ground theory between mainstream and the
critical theories
 Argues that international system is created by a set of
ideas, a body of thought, a system of norms, which has been
arranged by certain people at a particular time and place.
 Argues that ideas, or norms have a power international
 Believes anarchy is what states make of it b/c IR exists
in the interactions between individuals or agents on the
global stage.
 Study the never ending process of IR between accepted
norms of the past and norms of the future.
Theories of IR cont’d…
Critical theories
 This theories established in response to mainstream
theories mainly liberalism and realism.
They oppose commonly held assumptions in the field of
Call for new approaches to understand the world we find
ourselves in.
They identify positions that have typically been ignored or
overlooked within IR.
Provide a voice to individuals who have frequently been
marginalized example women and Global South.
Critical theorists (Marxist angle) argue legitimacy of the
state must be questioned and ultimately dissolved.

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