Bread and Pastry
Bread and Pastry
Bread and Pastry
•Baking Soda/Powder
Ingredients Used in Baking
• Flour − It is the basic ingredient of baking cookies, breads, cakes, muffins,
pizzas, tarts, and pastries. Its variants are self-rising flour, wheat flour, all-
purpose flour, cake flour, etc.
• Essence − It is an extract acquired from a plant or other matter used for flavoring
food. Some typical essence are almond, vanilla, saffron, lemon and rose.
• Margarine or Butter − Margarine is made of refined vegetable oil, water, and
milk. Butter is made of processing milk. These both are called shortening.
• Sugar − It is used as food sweetener.
• Eggs − They are used as leavening and binding agents and they can bring
moisture in the cakes. The chefs need to add either yogurt or applesauce in
eggless cakes.
• Baking Powder/Yeast − It is used as a rising/leavening agent that gives softness
and fluffy texture to cakes and breads. The baking powder is white fine powder
made of Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bitartrate, and corn starch. The yeast
comes in two variants − dry and liquid.
Ingredients Used in Baking
• Cocoa Powder − It is used for introducing chocolate flavor to the food.
• Chocolate slabs − They are used for acquiring flakes by grating and then
using the flakes for garnishing and decorating cakes. They come in the
variety of chocolate-milk-sugar proportion. Now chocolate drops or chips
are also available in the market.
• Fruit Jams − They are used for decorating sweet baked products.
• Milk − It is used for softening batter for the cakes, breads, and cookies.
• Salt − A pinch of salt is added into batter of sweet baked products to
balance the taste of Baking powder and sugar.
Equipment Required in Baking
• Ovens − They are used as a heating chambers for baking. Direct heat large
kilns and modern electric ovens are used in food preparation units. The electric
ovens provide high degree of precise temperature control and uniform heat.
• Mixing Machine − It is used to mix all bread or cake ingredients together into
soft dough or batter.
• Tins − There are tins with various shapes and sizes used in baking. They
create the resulting baked product in attractive shapes.
• Icing Bag with Nozzles − The icing bags hold the icing. They are used in
decorating cakes in a large variety of ways using nozzles of catchy shapes and
widths. They provide a great way of filling small glasses and molds in a
sophisticated manner.
• Baking Parchment − It is a cellulose-based paper used as a non-stick surface.
It is often thin and disposable.
Equipment Required in Baking
• Knives − Bakery knives are used for cutting loafs, cakes, and handling
pieces of cakes.
• Cake Stands − They are required to keep cakes of multiple tiers. Some
of them are rotary. They provide circular motion that makes the process of
cake decoration easy.
• Spatula − They are flat tip spoons, used to fold the batter and fill the icing
bag. Spatulas often have rubber tips.
Basic Bread Fabrication