Physical and Sexual Self
Physical and Sexual Self
Physical and Sexual Self
Which from this different orientation clearly show us and explains how people deals with
their physical self. Regardless of what culture or traditions he or she may be, his or her
interpretation of himself will be how people act in the community.
Puberty is a period of life, generally between the
ages of 10 and 15 years old, when the
reproductive organs grow to their adult size and
become functional under the influence of rising
levels of gonadal hormones (testosterone in males
and estrogen in females). After this time,
reproductive capability continues until old age in
males and menopause in females.
Erogenous Zones
Erogenous Zones refer to parts of the body that are
primarily receptive and increase sexual arousal when
touched in a sexual manner.
Human Sexual Behavior
Human sexual behavior is defined as any activity—
solitary, between two persons, or in a group that
induces sexual arousal.
Types of Behavior
1. Solitary Behavior
2. Sociosexual Behavior