Water Pollution
Water Pollution
Water Pollution
Those sources which discharge water pollutants directly into the water are
Oil wells situated near water bodies, factories, power plants, underground
Non-Point source
Those sources which do not have any specific location for discharging
•This means when we dig wells and bore holes to get water
from underground, it needs to be checked for water pollution.
5. Suspended Matter
•This can harm and even kill aquatic life that live at the floor of
water bodies.
6. Chemical Water Pollution
•Many industries and farmers work with chemicals that end
up in water.
•These include chemicals that are used to control weeds,
insects and pests.
•Metals and solvents from industries can pollute water
•These are poisonous to many forms of aquatic life and may
slow their development, make them infertile and kill them.
7. Oil Spillage
•The oil can cause the death to many fish and get
stuck to the feathers of seabirds causing them to lose
their ability to fly.
Water pollutants
River, lake and sea water may be polluted in many ways:
• Domestic sewage discharged into rivers from areas located on its banks.
• Industrial wastes effluents from urban areas containing high concentration of oil,
• Excess fertilizers from agricultural fields may mix with surface water and
may get drained into water bodies (surface runoff).
• The enrichment of water with nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates that
triggers the growth of green algae is called eutrophication.
• This fast growth of algae followed by decomposition depletes the water
body of its dissolved oxygen.
• As a result aquatic animals die of oxygen shortage.
Sewage and/or fertilizer run off from fields
Enriched nutrient content in lakes (Eutrophication)
Algae multiply to produce an ‘algal bloom’
Algae use up oxygen and begin to die
Decomposers (bacteria) multiply and use more oxygen
Organisms (such as fish) die due to lack of oxygen
Effect of Toxic Pollutants
• Toxic pollutants mainly consist of heavy metals, pesticides and other
• Some metals e.g., Mn, Zn and Cu present in trace quantity are important
for life as they help and regulate many physiological functions of the body.
• Non-biodegradable pesticides, such as DDT are widely used for crop protection.
• Once they enter the food chain, their concentration keeps on increasing with each trophic level
• As a result, accumulation of these compounds takes place in the body of top consumers over a
period of time.
bathing. etc.
pollution and these laws should be modified from time to time based