The Midwifery Models of Care
The Midwifery Models of Care
The Midwifery Models of Care
The International Definition of a Midwife goes on to state:
The midwife is recognized as a responsible and accountable
professional who works in partnership with women to give the
necessary support, care and advice to during pregnancy, labour
and the postpartum period, to conduct births on the midwife’s
own responsibility and to provide care for the newborn and the
This care includes preventative measures, the promotion of
normal birth, the detection of complications in the mother
and child, the accessing of medical care or other appropriate
assistance when necessary and the carrying out of emergency
measures when necessary.
The midwife has an important task in health counselling and
education, not only for the woman but also within the family
and the community.
The work should involve antenatal education and
preparation for parenthood and may extend to women’s
health, sexual or reproductive health and child care.
A midwife may practise in any setting including the home,
community, hospitals, clinics, or health units.
As a result:
1.Midwifery care promotes, protects and supports
women's reproductive rights and respects ethnic and
cultural diversity
2.Midwifery practice promotes and advocates for non-
intervention in normal childbirth
3.Midwifery practice builds women's self confidence in
handling childbirth
4.Midwives use technology appropriately and effect
referral in a timely manner when problems arise
5.Midwives offer anticipatory and flexible care
The Philosophy and Model of Midwifery Care (ICM, 2011)
As a result:
6.Midwives provide women with appropriate
information and advice in a way that promotes
participation and facilitates informed decision making
7.Midwifery care maintains trust and mutual respect
between the midwife and the woman
8.Midwifery care actively promotes and protects
women’s wellness and enhances the health status of
the baby.
› Act as guardians of natural childbirth and well
women, care-providing birthing women with
support and guidance to ensure a healthy
pregnancy, labor and delivery with minimal
› Understand that pregnancy and birth are normal
processes, and work to optimize the well-being of
mothers and their babies as the foundation of
care giving.
› Approach the experience of childbirth as far
more than a physical event, perceiving it as a
profound emotional, mental and spiritual Rite of
Passage for both mother and child.
› Respect the dignity, integrity and response-
ability of the women they serve, recognizing that
the primary caretaker and most important
determinant of a healthy pregnancy and positive
birth experience is the woman herself.
› Work in partnership with mothers, their families
and their communities, helping them to explore
their options and make informed decisions based
on their unique circumstance.
(Sources: Bryar 1995; Davis-Floyd 1987; Gillespie and Gerhardt 1995: 83; Helman 1985; Oakley 1999: 321; Porter 1999: 135; Rooks
1999; Van Teijlingen and Bryar 1996; Wagner 1994).
Pemberi pelayanan
Pemberi Support
Continuity of Care Model
› Continuity of care is fundamental to the
midwifery model of practice.
› It is both a philosophy and a process that
enables the midwife to provide holistic care
and to establish an ongoing partnership with
the client in order to build understanding,
support and trust.
› Continuity of care is facilitated through a one to
one relationship between midwife and client.
Continuity of Care Model
› There must be 24-hour on-call availability of
the primary care midwives known to the
› Every midwife must make the time commitment
necessary to develop a relationship of trust
with the woman during pregnancy, to provide
safe individualized care and support the
woman during the childbearing year.
Continuity of Care Model
› Continuity of midwifery care means a woman is able to
develop a relationship with a midwife to work in
partnership for the provision of her care during
pregnancy, labour birth and the postnatal period.