Reading Materials
Reading Materials
Reading Materials
1. Introduction
2. Cost terms, conce pts and terminologies
3. Cost cla s s ifica tion
4. Cos ting s ys te ms
1. Historical functions
2. Managerial functions
The his torica l function is concerned with re cording,
classifying, summarizing and interpreting past
transactions for an accounting period of a business
The obje ctive of this function is to report at re gula r
inte rva l
to users through financial statements.
In the e a rly stag es of the a ccounting de ve lopme nt, the
historical functions were the primary tasks of accountants.
a. budge ting
1. Identify objectives
2. Search for a lte rna tive courses
Planning of a ction
Process 3. Gather data about alternatives
4. Select alternative courses of
5. action Implement the decisions
So, a cost could be direct cost for one cost object and an
indirect to the other.
a. Dire ct ma te ria ls
b. Dire ct la bor
ii. Period Costs: are costs other than cost of goods sold. They are
treated as expenses of the period in which they are incurred
b ecau se they are expected to be ne fit revenue of the
curre nt pe riod.
Example: Office rent expense
Financial Statements of Manufacturing
Beginning DM inventory…………XX
+ DM
DM Available for use ………
- Ending DM Inventory…………XX
DM Used
Job cost sheet: in job order costing, the costs incurred on specific
jobs are accumulated in a separate record called job cost sheet.
A job cost sheet records all costs for a single cost unit or job.
Job 11
7. Compute the total cost of the job by adding all direct and indirect
costs assigned to the job.
MOH Applie d
to each job
Direct us ing a
material pre de te rmine d
OH ra te
The Job
Job order Costing
The following data is available for the job numbered 11. Assume
that a company uses machine hours as the allocation base for
manufacturing overhead costs. The budgeted indirect
ma nufa cturing cost of the year is Br 1,500,000 and the
e xpe cte d number of ma chine hours to be used in a year is
The direct material costs used amounts Br.18,000; the direct labor
cost amounts Br. 6,000 and the ma chine hours used to finis h job
11 is 80 hours. Compute the tota l cost of Job 11.
J o b order Costing
Step 1: The cost object is Job 11.
Step 2: The direct costs of Job 11 are:
Direct Material ……… Br. 18,000
Direct Labor ………… Br. 6,000
Total ……………… Br. 24,000
Step 3: The cost allocation base for MOH is Machine
Step 4: FOH Cost pool
Step 5: Budgeted FOH rate = Br. 1,500,000/15,000 Hrs =
Br. 100/Hr
Banks provide same services for all customers who are
going there for deposit.
Beverage companies (bottles of beer)
Oil refinery companies (gallons of gasoline)
Kilowatt hours of electricity
Cost Flows Chart
1. DM
WIP Inventory WIP Finished Cost of
2. DL
Department A Inventory Goods Goods
3. FOH
Department B Inventor Sold
Similarities and differences
Not e a s ily and conve nie ntly tra ce a ble to cost obje cts
• Cost e le me nt is shared among cost obje cts
P urpos e
Allocation of indirect costs based on causal activities
Attempts to identify “direct” link between cost and
cost object
Results in better allocation
Does not provide “true” cost
Pros and Cons of ABC
= 5 per labor dollar
A Spade uses $1.08 direct-labor cost per unit while a Mower uses $15.00
direct-labor cost per unit. Use the following information to compute each
product’s total unit cost:
Spade Mower
Direct materials $1.80 Direct materials $60.00
Direct labor 1.08
Direct labor 15.00
Mfg. Overhead 1.08 DL$ x $5 = 5.40
Mfg. Overhead
15 DL$ x $5 = 75.00
Expand the number of indirect-cost pools until
each of these pools is homogeneous.
Identify the preferred cost-allocation base (cost
driver) for each indirect cost pool.
Overall Overhead
Cost Pool