Fruits & Vegetables - B.ingg 4
Fruits & Vegetables - B.ingg 4
Fruits & Vegetables - B.ingg 4
Lala: Do you like eating fruits and vegetables?
Beni: Yes, I do.
Lala: So do I. What are your favorite fruit and vegetable?
Beni: Mango and cucumber. How about you?
Lala: I like strawberry and corn, but I guess I like all fruits and vegetables
because they are very good for our bodies.
Beni: That’s right. I don’t understand why some people dislike eating
Lala: Perhaps they don’t like the taste or the smell.
Beni: Maybe you’re right.
Lala: That’s why some of them invented ways to eat fruits and vegetables
to get rid of the unpleasant taste and smell, you know, like mixing them
with chocolate or something else.
Beni: Yeah, I watched about that too on TV. They even made pizza dough
out of vegetables and fruits. That was very creative.
Lala: Yeah, people who dislike eating vegetables and fruits were even en-
joying eating the pizza
Beni: Yup. The inventor of the pizza really deserves an award.
Lala: Agree!
Lala: Do you like eating fruits and vegetables? (Apakah kamu suka makan buah-
buahan dan sayuran?)
Beni: Yes, I do. (Ya, aku suka)
Lala: So do I. What are your favorite fruit and vegetable? (Aku juga. Apa buah dan
sayur kesukaanmu?)
Beni: Mango and cucumber. How about you? (Mangga dan mentimun. Bagaimana
dengan kamu?)
Lala: I like strawberry and corn, but I guess I like all fruits and vegetables because
they are very good for our bodies. (Aku suka stroberi dan jagung, tetapi sepertinya
aku suka semua buah-buahan dan sayuran karena mereka sangat baik untuk tubuh
Beni: That’s right. I don’t understand why some people dislike eating them. (Benar.
Aku tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang tidak suka makan buah-buahan dan
Lala: Perhaps they don’t like the taste or the smell. (Mungkin mereka tidak suka
rasanya atau baunya)
Beni: Maybe you’re right. (Mungkin kamu benar)
Lala: That’s why some of them invented ways to eat fruits and vegetables to get
rid of the unpleasant taste and smell, you know, like mixing them with chocolate
or something else. (Itulah mengapa beberapa dari mereka menciptakan cara
memakan buah dan sayuran untuk menghilangkan rasa dan baunya yang tak enak,
kau tahu, seperti mencampurkannya dengan cokelat atau sesuatu yang lain)
Beni: Yeah, I watched about that too on TV. They even made pizza dough out of
vegetables and fruits. That was very creative. (Ya, aku juga menonton tentang itu
di TV. Mereka bahkan membuat adonan pizza dari sayuran dan buah-buahan. Itu
sangat kreatif)
Lala: Yeah, people who dislike eating vegetables and fruits were even enjoying eat-
ing the pizza. (Ya, orang-orang yang tidak suka makan sayuran dan buah-buahan
bahkan menikmati memakan pizzanya)
Beni: Yup. The inventor of the pizza really deserves an award. (Ya. Pencipta piz-
zanya sangat pantas mendapatkan penghargaan)
Lala: Agree! (Setuju!)
Alice: Feijoa.
Risa: How does it taste?
Alice: It tastes like the combination of guava, pineapple, and strawberry.
Risa: It sounds delicious.
Alice: Yes, it is. How about Indonesia? What fruits are native to Indone-
Risa: Durian and rambutan.
Alice: I know durian, but I don’t know rambutan. How does rambutan
taste like?
Risa: It tastes sweet and sour like that of grape.
Alice: I want to try it.
Risa: I’ll buy you some when I visit my country.
Alice: Really? Thanks.
Alice: Hi, Risa. I brought these kiwifruits for you. (Hai, Risa. Aku mem-
bawakan buah kiwi ini untukmu)
Risa: Oh, Alice. You shouldn’t have to. (Oh, Alice. Tidak usah repot-repot)
Alice: It wasn’t, really. It’s my pleasure to give you something from my
country. (Tidak merepotkan, sungguh. Aku senang memberimu sesuatu
dari negaraku)
Risa: Thank you so much. Let’s try the kiwifruits, shall we? (Terima kasih
banyak. Kita coba buah kiwinya, yuk?)
Alice: No, I’m fine. I’ve had enough of them. (Tidak, aku tidak usah. Aku
telah makan banyak kiwinya)
Risa: All right, I’m having them myself, then. (Baiklah, kalau begitu aku
akan memakannya sendiri)
Alice: Yes, please. (Ya, silakan)
Risa: This one tastes sweet and a bit sour. I like it. (Yang ini rasanya ma-
nis dan sedikit asam. Aku suka)
Alice: I’m glad you like it. (Aku senang kamu menyukainya)
Risa: Anyway, what other fruits besides kiwifruit which are from New Zea-
land? (Ngomong-ngomong, buah apa lagi selain buah kiwi yang berasal
Risa: Anyway, what other fruits besides kiwifruit which are from New Zea-
land? (Ngomong-ngomong, buah apa lagi selain buah kiwi yang berasal
dari Selandia Baru?)
Alice: Feijoa. (Buah feijoa)
Risa: How does it taste? (Bagaimana rasanya?)
Alice: It tastes like the combination of guava, pineapple, and strawberry.
(Rasanya seperti kombinasi antara jambu batu, nanas, dan stroberi)
Risa: It sounds delicious. (Kedengarannya enak)
Alice: Yes, it is. How about Indonesia? What fruits are native to Indone-
sia? (Ya, memang enak. Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Buah apa yang
berasal dari Indonesia?)
Risa: Durian and rambutan. (Durian dan rambutan)
Alice: I know durian, but I don’t know rambutan. How does rambutan
taste like? (Aku tahu durian, tapi tidak tahu rambutan. Rasa rambutan
seperti apa?)
Risa: It tastes sweet and sour like that of grape. (Rasanya manis dan asam
seperti rasa anggur)
Alice: I want to try it. (Aku ingin mencobanya)
Risa: It tastes sweet and sour like that of grape. (Rasanya manis dan
asam seperti rasa anggur)
Alice: I want to try it. (Aku ingin mencobanya)
Risa: I’ll buy you some when I visit my country. (Aku akan membelikan-
nya untukmu ketika aku berkunjung ke negaraku)
Alice: Really? Thanks. (Benarkah? Terima kasih
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