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General Defences

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General Defences

• The list of general defences available in tort

1. Volenti non fit injuria.
2. Plaintiff is wrongdoer.
3. Inevitable accident.
4. Act of God.
5. Private defence.
6. Mistake.
7. Necessity.
8. Statutory Authority.
Volenti non fit injuria.
• Meaning- when person consents to infliction
of some harm upon himself, he has no
remedy for that in tort.

• Defence of consent is not available if the harm

go beyond the limit of what has been
• Hall v. Brooklands Auto Racing Club
(1932) All E.R. Rep. 208.
• Padmavati v. Dugganaika (1975) 1 Kam.
L.J. 93.
• Wooldrige v. Sumner (1963) 2 Q.B. 43.
• Thomas v. Quartermaine (1887) Q.B.D.
 Illot v. Wilkes ((1820) 3 B & Ald, 304.
Sarch v. Blackburn, (1830) 4 C& P. 297.
• Consent must be free not be obtained by
fraud or under compulsion or under
compulsion or under some mistaken
• The act done must be the same for which
consent has been taken.
 Lakshmi Rajan v. Malar Hospital Ltd., III (1998)
CPJ 586 (Tamil Nadu SCDRC).
• Where a person is incapable of giving his
consent a consent because of his insanity or
minority , consent of his parent or guardian is
• Consent obtained by fraud:
 R. V. Williams (1923) 1 K.B. 340.
• Consent obtained under compulsion.
• For the application of the maxim volenti non
fit injuria the two essential conditions are
1. The plaintiff knew that the risk is there.
2. He, knowing the same, agreed to suffer the
 Bowater v. Rowley Regis Corporation (1944)
K.B. 476.
• Smith v. Baker (1891) A.C. 325.
• Slater v. Clay Cross Co. Ltd. (1956) 2 All E.R
Limitations on the scope of the doctrine:

• The limitations to volenti non fit injuria

doctrine are:
(a) Rescue Cases.
(b) The unfair Contract Term Act, 1977.
Rescue cases:
 Haynes v. Harwood (1935) 1 K.B 146.
 Wagner v International railway (1921) 232
N.Y 176.
• Hyett v. Great Western Railway Co. (1948) 1
K.B 345 .
2. Unfair Contract Terms Act, 1977 - Section 2 of
the Act provides:
(a) Absolute ban on a person’s right to exclude
his liability for death or personal injury
resulting from negligence, by making a
contract or giving a notice to that effect.
Act of God
• Act of God is a defence.

• It has also been recognised as a valid

defence for the purpose of liability
under the rule of Strict Liability
evolved in Rylands v. Fletcher.
• In act of God , the resulting loss
arises out of the working of the
natural forces like exceptional heavy
rainfall, storms, tempests, tides and
volcanic eruptions.
Essentials of Act of God
• Two important essentials are needed for
this defence:
• 1. There must be working of natural
forces and
• 2. The occurrence must be extraordinary
and not one which could be anticipated
and reasonably guarded against.
1. Working of natural forces:

Ramalinga Nadar v. Narayan Reddiar AIR

1971 Kerala 197.
Nichols v. Marshland (1876) 2 Ex. D 1.
2. Occurrence must be extra ordinary:

 Kallulal v. Hemchand AIR 1958 Madh. Pra. 48

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