TSCC Sheett
TSCC Sheett
TSCC Sheett
• The TSCC screening form allows you to quickly screen for
posttraumatic stress and related psychological in children
ages 8-17 years who have experienced traumatic events, such
as physical or sexual abuse, major loss, natural disasters, or
who have been witness to violence.
• Quickly indicates whether a child or youth is at risk for
clinically significant psychological disturbance.
• Supports the Trauma informed care approach to treatment.
The TSCC allows you to measure • The testing environment should be relatively quiet, free form
posttraumatic stress and related distraction, and adequately illuminated.
psychological symptomatology
in children who have • The TSCC screening form consists of two subscales: General
experienced traumatic events. Trauma (GT), with 12 items, and Sexual Concerns (SC), with 8
Made for individuals ages 8-17
years Scoring and Reporting
• Tear of the perforated strips along the side of the completed
form and peel away the side of the top sheet to reveal the
scoring sheet beneath.
• The scoring sheet is used to calculate the General Trauma
(GT) raw score and the Sexual Concerns (SC) raw score.
• The SC subscale is scored separately from the GT subscale
because sexual symptoms are somewhat specific to
childhood sexual abuse, whereas nonsexual symptoms reflect
general abuse-related impacts.
Reliability, Validity, and Norms
• Normative data (N = 3,955) features self-reports of children ages 8-17 years from three
nonclinical samples.
• Internal consistency coefficients are in the good-to-excellent range.