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Bilat Ni Krisha

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Citing Sources of
and Objectives

1 2 3
To determine the purpose To construct your own
of a Bibliography. bibliography using
different citation styles.
Writing a Bibliography

01 02 03 04

Bibliography in
Is a Bibliography
Introduction to Some examples of different Citation
different from a
Bibliography Bibliography styles and its
reference list?
• A bibliography is the list of sources a work’s author used to
create the work. It accompanies just about every type of
academic writing, like essays, research papers, and reports.

• Certain style guides use different terminology to refer to

bibliographies. For example, MLA format refers to a paper’s
bibliography as its Works Cited page. APA refers to it as the
References page. No matter which style guide you’re using, the
process for writing a bibliography is generally the same. The
primary difference between the different style guides is how the
bibliography is formatted.
A bibliography accomplishes
a few things. These include:

• Showing your instructor that you conducted

the necessary research for your assignment

• Crediting your sources’ authors for the

research they conducted

• Making it easy for anybody who reads your

work to find the sources you used and
conduct their own research on the same or a
similar topic
Bibliography in MLA
STYLES: Bibliography in APA

Bibliography in Chicago/Turabian
MLA Format

What is it? Example

In MLA format, the bibliography is known as the Works In MLA format, books are cited like this:
Cited page. MLA is typically used for writing in the Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication,
humanities, like English and History. Because of this, it Publisher, Publication
includes guidelines for citing sources like plays, videos, Date.
and works of visual art—sources you’d find yourself
consulting for these courses, but probably not in your Butarbutar, R, et al. “Analyzing of Puzzle Local Culture-Based
science and business courses.. in Teaching English for Young Learners.” IOP Conference
Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 343, 2019,
https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/343/1/012208. Accessed 8
Oct. 2020.
MLA citation guidelines:
• List the author’s last name followed by a comma, then the first name
followed by the middle name or middle initial if applicable, without a
comma separating the first and middle names. Add a period after the
• Rowling, J.K.
• Smith, Alexander McCall.
• For a source with two authors, list the author names in your citation in the
order they appear on the source, not alphabetically. Type the last name of the
first author listed on the source followed by a comma, then the first author’s
first name followed by a comma.

• 1st Author’s Last Name, First Name, and 2nd Author’s First Name Last
• Lutz, Lisa, and David Hayward.
• Clark, Mary Higgins, and Alafair Burke.
MLA citation guidelines:
• For a source with three or more authors, only type the last and first name
of the first author listed in the source, followed by a comma and the
phrase et al., which is Latin for “and others.”

• 1st Author’s Last Name, First Name, et al.
• Charaipotra, Sona, et al.
• Williams, Beatriz, et al. All the Ways We Said Goodbye. HarperLuxe,
• For sources with organizations or corporations listed as the author, type
the name of the corporation in place of an author’s name.

• Modern Language Association of America. MLA Handbook. 2016.
*Note: If the organization is listed as both the author and the publisher,
begin the citation with the title and include the organization’s name within
the publisher field instead.
MLA citation guidelines:
• Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and subordinating
conjunctions should be capitalized.
• Articles, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions should not be
Font formatting
• Italicize the titles of larger works such as magazines and books. Also,
italicize database and website names.
• Instead of italicization, use quotation marks around titles of shorter
works such as poems, short stories, and articles.
• End all bibliography citations with a period.
Page numbers
• Include page numbers in your full citations whenever possible.. When
including page numbers in a citation, use the abbreviation p. to cite one
page and the abbreviation pp. to cite multiple pages with a hyphen
between the page numbers.
• p. 25 or pp. 16-37
When citing page numbers in MLA, omit the first set of repeated digits.
• pp. 365-69, not pp. 365-369.
MLA citation guidelines:
Accessed dates
• You do NOT need to list an accessed date for a stable source (e.g., online
newspaper article, journal article, photograph, etc.).

If you do include an access date, here’s how to format it:

• Place it at the end of the citation without “http://” or “https://”.
• Write “Accessed” first, followed by the date accessed.
• The date accessed should be formatted as Day Month (abbreviated) Year.
• Butarbutar, R, et al. “IOPscience.” IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science, IOP Publishing, 1 Oct. 2019,
Accessed 8 Oct. 2020.
APA Format

What is it? Example

In APA format—the format typically used in In APA format, books are cited like this:
Last name, First initial. (Year of publication). Title of work.
psychology, nursing, business, and the social sciences—
Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue
the bibliography page is titled References. This format
number), article’s page range (i.e., 10-15). URL.
includes citation instructions for technical papers and
• Cattane, N., Rossi, R., & Lanfredi, M. (2017). Borderline
data-heavy research, the types of sources you’re likely
personality disorder and childhood trauma: exploring the
to consult for academic writing in these fields. affected biological systems and mechanisms. BMC
Psychiatry, 18(221). doi:10.1186/s12888-017-1383-2
The following are four steps
you can follow to create your
APA format bibliography:

Start on a New Page

• Your working bibliography should be kept separate from the rest of your
paper. Start it on a new page, with the title “Bibliography” centered at
the top and in bold text. Some people use the title "References" instead,
so it's best to check with your professor or instructor which they prefer
you use.

Gather Your Sources

• Compile all the sources you might possibly use in your paper. While you
might not use all of these sources in your paper, having a complete list will
make it easier later on when you prepare your reference section.
The following are four steps you can follow to create
your APA format bibliography:
Reference Each Source
• Your references should be listed alphabetically by the author’s last name,
and they should be double-spaced. The first line of each reference should
be flush left, while each additional line of a single reference should be a
few spaces to the right of the left margin, which is known as a hanging
The format of each source is as follows for academic journals:
• Last name of first author (followed by their first initial)
• The year the source was published in parentheses
• The title of the source
• The journal that published the source (in italics)
• The volume number, if applicable (in italics)
• The issue number, if applicable
• Page numbers (in parentheses)
• The URL or "doi" in lowercase letters followed by a colon and the doi
number, if applicable
The following examples are scholarly articles in academic journals, cited in
APA format:
• Kulacaoglu, F., & Kose, S. (2018). Borderline personality disorder
(BPD): In the midst of vulnerability, chaos, and awe. Brain sciences,
8(11), 201. doi:10.3390/brainsci8110201
The following are four steps
you can follow to create your
APA format bibliography:

Create an Annotation for Each Source

• Normally a bibliography contains only references' information, but in
some cases you might decide to create an annotated bibliography. An
annotation is a summary or evaluation of the source..

What is it? Example

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS) permits authors to In CMoS, books are cited like this:
format bibliographies in two different ways: the notes and Last name, First name. Title of Book. Place of publication:
bibliography system and the author-date system. The Publisher, Year of
former is generally used in the humanities, whereas the publication.
latter is usually used in the sciences and social sciences.
Woods, Mary N. Beyond the Architect’s Eye: Photographs
and the American Built Environment. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.
Format each citation entry
following these rules:

• Invert the first author’s name (e.g., Doe, John).

• List all other authors normally (e.g., John Doe).
• Use headline-style capitalization for titles (e.g., The Title of the Book).
• If the publication date isn’t available, use “n.d.” (short for “no date”) for
works that are printed.
• Place titles in quotes for short works (like articles) or italics for long
works (like books).
• Insert the word “and” between authors’ names.
• Instead of URLs, use DOIs if they are available.
• Add https://doi.org/ before the DOI.

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