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Celebrites in Hollywood that are practicing the
Islamic faith

Mike Tyson Janet Jackson

Dave Chapelle Shaquille O’ Neal
Jemina Khan
Symbols The star signifies
illumination with
the light of
Islam by definition
means submission
The crescent
and has the extend is the early
meaning of peace
phase of the
moon and
Islam began with the Arabian desert people around early seventh
HISTORY century C.E. These people had developed their own set of beliefs
BACKGROUND prior to the formal establishment of Islam and had been influenced
by other religions for a long period of time, including Byzantine
Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastri anism. The Arabian people were
also familiar with Judaism, and when the Muslim forces entered
Medina in 622 C.E., many citizens of the city were Jewish.
Additionally, the Muslims may have been in contact with the Persian
Zoroastrians. The most important factor that accelerated the
development of a new religion in the Arabian interior was the native
religion practiced by the Arabs, which worshipped a variety of gods.
Pre-Islamic religion was anirnistic in character, with images of gods,
angels, fairies, demonic creatures, and evil spirits being revered and
given blood sacrifices. A meteoric stone that had fallen in Mecca
centuries before became an object of veneration to the animistic
people, who built an enclosure around the stone and called it Kaaba.
Various images and relics travelled to Mecca to worship at the shrine,
and the "Black Stone" became an important object for the Meccans
at the time when various claus struggled to control the Kaaba. Mecca
is situated on the major north-south caravan route.
THE LIFE OF Muhammad is regarded as the founder of Islam and
MUHAMMAND considered as the last prophet by Muslims. He was born in
Mecca in 570 CE and raised by his uncle after his father's
passing. He started receiving revelations from Allah when
he was forty years old, which is considered the start of his
prophethood, and these revelations then formed the basis
of the Islamic holy book, the Quran. Muhammad
preached the message of Islam to the people of Mecca
and gradually gained more followers, although he also
faced opposition from some who felt threatened by his
teachings. After emigrating to Medina, he established the
first Muslim community, which rapidly grew and
eventually triumphed over Mecca. Muhammad died in
632 CE, and his teachings continue to influence and guide
Muslims all over the world.
The Quran
is the sacred writing of the Muslims and is the foundation of the Islam religion. In 610 C.E., when Muhammad
received the first revelations, he was commanded by angel Gabriel to "igra" or "recite." All Muslims believe
that the Quran is a copy of the eternal scripture written in heaven but made known to Muhammad chapter by
chapter. For about twenty-three years, God revealed these messages through Muhammad who initially
memorized these lines because he was illiterate. Any translation of the Quran is only a translation of the
meaning of the Quran, and the Quran in Arabic is considered the perfect word of God. Muhammad relayed
his messages to his companion Zayd ibu Thabit (c.610-c.660 C.E.) who wrote them on leather scraps, stone
pieces, ribs of palm leaves, shoulder blades of animals, and parchments. Twenty years after the death of
Muhammad, the Quran had officially come to the form that was disseminated throughout the Islamic world. To
the Meccan townspeople, Muhammad preached the messages which were short and easy to remember. The
Quran guides all Muslims in every stage of their lives and has almost the same length as the New Testa- ment,
the Christian biblical canon. There are 114 chapters in the Quran, 86 of which are classified as Meccan while
28 are Medinian. The hijru or the journey of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina serves as a pivot point in the
The Hadith
The hadith is the pollection of the deeds and sayings of
Muhammad and his followers and is the second source of shars
a law after the Koran. It was collected generatione after the
death of Mahammasi and around the ninth century CE, Muslim
scholars undertook a number of great systematic collections of
hadiths known as Kutub al-Sitta or the Sir Sahih (Authentic)
Books. The collections of Persian scholars Muhammad al-
Bukhari and Muslins im ad-Haja are the most respected and
most often cited among the said collections. Imam Bukhari and
Muslim compiled the Sahih Muslim, which are the two most
authentic oullectionis.
Islam is a religious belief system that began as a way of
life (shin) for its followere which Clod intended for his
creatam from the very beginning. It is based on the BELIEF’S
belief that there is only one compassionate, everlasting, AND
and omnipotent God, who created the universe and may DOCTRINE
terminate it when he wills it so. It is also rigid and S
uncompromising in its beliefs regarding life and death,
origins of the universe, and the nature of mankind, and
believes that all people originate from God and return to
him after death. Islam advocates for the establishment
of one single community or ummah, and during
Muhammad's time, the smmah was a community bigger
than the tribe, demanding a loyalty which came before
The Five
Pillars of
The Creed (Shahada)

This is the declaration of

faith, which states that

there is no god but Allah
and that Muhammad is his
Obliigatory Prayer (Salat)

This refers to the performance of the five

daily prayers that Muslims are required to

observe. These prayers are performed at
specific times throughout the day and
involve physical movements and
recitation of verses from the Quran.
Poor Tax (Zakat)

This is the obligation to give a

portion of one's wealth to the poor

and needy. The amount of zakat
that is required varies depending
on one's income and assets .
Fasting (Sawm)

This refers to the obligation to fast

during the month of Ramadan, which is

the ninth month of the Islamic lunar

calendar. During this month, Muslims
refrain from eating, drinking, and
engaging in other physical activities
from dawn until sunset.
Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

This is the obligation to make a pilgrimage

to the holy city of Mecca at least once in a

lifetime, provided that one is physically

and financially able to do so. The
pilgrimage takes place during the month
of Dhu al-Hijjah, the twelfth month of the
Islamic lunar calendar.
The Islamic calendar is composed of 12 lunar
months of between 29 and 30 days, with 354 days.
The difference between the solar and lunar calendar
is adjusted by adding one day to the last month of
the year 11 times each 30 years, resulting in 103
Islamic years being the equivalent of 100 solar
years. Table 6.1 lists some of the most important
festivals celebrated by Muslims worldwide.
The concept of law and justice in Islam is based on
the Quranic vetats revealed by God to Muhammad.
The universal Ints passed down by God govern both
Um allais of human and laws of nature, and the
teachings of Muhammad or the Andiths form the
basis of the Islamic legal system. The shari'a is a path
of conduct that must be followed by all Muslims,
covering almost the totality of their life from home
life to business interests
Islamic jurisprudence

Islamic jurisprudence or the science of Islamic law is called fight and covers all
aspects of Muslim way of life and actions. It is divided into five categories: forbidden
(harmm), discouraged (makruh), neutral (mubah), recommended (mandab), and
obligatory (fand). Forbidden actions are both sinful and criminal under pain of
punishment, such as eating animale that have died from natural causes or those
animals that were not ritually slaughtered. Harum behaviors include drinking blood,
eating dried blood, and taking liquors. The Five Pillars is an example of an obligatory
category, such as almsgiving, daily prayers, and ritual fasting. The three other
categories are makruh, mandub, and mubah, which focus on etiquette, donations,
personal habits, and social life. Permitted behaviors that are neither good nor bad
but neutral are classified as mubah. The hadith collections can be consulted to
resolve these matters
Similar to most major religions, Islam also
has sects, which vary primarily as to how
these sects interpret some aspects of the
Islamic faith and of the Quran. Inasmuch as
Muslims agree on the fundamental tenets
of the Lalam religion, variations do occur in
many of their beliefs and praction (Hopfe
Sunni Muslims (The Sunni)
The majority of Muslims, 87% to 90%, belong to the
Sunni denomination. The Sunnis are traditionalists and
follow the original religion established by Muharamad
and guided by the first four righteous caliphs. The
Samuis believe that any Muslim can be a ruler as long
as they get the approval and coat dence of the mol or
community. The Summi set of Islam are groups of
Muslims that differ in views and exercise of their faith.
Every Muslim country has a Suumi majority except Iran,
Iraq, Azerbaijan, Yemen, and some of the Gulf States.
The Shiites are the largest faction within the Summi set.
Shi’a (The Shi’ites)
he Shi'ites are the largest fiction within the Islam religion that separated from
he rest of the community. Historically speaking, three close associates of
Muhammad became successive leaders or caliphs of Islam with the death of
he founder in 632 C.E. Some Muslims believed that Muhammad should have
een immediately succeeded by his direct relative, Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was
is cousin. In 656 C.E., Ali became the fourth caliph but steadily lost control of
he Muslim world, culminating in the takeover of the caliphate by the Umayyad
ynasty. The Sunuis accepted the legitimacy of the first four successors of
Muhammad: Abu Bakr (632-634 CE), Umar ibu al-Khattab (634-644 C.E.),
thman ibn Affan (644-656 C.E.). Other Muslims believed that Ali's
escendants should become head of the religious comm nity, and the Shi'ites
ecame known as "Shin Al" or "the party of Ali." Ali was the first imam and the
ghtful spiritual and polit ical successor of Muhammad, and his youngest son
usayn was killed and beheaded at the battle of Karbala. This event is
ommemorated each year as a day of mourning for all Shi'ites
Sufis are Muslims who focus on a mystical union with
God. They originated around the ninth century C.E.
and were characterized by coarse wool garments and
denunciation of worldly pleasures. Monastic orders
were established around the twelfth century, and new
recruits studied under their master to develop their
heightened sense of spirituality. Most Sufi
practitioners practice discipline, poverty, abstinence,
and celibacy, and insist that it is possible to have
union with God through mystical experience.

Islam has gone through two periods of

growth: at the onset of its founding and
during the twentieth century. It has had
a major impact on human society,
becoming one of the fastest growing
Islam and Women
Women in Muslim societies have
varying rights, including the right to
own, dispose, and dispose of property,
participate in political exercise, and
divorce. The Quran views women as
spiritually equal to men, but they
remain inferior to men due to their
dislocations and ill-conduct
The Holly War

Jihad is the "effort to convince

believers to pursue the Muslim way
of life" and can be peaceful or
violent. Islas law opposes all violent
meaus except in cases of war or
legally sanctioned punishment of
Militancty and Teorrism

Islam is a religion of mercy that prohibits

terrorism (tbrahim 1997) , which is
abhorred by Muslims. Those who promote
terrorism and mass slaughter of innocent
and helpless civilians do not embody
Islamic ideals, and are guilty of violating
Islamic laws.(ibrahim 1997)
The late nineteenth century saw a significant migration of
Muslims from Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan to the US. After
the Second World War, European countries encouraged
emigration from former colonies to augment manpower
shortages. In 2010, there were 44 million Muslims in
Europe, excluding Turkey. The Muslim population in the US
and Europe continues to rise in the present century, with
around six million Muslims in total and almost two million
American converts, mainly African American.

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