CAPM Index Models
CAPM Index Models
CAPM Index Models
E(R M ) RF
E(R p ) RF p
An analyst estimates that the expected returns
on the market (S&P/TSX Composite Index) is 12
per cent, with a standard deviation of 15 per
cent, and the risk-free rate of return (Treasury
bill rate) is at 5 per cent. Using the following
information about the variance of returns of
some efficient portfolios, calculate their expected
returns using the Capital Market Line approach.
• Efficient Portfolio Variance
• Portfolio A 121
• Portfolio B 144
• Portfolio C 196
Security Market Line
• CML Equation only applies to markets in equilibrium
and efficient portfolios
• The Security Market Line depicts the tradeoff
between risk and expected return for individual
• Under CAPM, all investors hold the market portfolio
• How does an individual security contribute to the risk of
the market portfolio?
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
• Risk averseness implies that investors
Prefer sure return to same expected return which is uncertain.
Demand risk premium if return is uncertain.
Seek risk reduction through diversification.
• Assumptions of CAPM
Investors are expected wealth maximizers who look at
mean and standard deviation of portfolio returns.
Investors can borrow or lend an unlimited amount at risk- free
Investors have homogeneous expectations about expected
returns and risks.
Frictionless markets with no taxes.
Security Market Line
E(R M ) RF i,M
E(R i ) RF
RF i E(R M ) RF
Security Market Line
ki = RF +i [ E(RM) - RF ]
• The greater the systematic risk, the greater the
required return