Social History
Social History
Social History
(b) To construct, operate and maintain irrigation systems and dams, power structures or
generating plants, electric transmission and distribution lines or systems for the
furnishing of electric light, heat and power to the inhabitants in the areas not receiving
the service of such plants or systems.
(d) To effectuate the settlement of all landless members of the National Cultural
Minorities by procuring homesteads for them or by resettling them in resettlement
projects of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration.
The CNI 1957 was a program of modernization as
can be read from the integral section of the Act.
The way to integrate the national minorities was to
modernize their lifestyle and "develop" their
civilization through infrastructure so they can be on
the same level as the cultural majority, that is,
everyone else in the Philippines.
• rapid and complete
• economic, social, moral and political
• real complete and permanent
Lesson Summary