OurCatholicFaith PowerPoint Chapter8
OurCatholicFaith PowerPoint Chapter8
OurCatholicFaith PowerPoint Chapter8
gave each isofaus a conscience
judgment to help us
of reason
live like Christ
whereby the human person recognizes the
It moral
helps quality of a concrete
us determine if whatact
is is
going towith
in accord perform,
in the
orprocess of
goes against it
performing, or has already completed.
It helps us judge whether we did right after
we act CCC, 1778
It calls us to repent if we have
sinned by going against it
Chapter 8 The Basics of Catholic Morality
Conscience and Moral Decisions
How to form a good conscience:
Use our God-given ability to think to discover God’s
goodness and truth
Listen to Jesus Christ who teaches us how to be loving and
Look to his Death on the cross as the perfect example of
how to love and obey God
the Father
Obey the teaching of the Magisterium and
the example of other wise and holy people
Use the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit
that help us live virtuous lives
Chapter 8 The Basics of Catholic Morality
Conscience and Moral Decisions
Sources of Morality
►Secondary factors: who, where, when, how, consequences
►Can increase or reduce the evil or goodness of an action
The intention
►One’s motive or purpose for acting - the why I do it
►It looks to the “end,” that is, the reason or goal of an action
►A good intention cannot make an intrinsically evil action a just one
The moral object
►The matter of our actions – the what we do
►Moral norms can be discovered by human reason and conscience
►This is the most important element for judging morality
Chapter 8 The Basics of Catholic Morality
Conscience and Moral Decisions
The Right Course of Action
For actions to be morally good, all three
elements must all be good
Jesus is our best guide for forming a sensitive
and loving conscience
We must look to the Magisterium for guidance
Follow your conscience
If we violate our conscience, then
we have sinned
It is possible to have a conscience
that is in error due to ignorance or emotions
Chapter 8 The Basics of Catholic Morality
Virtues and Other Helps to Live a Moral Life
Virtues – help us control our Vices – bad habits that incline us to do
passions and guide our actions
according to faith and reason
envy anger
charity sloth
justice faith lust
gluttony greed
temperance fortitude hope
Chapter 8 The Basics of Catholic Morality
Virtues and Other Helps to Live a Moral Life
Moral Law – “a reasonable regulation issued by the proper authority for the common good”