Chapter Six-Law of Traders and Business Organizations: Who Are Sole Traders?
Chapter Six-Law of Traders and Business Organizations: Who Are Sole Traders?
Chapter Six-Law of Traders and Business Organizations: Who Are Sole Traders?
Who are sole traders?
Traders are persons who carry on trading activities
professionally and for gain;
• Article 3 of the Ethiopian Commercial Code seemingly
limitative list, the activities that are regarded as
• Thus , persons who engage in agricultural production,
cattle breading, fishery and persons who operate
activities at the level of handcrafts are not treated as
Incapable persons, foreigners, associations,
Religious, social or many other non-
governmental organizations cannot engage in
commercial activities;
A trader can be a physical person or a juridical
Traders are required to be registered, , obtain
business license , and to keep books of
Business Organizations