Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
High level of independency such as having the ability to choose own holidays, hours of work, price for the
product, whom to employ
Can create a close relationship with customers and cater them quickly to satisfy their personal demands
and needs
Can consume or have the right to take the whole share of profit after paying all other expenses
High secrecy of official details because, only the sole trader has the information
Disadvantages of being a sole trader – (refer page 36)
These companies have limited liabilities as well as the company will exist even
after a death of one of the partners
Not considered as separate legal entities
n unincorporated business – businesses which do not have a separate legal identity.
Unlimited Liabilities
Limited liability companies
The owner of the business do not have any personal responsibly of
debts and liabilities of the organization
Theliability of shareholders in a company is limited to only the
amount they invested on shares
separate legal
Since it is an incorporated business,
Private limited companies cannot trade their shares on public exchanges (in Sri Lanka, Colombo Stock
exchange) or initial public offering.
Private limited companies are jointly owned by people who have invested in the business. These people
buy shares in the company and they are called shareholders. They are the owners of a limited company
Generally, people who owns majority of shares get nominated to become directors
Advantages of a private limited company – refer page 39 & 40
Compared to sole trader and partnership, can gain higher capital from shareholders
if the company failed with owing money to creditors, the shareholders do not have to sell their personal
assets to pay for company debtors.
Shareholders in a company have less risk than sole traders and partners.
Limited liability encourages people to buy shares, because they know that the amount they invest is the
maximum they could lose if the business is unsuccessful.
Less risk – if shareholders will lose money due to a business failure , they will only lose their
original investment.
Until the people who started the business sell too many shares to others, original owners will
have a control over the business
Disadvantages of a private limited company
1) The shares cannot be sold or transferred to anyone else without taking approval from the other
Therefore some people are reluctant to invest on Private Limited Companies because, whenever they want
they cannot sell the shares soon and take their investment back. It will be a long procedure
There are significant legal matters which have to be dealt with before a company formed. In particular, two
important forms or documents have to be sent to the ‘Registrar of Companies’
Two important forms or documents to be filled before starting up a Private Limited
South Africa and some Fashion World Proprietary Fashion World Limited
Its accounts are kept separately from those of the owners and there is a continuity even though after a death
of any shareholder
Have the opportunity to raise very large capital sums to invest in the business.
There is no limit to the number of shareholders a public limited company can have
Public limited companies usually have a high status; therefore banks willingly lend money, suppliers and
distributors provide products and services on credit
Disadvantages of a public limited company (PLC)
There are many regulations and control over these companies in order to protect shareholders. These
include the ‘Publication of Accounts’, which anyone can ask to see
Even though the company can gain more capital from offering shares to general public, original owners of
the business may lose control over the business when it ‘goes public’
ontrol and ownership in a public limited company
In all sole trader businesses and partnerships
the owners have control over how their
business is run
They take all the decisions and try to make
the business achieve the aim that they set.
Expansion of the franchised business to other The franchisor pays for advertising
countries is more faster and with relatively lower
The management of the outlet is the responsibility All supplies are obtained from a central source or franchisor
of the franchisee not the franchisor
All products sold must be obtained from the There are very few decisions to make compared to a normal
franchisor independent business
- Prices
- Store layout
- Product range
Franchisee will keep profits gain from May be unable to make decisions that would
the outlet suit the local area
Eg: franchisee cannot decide to add products
to the product range as their wish
Walmart wanted to enter the Indian market. But, they did not open up their own
stores in Indian market because they had little knowledge of Indian market and Indian
Walmart setup a joint venture with Bharti Enterprise, one of the Indian’s largest
business group.
Advantages of a joint venture Disadvantages of a joint venture
Risk is shared among both parties The two joint venture partners
might have different ways of
running a business and culture
Business organizations in the public sector
Public corporations
A public corporation is a business in the
public sector that is owned and controlled
by the government
Advantages of public corporations (refer page 48)
When government owns an monopoly in an industry, it might be wasteful for a private owner to
enter into that industry. Even though they enter the natural monopolies will often own by the
If an important business is failing and likely to collapse, the government can step in to nationalise
that business. This will keep the business open and secure jobs of employees
Disadvantages of public corporations (refer page 48)
There is no private shareholders to insist on high profits and efficiency. The profit motive might not be as
powerful as in private sector industries
Government subsides can lead to inefficiency as managers will always think that the government will help
them if the business makes a loss. It may also be unfair if the public corporations receives a subsidy but
private firms in the same industry do not
Often there is no close competition to the public corporations, the efficiency level, customer services and
consumer choices are very low
Governments can use these businesses for political reasons and this prevents the public corporations begin
operated like other profit making businesses
Some of the services are free to the user and paid for out of local taxes
Street lighting
Some services are charged and provide at a nominal price to cover-up the cost
Street markets
swimming pools