ECS 202301 Lecture 5 2
ECS 202301 Lecture 5 2
ECS 202301 Lecture 5 2
while speaking
Some people think that what they wear does not really
Your appearance also affects your success in getting
the message across to your audience effectively
because it shows your commitment to the topic and the
occasion as well as affects your credibility as a speaker.
Therefore, your attire (what you wear) is important.
1. Consider the occasion
- generally, for formal occasions,
you are expected to dress formally
- if you dress too casually, your audience
turn to speak
ii) Confrontation – the surge of anxiety you feel as
you begin delivering the speech
iii) Adaptation – the period during which your
anxiety level gradually decreases
It is normal to feel nervous when speaking in front of an
76% of experienced speakers have stage fright
It is OK to feel nervous!
Don’t let nervousness stop you from doing
public speaking!!!
Speech Apprehension…
Five (5) techniques to overcome or reduce speech