Understanding The Implementation of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of P3TB
Understanding The Implementation of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of P3TB
Understanding The Implementation of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of P3TB
Mitzi Pollisco
Environmental Safeguard Specialist
Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
• Different methods and tools can be used to identify and assess the
environmental and social risks and impacts of a project (EIA, SEA, CIA, etc)
• The use of these tools can vary depending on the baseline data available and
the nature and significance of the environmental and social risks and impacts
• Establishes a unified process for addressing all E & S safeguards issues on subprojects
from preparation, thorough review and approval, to implementation
• The E & S instruments are to be used only after the Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for
the subprojects have been prepared, and locations (direct impact areas) of the potential
activities under the subprojects are already final
• Ensures that the project interventions will be undertaken in a manner that avoids
and/or minimizes E & S risks and impacts as much as possible.
Below the threshold, the less intensive “environmental management effort” (UKL) and
“environmental monitoring effort” (UPL) must be prepared, except in cases of negligible
UKL-UPL is comparable to the ESMP that is often used for Category B projects being
implemented under Bank safeguards.
When impacts are negligible, in projects that are under Category C of the Bank safeguards, the
Indonesian system provides for a third instrument, a Statement of Environmental Management
and Monitoring Undertaking (SPPL) to be executed by the proponent.
The Bank’s safeguard system exhibits a relatively horizontal architecture as the various WB OPs
can operate independently of one another
Requires the EA to take into account impacts on watersheds and estuaries and promotes the
protection of natural habitat and ecological functions of the area
Requires all Environmental and Social concerns to be taken into account for the design and siting
of all projects
1. The ITMP Term of Reference specifies the use of IFC Guidance Note No 6 (version 2019) d in the
determination of critical natural habitat to ensure that these would not be degraded or converted to other
Natural Habitats - Areas composed of viable assemblages of plant and/or animal species of largely native origin,
and/or where human activity has not essentially modified an area’s primary ecological functions and species
Any conversion or degradation is mitigated according to the mitigation hierarchy (IFC 2019)
Mitigation Hierarchy as an option for mitigation has not been mentioned in the WB OP/BP
The identification of “no-go zones” based on sensitivity of natural or cultural features, in early consultations with
all stakeholders, including IPs and vulnerable groups, etc. was recommended by the WB OP
3. The types of investments to be supported under Component 2 (road quality and basic services) are
known, but locations, sizes, and timing are not. The framework approach is appropriate in this situation.
The ESMF provides for: screening proposed investments, guiding the identification of impacts,
facilitating the preparation of safeguards instruments, reviewing and approving the instruments, and
monitoring their implementation.
4. The ESMF calls for inclusion of environmental awareness training in Component 3 (promoting local
participation) programs, including relevant aspects of EHS Guidelines, and including the industry sector
guidelines for tourism and hospitality development.
5. For Component 4, the ESMF calls for awareness raising of relevant aspects of EHS Guidelines,
including the industry sector guidelines for tourism and hospitality development, amongst business
license applicants/investors.
• This step focuses on the preparation of appropriate E & S instruments such as ESIA or
ESMP in accordance with the screening result.
• ESIA: For activities which may involve substantial risks including community health and
safety, sub-project proponents will be required to conduct an environmental and social
impact assessment (ESIA)
• Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP): will briefly include the sub-project
description; E & S background of the sub-project areas, includes maps showing locations of
the sub-project and site specific activities and/or process as appropriate; the potential
impacts and proposed mitigation measures; and the implementation and monitoring
arrangement and budget. Public consultation is to be carried out as part of the ESMP
1. The ITMP Terms of Reference specifies the use of IFC Guidance Note No 6 (version 2019) d in the
determination of critical natural habitat to ensure that these would not be degraded or converted to other
Natural Habitats - Areas composed of viable assemblages of plant and/or animal species of largely native origin,
and/or where human activity has not essentially modified an area’s primary ecological functions and species
Any conversion or degradation is mitigated according to the mitigation hierarchy (IFC 2019)
Mitigation Hierarchy as an option for mitigation has not been mentioned in the WB OP/BP
The identification of “no-go zones” based on sensitivity of natural or cultural features, in early consultations with
all stakeholders, including IPs and vulnerable groups, etc. was recommended by the WB OP
Set asides are areas over which Borrower has management control. Excluded for development, targeted for
conservation; equivalent to Avoidance (Av) mitigation measures,
Offsets (Ofs) are intended to compensate for significant residual impacts and must demonstrate no net loss
Ecosystem Services
Ecosystem services are the benefits that people, including businesses, derive from ecosystems.
(ii) regulating services - benefits people obtain from the regulation of ecosystem processes
e.g., surface water purification, carbon storage and sequestration, climate regulation,
protection from natural hazards
(iv) supporting services - natural processes that maintain the other services
e.g., soil formation, pollination, nutrient cycling, habitats for species
(Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Homepage, “Millennium Ecosystem Assessment”, 2006, http://www.millenniumassessment.org.)
Will be site-specific, and in proportion/appropriate to the hazards and risks associated with the particular
activities that will be implemented by the Contractor/s; should address site-specific environmental and
OHS issues.
In case of existing facilities, measures to rectify the prevailing risks and adverse impacts identified in the
environmental and social audits or due diligence reports will also be included. A suite of other mitigation
measures required under other applicable ESSs form part of the ESMPs.
EA takes into account the natural environment (land, air, water), human H & S; Social aspects (IR, IPs, and
PCR); and transboundary and global environmental aspects. EA considers natural and social aspects in an
integrated way
EA evaluates a projects potential environmental risks and impacts in its area of influence… including all its
ancillary aspects such as power transmission corridors, pipelines, canals, tunnels, relocation and access roads,
borrow and disposal areas, and construction camps, as well as unplanned developments induced by the project
(e.g. spontaneous settlement, logging, or shifting agriculture along access roads).
Exception: visual intrusion - this needs to be taken into account in siting and design of
infrastructure in the Integrated Tourism Master Plans
The specific use of the WH Operational Guidelines (2011), Safeguard Instruments such
as the IUCN EA Checklist for ESA and the HIA developed by ICOMOS was suggested
Monitoring of environmental and social performance will be in accordance with the legal
agreement (including the ESCP).
The project’s ESMP (a stand-alone document or as captured in the ESCP) sets out the
monitoring objectives and types of monitoring for the project’s environmental and social
impacts and mitigation measures. Indicators selected for monitoring are based on the
project’s baseline data.
Such reports will serve as accurate and objective record of project implementation, including
compliance with the ESCP and the requirements of the ESSs. The reports will include
information on stakeholder engagement conducted during project implementation in
accordance with ESS 10.
The Borrower (RIDA?) will ensure that adequate institutional arrangements, systems,
resources and personnel are in place to carry out monitoring. They will also engage
stakeholders and third parties to complement or verify its own monitoring activities.
The project’s ESMP (a stand-alone document or as captured in the ESCP) sets out the
monitoring objectives and types of monitoring for the project’s environmental and social
impacts and mitigation measures. Indicators selected for monitoring are based on the
project’s baseline data.
A) Develop an Environmental Safeguards Master Checking Table that will consist of:
1) Name of subprojects
2) Name of destination
3) Type/form of environmental documents
4) Status (under procurement; under preparation, under approval process, or
5) C-EMP status
6) Implementation reports
The table will be used to check and balance which destinations may need more
attention/assistance and support in safeguards issues, as well as to see the
champions in this subject for cross learning purposes
Changes coming from recommendations in the Aide Memoire need to be incorporated in the ESMF
The key risks to UNESCO WHC’s concern re infrastructure development at Borobudur and Komodo WH
Sites were considered critical
The WB Mission recommended to consider as one of the strategic key actions at MTR:
- to explore the development of a communication strategy to articulate the positive environmental
and social impacts of project activities, both to civil society and to local communities.
deadline was set as February 2022.
The other agreed action that the MTR Mission indicated in their Aide Memoire specific for PMS to do:
- Amend the safeguards screening process, to identify subprojects that may need the Heritage
Impact Assessment (HIA) or EIA procedure and review by UNESCO
The environmental and social instruments should be prepared based on the final
DEDs and be ready prior to bidding of subprojects.
Development of a screening process for sub-projects that may impact UNESCO World
Heritage sites.
(i) For any sub-projects that may impact the OUV of the World Heritage sites, the
procedures outlined in the Operational Guidelines (2019) for the UNESCO World
Heritage Convention must be followed.
(ii) For cultural World Heritage sites this may involve conducting Heritage Impact
Assessments (HIAs, using the UNESCO/ICOMOS process) and formal notification of
the World Heritage Centre of the planned work (including submission of the HIA and
draft designs).
(iii) For natural World Heritage sites Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs, using the
UNESCO/IUCN process). The safeguards screening process needs to be amended to
identify sub-projects in and around the WHS that may need the HIA or EIA process. For
these projects, sufficient time should be allocated in the project cycle to allow a review of
28 03/30/2023 Internal Project Engagement
Expect an upcoming field mission
Upcoming field mission proposing a technical field visit in early July 2022 to focus
on safeguards and progress implementation of sub-projects in a specific location
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