Practical - 1: Labelled Diagram of 400 M Track & Field With Computations
Practical - 1: Labelled Diagram of 400 M Track & Field With Computations
Practical - 1: Labelled Diagram of 400 M Track & Field With Computations
Let the length of track is 80 mt
Curve of track is 120 mt
We need to calculate radius to mark the radius.
Formula to calculate radius is 2pie r
Here 2X 22 X R = 240 mt (1curve= 120 mt, 2 curve = 120+120 = 240)
R = 240 X 7 = 38.18
So marking distance radius is 38.18 mt for track with 80 mt straight
and 120 mt curve.
38.18 mt is used as radius to mark the track for first lane.
For second lane we add 1.22 to 38.18 mt for second lane.
(Standard width of lane is 1.22 mt but if we have less space we can
mark the track with 1 mt )
We continue to add 1.22 to mark the next lane.
A standard track has only 1 finishing line, the variation is only in the
starting point. A track has different starting line for every race depends
upon its distance.
To equalise the distance of each lane we will give the stagger for
different races. Only 100 mt and 110 mt races are straight , except that
all the races are the combination of straight and curve and for that we
need to calculate stagger.
Formula to calculate stagger is :- [W (N-1) -10cm]2 pie]
W:- Width of lane, N= No. of lane, Pie= 22/7
Track & Field
Track & Field are two words comprise of track and field events.
Track Events
Short Distance Races Middle Distance Races Long Distance Races
400 mt 10,000 mt
Long Jump ( broad jump) Shot-put ( 7.26 Kg for men's & 4 Kg for women's)
Tripple Jump Javelin (800 gm for men’s & 600 gm for women’s)