Introduction To Sedimentary Basins: Tausif Ahmad
Introduction To Sedimentary Basins: Tausif Ahmad
Introduction To Sedimentary Basins: Tausif Ahmad
Tausif Ahmad
The official definition of a sedimentary basin is: “a low area in the Earth’s crust, of
tectonic origin, in which sediments accumulate”.
Sedimentary basins range in size from as small as hundreds of meters to large parts
of ocean basins.
The essential element of the concept is tectonic creation of relief, to provide both a
source of sediment and a relatively low place for the deposition of that sediment.
Keep in mind that a sedimentary basin doesn’t have to be a place on the Earth’s
surface with strictly basinal shape, with closed contours, like a washbowl: great
masses of sediment can be deposited on a surface with a gentle and uniform slope.
But implicit in the concept of a sedimentary basin is the existence of prolonged
crustal subsidence, to make a place for a thick deposit of sediment that might well
have been deposited in an area without basinal geometry at the surface.
Tectonics is needed to make sedimentary basins, but the record of the basin itself is
In the long run, eustatic changes in base level are cyclical
Do not produce permanent increases in accommodation for long-term sediment storage
How Basins are Classified?
Basin can be classified according to many priorities of the individual.
A classification scheme should not just create "order from the chaos", but highlight
patterns that are useful for predicting stratigraphy, and faulting.
Dickinson's (1974) classification scheme is based on tectonic history:
(a) lithospheric substratum: oceanic versus continental
(b) proximity of the basin to a plate margin
(c) type of plate margin nearest the basin i.e., convergent, divergent, conservative
(similar to Bally and Snelson, 1980)
nature of sediment
rate of sediment supply
rate of deposition
depositional environment
nature of source rocks
nature of vertical succession
In fact, tectonics affects climate itself, by way of effects as broad as the distribution of oceans and
continents, and as local as rain shielding by local mountain ranges. And sedimentation itself affects
tectonics, although to a much lesser extent, mainly by increasing the lithospheric loading in the basin.
The other side of the coin is that by far the best way of telling paleotectonics is by the sedimentary
record in sedimentary basins. The disposition of sediment types, sediment thicknesses, and paleocurrents
in a basin gives evidence of the existence and location of elevated areas of the crust created by tectonism.
A list of some of the important criteria that could be used, ranging from more
descriptive at the top of the list to more genetic at the bottom of the list:
Nature of fill more descriptive
Tectonic setting more genetic
The principal geological stress systems are ruled by processes in the deep earth like
mantle convection and lithosphere subduction.
The secondary effects of which are manifested at the base of the lithosphere and
along plate margins.
Based on these concepts, the basic dynamics of the lithosphere can be quantified.
which is a prerequisite for the evaluation and calculation of the state of stress at any
point which in turn helps to quantify the stress situation at the plate margins is a
prerequisite for understanding the state of stress in any basin system.
Fig. The major tectonic plates and their boundaries (from Nystuen in Ramberg et al. 2008).
Far-field or contemporary stresses
Originated at plate margins and can be subdivided into three basic plate margin
Constructive Boundaries(Tensional) where adjoining plates are moving away
from each other and new crust is formed by magmatic activity.
Destructive Boundaries(Compressional) where lithosphere is consumed by
subduction or obduction.
Conservative Boundaries(Strike-Slip) where plates are moving past each other
in a strike-slip sense and where lithosphere is neither created nor consumed.
Local Stress
The stress condition at any given point with in a basin
NOTE: The stress situation in a basin or a reservoir may be a sum of several far-
field stresses combined with a local stress, which may be related to burial,
erosion, geothermal gradients, topography, basement relief and structural
inhomogeneities in the substratum.
Tectonic Stress in the Earth’s Lithosphere
Several other processes contribute to the generation of stresses e.g. residual
stress inherited from previous deformation.
Thermal Stress which is related to expansion of rocks during heating or
contraction during cooling.
Stress related to local gravitational gradients.
The reference stress refers to the stress inside the plate, devoid of plate tectonic
Fig. Variations in trap types associated with the pre-rift (orange), syn-rift (yellow) and post-rift (green) stages. The trap types associated with the syn-rift/post-rift transition
are marked in red. See text for detailed explanation. From Gabrielsen et al. (1995).
Drainage systems associated with rotated fault block and associated fault scarps. Note that the fan systems associated with the fault
scarps may be discontinuous and that sand is also derived from the rotated hanging wall fault block. Modified from Nøttvedt,
Gabrielsen and Steel (1995).
Strike-slip basins have rapid subsidence which maintains sharp basin-margin relief.
The supply of detrius and basin sedimentation rates are also expected to be very high.
Most basins are only a few tens of kilometers across and are characterized by evidence of marked
local syndepositional relief.
They have distinctive internal structures with predictable orientations.
The strata are characterized by numerous local facies changes.
Movements on individual faults may be local and spasmodic, so that sediments in adjacent may
have different Stratigraphy.
There is ample evidence of syndepositional tectonism, including intraformational folds and local
Basin-fill sediments may be offset from their source area.
Sedimentation rates are rapid.
There are no distinctive depositional environments because strike-slip faults occur in all possible
environmental settings.
A variety of structures, and hence a variety of hydrocarbon trap types, are likely to
develop along a strike-slip fault.
In the ideal case, where the fault trace is planar and the movements of the opposing
fault blocks are absolutely parallel, the trace would be one vertical plane.
There will be segments where material is squeezed up and out of the fault zone, and
cases where slivers of the footwall and hangingwall fall into the fault zone.
In both cases the faults are likely to have a steeply dipping root, creating diagnostic
geometries for strike-slip faults called (positive and negative) flower-structures.
Where distinct fault segments overlap, but are not in direct contact, zones with pull-
apart basins or turtle-back structures will occur.
Movements in shear-zones are in many cases not entirely parallel, so that a
contractional or extensional component adds to the shear. These situations are called
transpressional and transtensional, respectively.
Most common hydrocarbon traps in strike-slip systems. Types of structures are indicated in the figure.
Foreland Basins
Subsidence in the proximal parts of mountains or thrustbelts.
Uplifts in distal parts.
The shape of the basin has great influence on type of material or sediments
depositing into the basin.
The proximal steep parts coarse and very coarse material or sediments are
Subsidence is greater than the infilling process.
In the middle part of the basin fine material(silt , clay and mud) accumulates.
The basin is asymmetric.
Most foreland basins are ultimately filled by thick non marine sediment wedges.
The transition from deep marine to shallow marine and non marine may record
with passage of the colliding wedges over the divergent margins of the under
riding continental plate.
The general transition from deep-water pelagic, deep water clastics(flysh) to
shallow water and non marine clastics(molasse)(Dott, 1974).