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The Agent:: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

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The Agent:Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

 Tubercle bacilli
 Non-motile,non-sporing, non-capsulated rods.
 They may be straight or slightly curved

 3 x 0.3µm size

 Obligate anaerobes, slow growing.

 Destroyed by direct sunlight, UV light and

pasteurization of milk
 Mode of transmission: Droplet infection
 Portal of entry:
 Inhalation, ingestion or inoculation.
 Primary site of infection
 Lung, tonsils, mucous membrane, intestine, skin
Droplet Nuclei
 "Droplet nuclei" spread via the airborne route -
primary means of transmission of M.T.B
 Bacilli containing droplets - expelled by talking,
coughing, sneezing- from patients with pulmonary
 These desiccate to 2-5 u in diameter, - inhalation
to the level of the alveolus.
 Bacilli multiply and cause inflammation
 Macrophage engulf bacilli
 Formation of granulomatous lesion
 Some tissue within dies - caseation
 Scar tissue around tubercle – isolation of
Post-primary TB:Genesis
 Reactivation of quiescent focus
 Direct progression of primary

 Hematogenous spread

 Re-infection
Organs affected
 Pulmonary disease: Most common (85%
of disease).
 Pulmonary tuberculosis is the only infectious
 Extrapulmonary disease occur alone or with
pulmonary involvement.
 Most common sites: Lymph nodes, pleura,
bones, meninges, genitourinary tract and
hematogenous (miliary) spread.
History: Risk factors for TB
 HIV infection
 H/o +ve purified protein derivative (PPD) test
 H/o of prior TB treatment
 Exposure to an active case of TB
 Travel to/immigration from, an endemic area
 Homelessness, shelter-dwelling, incarceration
 Cough/expectoration
 Hemoptysis
 Dyspnea
 Chest pain
 Weight loss/anorexia
 Fever
 Night sweats
 Malaise & Fatigue
 Pyrexia
 Tachycardia
 Tachypnoea
 Wasting/emaciation
 Signs of
 Effusion
 Consolidation
 Other
Physical Examination
 Depend on the organs involved.
 Pulmonary TB - abnormal breath sounds,
especially over the upper lobes or involved
areas. Rhonchi or bronchial breath sounds
may be noted.
Collar-stud abscess
• Clinical

• Radiological

• Mycobacteriogical

• Immunological

• Hematological

• Molecular-biological
Radiology & imaging
➢ Not diagnostic

➢ Contributory evidence

➢ Differential diagnoses

➢ Judicious use of CT scans

➢ USG thorax and Abdomen

➢ Bimonthly reviews
Image Challenge

Q: This 20-year-old man was evaluated for fever. What is the diagnosis?

1. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

2. Cystic fibrosis
3. Primary hyperparathyroidism
4. Sarcoidosis
1. LED Fluorescent microscopy:
Auramine-rhodamine staining –
more sensitive than ZN staining.
2. Induce sputum :
(a) Nebulized saline
(b) Post-broncodialator
(b) Bronchoscopic specimen
3. FNAC specimen

Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA)

Blood test

QuantiFERON–TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT–GIT) is
an approved test of IGRA.

Positive IGRA means that the person has been

If negative, latent TB infection or TB disease is not

Traditional: – Löwenstein-Jensen’s, Kirchner, or
Middlebrook media culture – 6-8 weeks time.

Newer:- MB/BacT, BACTEC 9000, VersaTREK, & the
Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT).

Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility assay
(MODS) - more sensitive, faster and cheaper test for
TB. Direct observation of M.TB & also simultaneously
yields drug-resistance.
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT)
Uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique or
transcription-mediated amplification to detect
mycobacterial nucleic acid.

Cartridge Based NAAT (CB NAAT)

MTB direct test (MTD, Gen-Probe)

Truenat MTB, Truenat MTB Plus, & Truenat
MTB-Rif Dx - tests made in India.

Xpert XDR for drug resistant TB
Immunological diagnosis

Mantoux test

National Sample Survey

Background reactivity

False positive / False negative

Realize limitations :
An adjunct
➢ Fluorodeoxy Glucose PET/CT useful in
detection of active TB lesions,
differentiation from latent disease, staging
& monitoring the disease
➢ Antibody in Lymphocyte Supernatant or
ALS Assay - immunologically detects active
➢ Detection of LAM, mycobacterial
lipoarabinomannan antigen in urine - activity

Rx only after confirmation

Never use a single drug

Initial Attack phase +

Continuation phase

Attack Phase : 8 weeks

Continuation phase : 16 weeks

Never add single drug to a failing regimen

Use sterilizing drugs wherever possible
Common drugs
 Rifampicin (R) 450/600 10mg/kg
o Rifacilin
o Rifamycin
o Rifampila
o Rimpin
o Zucox
 INH (H) 300 5mg/kg
o Isokin
o Isonex
o Solonex

 Use sterilizing drugs wherever possible

Common drugs
 Ethambutol (E) 800/1200 25mg/kg
o Combutol
o Ebutol
o Ecox
o Myambutol
o Mycobutol
 Pyrazinamde (Z) 1500/2000 35mg/kg
o P-Zide
o Piraldina

 Use sterilizing drugs wherever possible


Directly observed treatment, short-course, also
known as TB-DOTS)

Control strategy recommended by the World
Health Organization.

WHO: The most cost-effective way to stop the
spread of TB in communities with a high
incidence is by curing it.

Patients receive TB drugs under OBSERVATION

Must take the TB drug in front of a DOTS agent.

The DOTS agent - a volunteer from the patient’s
community, OR a family member.

DOTS applies when TB drugs are taken with the patient
being observed by a DOTS volunteer.

Thrice weekly (earlier), now daily.

Attack phase: 8 wks x EHRZ

Continuation phase: 24 wks x HR

For relapse and discontinued :

EHRZ + Inj. Streptomycin x 8 weeks

After 8 wks, EHRZ x 4 wks, thereafter for 5 m HRE

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