Advanced Nursing Practice: M.SC Degree Course in Nursing
Advanced Nursing Practice: M.SC Degree Course in Nursing
Advanced Nursing Practice: M.SC Degree Course in Nursing
Philosophy and Theories of Nursing
• Martha Elizabeth Rogers was born in Dallas, Texas May 12, 1914; sharing her
birthday with Florence Nightingale.
• She grew up in a family, where learning was fostered and reading was a favorite
• Received Nursing diploma from Knoxville General Hospital in 1936.
• She completed her BSN in Public Health Nursing in 1937 from George Peabody
College Nashville in 1937 and worked as a public health nurse.
• Earned her master's degree in public health nursing from Teacher's College
Columbia University.
Original Source
o Immediately after receiving her doctoral degree, Dr. Rogers got the position of a
professor and head of Division of Nursing. It was there that her career as an
educator and a leader in theory development came to realization.
o Rogers early grounding in the liberal arts and sciences is apparent in the origin of
her theory.
o Her original work are the basic assumptions about human beings. Using these
assumptions, she identified concepts on which, she based her Principles of
o Her major work entitled "An Introduction to the Theoretical Basis of Nursing"
was published in 1970.
o Rogers model was known throughout the world as the Science of Unitary Human
Beings focuses on the human being as a whole in constant interaction with the
Roger's theory on the Science of Unitary Human
• The science of unitary human beings comprises of
five assumption, four major concepts and three
major principles
• Major concepts are : Energy field, openness,
pattern, and pan dimensionality
• Major principles include resonancy , helicy and
integrity. It is also known as homeodynamic
• Human being is considered as united
wholeness • whole
• A person and his environment are
openness continuously exchanging energy with
each other
• The life process of human being evolves
Unidirectionality irreversibly and unidirectional
• i.e from birth to death
Pattern and • Pattern identifies individuals and
organization reflects their innovative wholeness.
• Humans are the only organisms able to
Sentence and think, imagine, have language and
thought emotions
Energy field
Pan- Openness
dimensionality Concepts
Energy field
2. Helicy
3. Integrality
1. Unitary Human Being (person)
•A unitary human being is open systems which
continuously interact with environment. A person
cannot be viewed as parts, it should be considered
as a whole.
2. Environment
•It includes the entire energy field other than a
•These energy fields are irreducible, not limited by
space and time, identified by its pattern and
3. Health
•Not clearly defined by Rogers. It is determined by
the interaction between energy fields i.e. human and
•Bad interaction or misplacing of energy leads to
4. Nursing
•Nursing exists to serve people.
•Nursing is both science and art.
•It is the direct and overriding responsibility to the
Application of Roger’s theory in nursing