Fight for Catholic Emancipation, achieved in 1829 ( Daniel O’Connell – liberator) – shift
to agitating for the repeal of the Union – The Great Famine of 1845-49..
Politics then shifted to land reform (Michael Davitt in 1879) and the issue of Home rule for
Ireland (Parnell).. Parnell`s death & disgrace..
In the 1890s, two movements emerged – the Irish Literary Revival (ILR) & the Gaelic
Revival (GR)- defined national identity and culture..attempt to forge a link with the Irish
ancient, pagan, Celtic pre-colonial past..
Increasingly militant Catholic nationalism that overshadowed the Anglo-Irish Protestants
and the Protestant Ascendancy.. Believed that Ireland’s authentic cultural nationalist
identity was unquestionably Gaelic & Catholic in origin..(Gaelic League- 1893)
Charles Stewart Parnell (1846-91)
Parnell was the powerful & popular Irish politician (leader) of his time. Fought for the Irish
Home Rule movement from 1877
Leader of the Irish National Party, his power compelled British PM Gladstone to move
towards granting some measure of limited independence (or ‘Home Rule’ to Ireland.
His political career ended in 1890 (with it, hopes for Home Rule) when he was named in
the divorce case of Katherine O’Shea, as this led to his denouncement by the Irish Catholic
clergy and abandonment by his own political party.. The parliamentary campaign for Home
Rule collapsed and Parnell dies a broken man shortly after 1891..
He is a polarizing figure whose death influences many characters in the novel
Parnell represents the burden of Irish nationality that Stephen comes to believe is
preventing him from realizing himself as an artist.
Bildungsroman – coming of age story
The novel is also termed Bildungsroman as it nicely depicts the development of a young
boy from childhood to manhood.
Another terms used for the novel are ‘aesthetic autobiography’ or ‘kunstlerroman’ –
focusing on the spiritual and emotional formation of the artist
The boy is confuse either to stay at home or to achive his dream to be an artist by leaving
No doubt, Daedalus has a close connection with the family, religion as well as country, yet
he disassociates from them to fulfill his dream to be an artist.
Greek Allusions/Myths