WRWBM96 GST Invoice
WRWBM96 GST Invoice
WRWBM96 GST Invoice
SAC Taxable
Product Description Qty Price Discount CGST SGST IGST UT/Cess Total
Code Amount
Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount
Don (Telugu) (U) 999799 2 25.00 0 50.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 18 % 9.00 0 0.00 59.00
Convenience fee/
internet handling
fee/ delivery fee
Ceritified that the particulars given above are true and
Value of Rs.2.00/- pertains to BookASmile.
correct For Big Tree Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Value of Rs.400.00/- pertains to services provided by Theatre/Event
Organizer/ Cinema Owner PVR: Preston Prime, Gachibowli
Hyderabad(AUDI 01).
Value of Rs.300.00/- pertains to services provided by Theatre/Event
Organizer/ Cinema Owner PVR: Preston Prime, Gachibowli
No 01).
Payment Reference signatory
Transaction Id & Amount of Payment: 3172031832, Rs.
761.00/- Date & Time: Sun, 22 May, 2022, 11:26am
Mode of payment : Lazy Pay