Classification of Test According To Format
Classification of Test According To Format
Classification of Test According To Format
I. Standardized Test
A. Ability Test
B. Aptitude Test
II. Teacher Made Test
1. Objective Type
a. Limited Response Type
i. Multiple Choice Test
ii. True – False or Alternative Response
iii. Matching Type
b. Free Response Type or Supply Test
i. Short Answer
ii. Completion test
2. Essay Type
a. Restricted Essay
b. Extended Essay
Other Classification of tests
I. Psychological Tests
II. Educational Tests
III. Survey Tests
IV. Mastery Tests
V. Verbal Tests
VI. Non-Verbal Tests
VII. Standardized Tests
VIII. Teacher-Made Tests
IX. Individual Tests
X. Group Tests
XI. Objective Tests
XII. Subjective Tests
XIII. Power Tests
XIV. Speed Tests
A. Validity
B. Reliability
C. Administrability
D. Scorability
E. Interpretability
F. Economy
Factors Influencing the Validity of an assessment instrument
1. Unclear directions.
2. Reading vocabulary and sentence structure are too difficult.
3. Ambiguity
4.Inadequate time limits.
5. Poorly constructed test items.
6. Test too short.
7. Improper arrangements of items
8. Identifiable pattern of answer.
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:
3. Psychomotor Domain
A. Perception
B. Set
C. Guided Response
D. Mechanism
E. Complex Overt Response
F. Adaptation
G. Origination
Identifying and Articulating
Learning Objectives
Objectives are statements of what will be achieved
as a result of the instruction the teacher is
Office 2
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
Office 3
Saturn is one of the gas
giants with rings
What sets us apart?
Mars Jupiter
It's full of iron oxide dust, Jupiter is a gas giant and the
which gives the planet its biggest planet in the Solar
reddish cast System
- Marketing plan -
Market analysis
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
Market share
15% 26%
Jupiter Venus
Jupiter is the biggest Venus has a beautiful
planet of them all name, but it’s hot
24% 35%
Neptune Mars
Neptune is the farthest Despite being red, Mars is
planet from the Sun a cold place
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Buyer persona profile
Personality Interests
Earth is the third planet from
the Sun and the only one that 75%
harbors life in the Solar Mars is cold
Home decor
Age: 26 years old
Gender: Female
Motivations 68%
Jupiter is huge
Location: United States Aesthetics
Income: $1800 Handmade
Occupation: Artist 64%
Mercury is small
Education: College Comfortable
Sales funnel
Despite being red, Mars is a
cold place Interest
Neptune is the farthest planet
Decision from the Sun
Awesome words
Buyer journey
Venus has very high Despite being red, Mars is a
temperatures very cold planet
Awareness Decision
Mercury is the closest planet
to the Sun
Competitor analysis
Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second planet It’s the biggest planet in the
from the Sun Solar System
Saturn Neptune
It was named after the Neptune is very far away
Roman god of wealth from the Sun
Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars is
planet to the Sun very cold
SWOT analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Mercury is the closest planet
to the Sun and the smallest
S W Mars is full of iron oxide
dust, which gives the planet
of them all its reddish cast
Threats Opportunities
Venus has a beautiful name T O Jupiter is a gas giant and the
and is the second planet from biggest planet in the Solar
the Sun System
03 Jupiter
Jupiter is a gas giant
Key action 2
04 Neptune
Neptune is an ice giant
Key actions items
Describe your items for Describe your items for Describe your items for
Key action 1 the quarter here the quarter here the quarter here
Describe your items for Describe your items for Describe your items for
Key action 2 the quarter here the quarter here the quarter here
Describe your items for Describe your items for Describe your items for
Key action 3 the quarter here the quarter here the quarter here
To reinforce the
concept, try using
an image
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
remember: use an image instead of a long
text. Your audience will appreciate it
2002 It was named after the Roman god
of wealth and agriculture
2012 It's full of iron oxide dust, which
gives the planet its reddish cast
2022 It’s a gas giant and the biggest
planet in the Solar System
25% 50% 65% 80%
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
KPI overview
Outreach Compliance rate
Neptune is far away from us Mercury is the smallest planet
Venus is hot
Saturn has rings
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Vectors Photos
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Photos pany
● Bohemian woman in nature holding ukulele
● Bohemian woman in nature with ukulele
● Icon pack: digital services | lineal
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Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
...and our sets of editable icons
“Venus is the
“Neptune is the “Saturn is a gas
second planet from
farthest planet from giant and has
the Sun and is
the Sun” several rings”
terribly hot”
“Jupiter is the
TITLE 1 biggest planet in the
entire Solar System”
“Mercury is the
smallest planet in the
Solar System”
“Saturn is a gas
giant and has
several rings”
Premium Icons
Digital Marketing
Premium Icons
Online Learning
Premium Icons
Premium Icons
Infographic Elements