HR Workspace: Presented By
HR Workspace: Presented By
HR Workspace: Presented By
Presented by,
Dhyey Gokani (21CSB0A19)
Ramandeep Kaur (21BTB0A64)
Anubhav Agrawal (21CSB0F36)
Gyanendu Kumar Jha (21ECB0A18)
Our Endeavour
• Company Profile : NETFLIX
• NETFLIX HR Practices
• Learning Outcome
• Conclusion
Netflix’s culture is focused on providing employees with high degree of autonomy and freedom, while also
holding them accountable for results.
The company’s approach to performance evaluation is based on the belief that regular feedback and
communication between managers and employees are more effective than traditional annual performance
Netflix has a unique 360-degree review process that outbids the old-school formal evaluations.
360 – Degree Approach
Netflix usually holds the annual compensation review around October or November, and this 360-Degree
feedback is the core determining factor in monetary compensation.
This feedback is also used to identify areas where employees can improve their skills and performance.
Patty McCord at Netflix mentions: “If you talk simply and honestly about performance on a regular
basis, you can get good results—probably better ones than a company that grades everyone on a five-
point scale.”
continuous learning.