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HR Workspace: Presented By

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Presented by,
Dhyey Gokani (21CSB0A19)
Ramandeep Kaur (21BTB0A64)
Anubhav Agrawal (21CSB0F36)
Gyanendu Kumar Jha (21ECB0A18)
Our Endeavour
• Company Profile : NETFLIX

• Introduction to HR Practice Theory

• NETFLIX HR Practices

• Reflection on Netflix HR Practices

• Learning Outcome

• Conclusion

• Netflix is a media company for movie lovers. It has

successfully transformed into one of the Video on Demand
(VoD) providers with the most operational areas worldwide.

• Netflix enables customers to watch their favorite episodes from

virtually any location, at any time, and on practically any
device (smartphones, smart TVs, tablets, PCs, and laptops).

• One of Netflix's added values is that it is content free of

advertisements and can decide for themselves the content they
want to enjoy.

• Along with improving the user experience, Netflix

continuously attempts to strengthen its reputation as a quality
corporation wanted by individuals, particularly those in age
groups twenties and thirties. As a result, they are now well
known for their culture.


Netflix’s core strategy is to grow their streaming

subscription business domestically and globally. They are
continuously improving the customer experience with a
focus on expanding our streaming content, enhancing
their user interface and extending their streaming service
to even more internet-connected devices, while staying
within the parameters of their consolidated net income
and operating segment contribution profit targets.
Human Resources Policies

• Many people are familiar with the term “Human Resources”,

which is simply a department in a company, which is
responsible to manage all the aspects of employee relations,
like payrolls, employee benefits, hiring employees, and firing

• The HR department plays a major role in the organization, and

having a strong HR team is essential for a company. It is
responsible to make sure that the employees of the company
are doing great and are happy.

• NETFLIX, which you have probably heard of, is one of the

most successful, and innovative companies related to online
streaming and media outlook. It has widespread business across
several countries in this world.
Human Resources Policies

•Hiring( Recruitment Process and Selection)

•Workforce Training Management.
•Employee Performance Assessment.
•Reward Management.
•Ethical and Legal Matter.
•Diversity and Work Span Balance.
•Employee Relation.
•Customer-Centric Approach.
•Speculations about the Future.
•Employee Satisfaction.
Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal can be described as a

systematic evaluation of performances of
several employees so that they can
understand all abilities of a person and their
development and growth. Performance
appraisal is also done in a very systematic
manner which includes measuring the pay
of employees and evaluating how far does
his work activities comply with the plans
and targets of organisation.
Performance Appraisal

Netflix is known for having a Unique

corporate culture and management
philosophy that differs from traditional
performance appraisal systems. HR
system at Netflix encourages employees to
be more transparent about performance and
believes in Context over control.
Performance Appraisal

Netflix’s culture is focused on providing employees with high degree of autonomy and freedom, while also
holding them accountable for results.

The company’s approach to performance evaluation is based on the belief that regular feedback and
communication between managers and employees are more effective than traditional annual performance

Netflix has a unique 360-degree review process that outbids the old-school formal evaluations.
360 – Degree Approach

Ditching the annual performance

reviews, Netflix encourages employees
to take part in a real-time performance
review by freely writing feedback in a
text box to anyone, from interns to
chief executives in the company.

Feedback is not anonymous, and the

360-degree reviews have no direct
effect on any employee's pay.
360 – Degree Approach

Netflix usually holds the annual compensation review around October or November, and this 360-Degree
feedback is the core determining factor in monetary compensation.

This feedback is also used to identify areas where employees can improve their skills and performance.

Patty McCord at Netflix mentions: “If you talk simply and honestly about performance on a regular
basis, you can get good results—probably better ones than a company that grades everyone on a five-
point scale.”

Additionally, Netflix is known for having a "keeper test“.

Keeper Test

It is a guideline used to assess whether or

not an employee should continue to work
for the company.

In this approach, manager asks themselves

the question: "If this person told me they
were leaving, would I try to change their
mind?" If the answer is no, then the
employee may be let go..

There is a difference of opinion for this

test as employees find it a ground for work
politics while managers say they feel the
pressure to fire people or risk looking soft.
Performance Appraisal

Overall, Netflix's performance appraisal

system is designed to be flexible and
adaptable to the needs of individual
employees and teams, while also
emphasizing the importance of frequent
communication and feedback.

Transparency levels and room for personal

growth without worrying about an effect on
pay have encouraged employees to accept
positive criticism that improves their work.
Our Reflections
 Shift from performance appraisal to performance

management:- Gliding across the performance appraisal systems

being adopted by various organisations, most of those are found to
realise that annual assessment is just a look back to previous
performance so these organisations have shifted towards a more
dynamic approach. In this context, Netflix introduced 360 degree
appraisal system.

Transparency :- In the world full of fabrication, Netflix

managed to create a culture of an honest assessment.
Reflection on Performance Appraisal

High performance culture :- It has been laid

down successfully by communicating the
feedback (even though unpleasant) in a more
assertive manner. Employees do understand the
essence of feedback ,with the belief in self
development, since it has no direct impact on
their pay.

Flexible work environment:- Netflix strongly

believe in “working smarter , not harder” and
provides complete autonomy to its employees to
choose their work hours as long as they complete
the work at hand. Unlimited paid time off for all
full time employees gives them opportunity to
rest when needed.
Reflection on Performance Appraisal

Time management:- Though performance

appraisal is thought to be a time consuming
process, demanding not merely an assessment but
also discussions on the feedback, it has managed
to comply with the need of hour.

Employee feedback(Upward feedback):- The

achievements of Netflix are well illustrated not
only by the results brought about to the table, but
also by the word of mouth of 70 percent of its
employees and the ENPS.
Learning Outcomes
Self discipline(positive discipline):- As an evolving
process , Netflix performance appraisal serves to
promote self discipline( with no fear of punishment),
since the employees at the organisation are more

Constructive criticism:- Studying performance

appraisal system of Netflix and its impact on the
employees, develops an attitude of taking criticism
positively, that gradually proves to be a room for
personal growth.
Learning Outcomes

Synchronization and coordination:- Smooth

functioning of HR performance appraisal system,

as is in Netflix, requires all other line

departments to support HR subsystem.

Continuous Development:- Continuous

evaluation methods adopted by Netflix promotes

continuous learning.

Summarizing the report, one could clearly draw

an inference that for an organisation to expand, it
requires comprehensive understanding of the fact
“People are the source of competitive
Performance appraisal system of HR and its
implementation plays a key role in imparting
qualitative service , both, to the company, as
well as, by the company. Continuous evolution
of its policies and motivation of its employees
lead Netflix to survive the test of time as it is
finely quoted:
“Whosoever desires constant success must
change his conduct with time.”

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