Indigenous Arts From The Region 2 Cagayan Valley
Indigenous Arts From The Region 2 Cagayan Valley
Indigenous Arts From The Region 2 Cagayan Valley
Cagayan Valley
The Cagayan Region is made up of the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Viscaya,
Quirino, and Batanes in the north. area is 26, 837.7sq. Typhoons are frequent in this
region bringing rains throughout the year. Unlike in the Mountain Region, land in the
Cagayan Region is fertile for profitable agriculture. It is no wonder that crops such as
rice, corn, and tobacco, and fruits and vegetables, are produced in amounts that exceed
the community requirements.A significant number of the original settlers- the Ilongots,
Igorots and a few Dumagats is still found living along boundaries of the province or
inhabiting the forests. The Ilongots were believed to have descended from the
Indonesians. They are quite good-looking and friendly. In the Ilongot society, the man is
an absolute king. The women cook and farm. The men fish and hunt, bring firewood,
build fences and take care of the kaingin. They can have as many as six wives as long as
they treat each one fairly and build a house for each wife.
Childbirth among the Ilongots is simple. The pregnant mother goes to a
spot near a tree a bed of ashes has been prepared. When the time to
deliver comes, the pregnant woman holds on to the tree trunk allowing
the baby to fall on the bed of ashes. She cuts the umbilical cord with a
sharp objects washes herself in a nearby river, and gives the baby to the
father. Having done these, she returns to the field to continue working.
Region 2
Cagayan Valley
Palu-Palo Festival
-This is a cultural presentation of the
municipality of Basco, Batanes, showcasing
their ethnic group’’s rugged yet storied