• The classical economists belivedin the existence of full emplyment in the economy.
• Classical economists such as J.S. MILL,MARSHALL,PIGOU etc.have supported this law by J.B. SAY.
• The classical economists believed in the existence of full employment in the economy. To them, full employme was a
normal situation and any deviation from this regarded as something abnormal.
• According to Pigon, the tendency of the economic system is to automatically provide full employmen in the labour market
when the demand and supply of labour are equal.
• Unemployment results from the rigidity in the wage structure and interference in the working of free marker system in the
form of trade union legislation, minimum wage legislation etc.
• Full employment exists "when everybody who at the running rate of wages wishes to be Those who are not prepared to
work at the existing wage rate are not unemployed because employed."they are voluntarily unemployed.
• This full employment is a situation where there is no possibility of involuntary unemployment in the sense that people are
prepared to work at the current wage rate but they do not find work.
Classical Theory Of Employment
1) There is the existence of full 1) Equilibrium level need not be full
employment without inflation. employment level.
1) Keynes confines his analysis to the 1) keynes theory of employment is
short period. called the effective demand theory of
2) He assumes that there is perfect employment.
competition in the market. 2) Keynesian econommic analysis is
3) He carries out his analysis in the mainly a static analysis.
closed economy, ignoring the effect 3) Keynesian theory is a short run
of foreign trade. economic analysis
Aggregate Supply :-
According to Keynes Aggregate Supply is equal to the national income at
market price . In other words national income is equal to the price of goods
and services produced in a country .The national income is divided into
three parts consumption, savings and taxes .
Aggregate Demand :-
Aggregate demand is the amount of consumption and amount of investment
expenditure at each level of income. There are two components of aggregate
1. Consumption expenditure
2. Investment expenditure
Further explanation of theory of income and