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Forensci 305

Lie Detection Techniques & Polygraph

Psychological response of lying
The general consensus is that there is no
specific physiological response to lying
that encompasses all individuals. As a
result, bodily signals to detect deception may not
be as useful as brain signals. This has led to the
exploration of functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) of the brain as a component for
the detection of lies.
What is the detection of deception?

Deception detection refers to the investigative

practices used to determine a person’s
truthfulness and credibility. This is largely
determined through the consideration of
certain behavioral and physiological cues as
well as larger contextual and situational
information. What methods are used to detect
What is the definition of deception?

For example, according to the Oxford

Dictionary of English (Stevenson & Soanes,
2010), deception is “a statement that deviates
from or perverts the truth”. Deception is a
pervasive, and some would argue a necessary,
phenomenon in human communication, yet its
very action stirs up moral indignation and rage.
What is the basis of lie detection?

Increasing a liar’s cognitive load increases the

probability of detecting deception. A truthful
person simply conveys the truth, which requires
little cognitive processing. Conversely, liars
experience an increase in cognitive processing
because liars must remember a set of made-up
Is the scientific method of detecting
deception with The aid of polygraph instrument. It
is administered By asking of question to the
subjects pertinent to The case under
The word polygraph is a composition of two
words, ”poly” which means “many” and “graph”
which means "writing chart”. It is defined as
scientific instrument especially designed to
record psycho physiological changes that occur
within the body especially of lying when
a.) ordeal of red hot iron
b.) ordeal of the balance
c.) ordeal of boiling water
d.) ordeal of red water
e.) ordeal of rice chawing
f.) ordeal of the Bier
g.) trial of the cross
h.) trial of waxen shirt
i.) ordeal of the tiger
1. Burma
2. Madagascar
3. Borneo/Myanmar
4. Greece
5. Nigeria
Scientific Methods of Detecting Deception
From the early methods methods of detecting
man tried to discover reasonable acceptable and
ways of diagnosing deception. As a result of many of
research and experiments, man developed what we
use a “polygraph” along with the other scientific
of detecting deception such as:
Administration of truth serum-hyscine hydro bromide is
given hypodermically in repeated doses until a state of
delirium induced. When the proper point is reached, the
questioning begins and the subject has forgetfulness of any
alibi he may built up to cover his guilt. Consequently, he is apt
to tell the truth and give details of a case or any implicate
Intoxication – The person whose statement is to be taken is
allowed to take the alcoholic beverage to intoxication point.
When under the influence of liquor the power and control is
diminished and the investigator begins propounding
Word Association test – A list of stimulus word is read to the subject
Who has been instructed to responds quickly as possible. The
Time interval between the stimulus words and the answer is
recorded. A guilty person will not quickly answer a question containing
Words which has a relation to the crime committed.
Hypnotism – The subject is made to be under influence of hypnotism
by a qualified hypnotist. While fully hypnotized, question are asked
relating to subject matter of the investigation. Statement of the subject
Is not admissible as evidence because devoid the subject of his free
Will to speak.
Direct Denial- this is a direct denial of the act in question that creates an
emotional sense of disturbance. This disturbance that refers to the conflict
between what is true and the attempted deception that creates an internal
battle in the mind.
Example: “I did not do it.” The vague response permits the person to evade
inner conflict while seeming to answer the question. The reply given to a query
must be evaluated in terms of what was asked to know if the answer is proper.
Lie of Omission - This is a type of lie that people usually use because it is
simple to tell. Individuals who will make use of this type of lie will tell the truth
while omitting details that could create possible troubles.
Lie of Fabrication - this is the most difficult type of lie that
a subject could use in an interview.
Lie of Minimization – In this type of lie, the individual
accepts that something has occurred but downplays
the implication. Lie of minimization could be used if the
subject wanted to stay close to the truth, however, he
covers the truth for his or her own benefit.
Mr. X is complaining because Mr. B boxed him and as a
result, the nose of Mr. X is broken. If Mr. B uses lie of
minimization, he will state that he only slapped Mr. X.
Lie of Exaggeration - this is a lie often used to exaggerate things
some advantage. This is also often found on resume, where the
applicant exaggerates his or her experiences, knowledge, skill,
salary, and length of service. The exaggerated claims can be
verified by looking for inconsistencies of the subject story.


A. Benign or White Lie - used to maintain harmony o friendship,
harmony at the home or office
B. Red Lie – common to communist countries
 Used to destroy other ideologies by means of propaganda
C. Malicious lie - a chronic lie purely used to mislead justice
 A pure dishonesty to obstruct justice
Verbal clues to deception include the words that
are spoken, speed of delivery of the words, choice of
words, tone of voice and the tense of the language. This
 Methods of Responding to Question
The way the respondent answer question is
a clue of deception. In general, truthful people tend to
be direct; untruthful people tend to be cautious about
their answers.
 Length of Time Before Giving Response
In general, truthful persons answer questions
immediately after the question is asked; untruthful persons take
their time in giving a response. An awkward silence or delaying
tactic such as: “who me?” or “ why would I do that” may be used
by the respondent.
 Repetition of the Question
The act of repeating the question is another
means for the deceiver to gain time to frame his answer. The
question may be repeated word for word, or the respondent may
frame the answer with a request to repeat the question.
are you asking me if I was bribed?
A truthful subject does not have to think his answer.
 Fragmented or Incomplete Sentence
Untruthful people often speak in disjointed or curtailed
sentences. This is usually because he has started the answer, and then thought
better of it .
Statement such as: “I…I….. Can’t think … …it seems to me…. “can be clue
of lying. Many liars will speak half- truths as well, add qualifiers such as: “…..to
the best memory……” or”… …if I recall correctly.”
 Being Overly Polite
Anger is a common response to an unjust accusation, as well as
answering the statement with an abrupt “No.” untruthful subject are more likely
to be polite to the accuser, using pleasing terms such as “sir” or “ma’am”,
“boss” or “chief”. The suspect who is lying will often say, ”sir, to tell you the
truth, I didn’t do it.”
Lying person will frequently utter oaths as “I swear to god, I
didn’t do it.” or “I swear on my father’s grave….” most truthful people
do not need to swear or affirm. They are ardent in their denials. Some
people who use word like “frankly” or “to tell the truth” often are
neither being frank nor are they telling the truth.
 Clarity of Response
Honest people tend to be very clear in their answer, while
untruthful people tend to speak softly and broaden their answer, Such
responses are to avoid the stress caused by an untruthful response. The
liar is hedging. In that way, if caught in a lie, the earlier “soft” response
may aid in diffusing the lie.
 Use of word
As a general rule, truthful subject have
no trouble denying the allegations in precise
terms, while untruthful ones will have problems
with use of words. Untruthful subjects also tend to
deny specific instances.
Example: “I did not take the P5000.00 in
That may be a truthful answer, perhaps the
amount was P10,000.00
 Assertiveness

Truthful person are confident about their innocence, and

deceitful ones are not confident unless they are practiced liars. Truthful
people will respond directly without waiver or qualification. Deceptive
people tend to respond indirectly with waivers and qualifications.
 Inconsistencies
Contradicting testimonies made by the witness are one of
the best indicators of dishonesty. Liars get caught in their own web of
Example: If Juan de la Cruz say that he met Pedro Pindoko for drinks
and then the later denies the same statement, there can be two
explanations: he was mistaken or he was lying.
 Slipof the Tongue
Liars as Freud discovered, quite often slip up and divulge
themselves through a “slip of the tongue”.
Example: A witness who referred to Mr. Santos when he really
intended to say Mr. San Juan. Could Mr. Santos, then, be the truth and
Mr. San Juan is the lie?
 Tirades
People who are deceptive sometimes reveal more than a
word or two, as in slip of the tongue. The information doesn’t slip out, it
pours it. Ekman, a psychologist, believes that “Leaking”out may be
caused by internal stress produced by a lie. Tirades may be in direct
proportion to the stress generated in the lie, and raise at a time of anger
or other strong emotions.
 Slip of the Tongue
Liars as Freud discovered, quite often slip up and
divulge themselves through a “slip of the tongue”.
Example: A witness who referred to Mr. Santos when he really
intended to say Mr. San Juan. Could Mr. Santos, then, be the
truth and Mr. San Juan is the lie?
 Tirades
People who are deceptive sometimes reveal more
than a word or two, as in slip of the tongue. The information
doesn’t slip out, it pours it. Ekman, a psychologist, believes that
“Leaking”out may be caused by internal stress produced by a lie.
Tirades may be in direct proportion to the stress generated in
the lie, and raise at a time of anger or other strong emotions.
Ekman says gap in speech patterns may be one
reliable clue to deception. The examiner should asses
pauses in speech that are to long, too frequent, or which
occur at inappropriate places.
 Speed of Speech
Person who are tense or upset frequently
increase the swiftness of their speech. Words tend to
run together and the conversation can be fragmented. A
pattern of increase speed of speech during the relevant
part of the questioning could show deception.
Non-verbal clues encompass patterns in body movements,
gesture, facial expressions, body posture, positioning and
movements used explain chosen words.
 Emblems
Emblems are often permitted deliberately. These are
expression made with the body whose meanings are clearly
Examples of emblems:
a. shaking or nodding of the head
b. shrugging the shoulder
c. Universal “thumbs up” sign
d. Circled finger and thumb to indicate okay
e. broad wink to show the remarks are to be taken as joke
These are the usual behaviors of touching one’s self
this includes:
a. Grooming the hair
b. wringing the hands
c. picking imaginary fur from a coat last a short time.
Props, like cigarettes, pencil and so on can be used in the
manipulation. Social scientist have documented that body
movements, fidgeting and other behavior arise with stress.
The manipulators increase as the as the stress arise. However,
other evidence implies that people also increase their use of
manipulators when they are totally relaxed and when they
are out of boredom.
many persons, under prolonged periods of stress,
hyperventilate. Although breathing is an involuntary
movement, breathing is very much affected stress. This stress
may have nothing to do with lie. But an increase in breathing
rate or volume may be a sign of deception.
 Sweating
This is another uncontrollable body function.
Perspiration occurs with heat as well with emotion. The rate
of perspiration is not the same for all emotions, such as fear
and anger. Too much sweating could very well indicate an
involuntary reflex with deception.
Frequent Swallowing
A dry mouth frequently accompanies deep emotion. Often the
subject is not aware of increased efforts at swallowing. During the time
of the critical question, increased swallowing might indicate deception.
 Facial Muscles
Other muscle are not easy to control but people can control
certain facial muscles with spirit. Example, to force a smile is easy, but
even beginners will notice something wrong. The facial muscles that ca
not controllable are the muscles above the eyes, but the muscles
involving the mouth are controllable. The muscles above the eyes control
certain eye movement of the eyebrows. These muscles are difficult to
train for even experienced actors and actresses, and can be used in
detecting deceptions.
The eyes most likely express as much emotion as any other
part of the anatomy.
Signs Indicative of Eye Emotions:
a. Tears – trained actors know how to cry. They think of something
in their life that was typically to cry proper times and equally trying to
hold back tears could tears could be a sign of deceptions.
b. Pupil dilation- involuntary response and beyond the control of
the subject. The most frequent reason for pupil dilation is because of
the light source. The pupils will respond to felt emotion.
c. Blinking
 Rapid blinking can signal emotional stress in the eyes
 Non-existence of blinking may indicate that the
subject has rejected the interrogator or interview
People believe that lies will commonly show up
in the face and eyes .The face can have two messages:
a. What the liar is trying to show
b. what he is trying to hide
Reddening or blushing of the face is supposed
to be a sign of embarrassment and cannot be
controlled. Such indicators may indicate strong
emotions but are not reliable signs of deception.
The polygraph as a machine will do an admirable job of
recording variation as long as it good working order and
functioning as it has been programmed to do. The question
of the validity of the test result, therefore, has something to
do with the manner of how the examiner interpreted those
variations recorded on the subject’s chart. In other words,
the accuracy of the polygraph examination will depend upon
the interpreting skills of the examiner to diagnose truth and
deception. For the reason, the lie detector examiner must be
a highly intelligent and competent person otherwise it may
be of no value whatsoever.

In order to conduct a satisfactory polygraph

examination, it is necessary for the examiner to
obtain accurate information regarding all the
available facts and circumstances that form the basis
for the suspicion or accusation directed against the
person to be examined. Where the victim or other
eye witness to an occurrence is available, he should
be interviewed.
A crime scene sketch prepared by an informed
investigator is usually better for polygraph
examination purposes than mere verbal descriptions,
or even photographs. The latter are less revealing for
this purpose than rough sketches supplemented by
the investigator’s verbal details.
A crime scene sketch prepared by an informed
investigator is usually better for polygraph
examination purposes than mere verbal
descriptions, or even photographs. The latter are
less revealing for this purpose than rough
sketches supplemented by the investigator’s
verbal details.
1. Initial Interview with the Investigator Handling the Case – this
includes the following:
 Obtaining and evaluating facts of the case;
Determining the areas the subject need to be asked; and
 the investigator must furnish to the examiner the vital
documents necessary to the matter under investigation such as:
• Sworn statement of the complaint victim/s, suspect/s, and
the witnesses
• Incident or spot report
• BI of suspects, victims and witnesses
• Sketch or picture of the crime scene
• Specific articles and exact amount of money stolen
• Exact time, date and place of occurrence of the crime.
• Exact type of weapon, tool or firearm used
• Facts indicating any connection between the suspects,
victims and witnesses
• Known facts about the subjects movement before and after
the incident
• Peculiar aspects of the offense or any strange acts at the
crime scene
• Results of laboratory tests
• Unpublished facts of the crime known only to the victims,
suspects and the investigator of the case
2. Conduct of Pre-Test Interview with the Person to be
The examiner’s interview with suspect prior to the test
is of considerable importance for:
• The purpose of conditioning the subject for
examination, and
• Provoking and observing indications of guilt or
innocence which are often forthcoming.
The time interval for the pre-test interview usually
ranges from 20 – 30 minutes.
The examiner should not withhold any information to
the subject about the instrument, its attachments or
recordings. This will serve to increase a lying subject
concern over possible detection, which, as will be
consequently discussed, is the most important
requirement for an effective examination by means of
this technique. Conversely, such information will allay
whatever apprehension a truthful person may have with
respect to the physical and psychological worries from
the instruments attachments.
During the pre-test interview, the examinee should
ascertain whether or not the subject is physically
uncomfortable, either because of the temperature in the
examination room or because of such factors as the need to
use toilet facilities. Some subjects and particularly truthful
ones are reluctant to request a temperature change or to
request the use of toilet facilities, as a result of which may
be uncomfortable throughout the test. Any discomfort of
this type may materially affect the accuracy of the test.
The primary purpose of the pre-test interview is to prepare the
subject for the test. The following are the preparations of the
examiner with the subject before the test:
 Informing the subject of his involvement with the
 The appraisal of the subject’s constitutional rights.
 Obtain subject’s consent to undergo polygraph test.
 The taking of the subject’s personal data.
 Evaluating the subject’s psychological preparations.
 Determining his suitability as a subject.
3. Conduct of the Actual Instrumental Test
After the pre-test interview, the examiner should proceed to the
place attachment of polygraph components to the subject such as;
cardiosphymograph, and galvanograph components. Review all the
questions being prepared with the subject and determine his answer for
every question asked. Although questions asked by the subject about the
instrument should be answered (briefly as possible), the examiner
should discourage any lengthy comments or statements by the subject
respecting the matter or incident under investigation or his disclaimer of
responsibility for it. Test instructions should be given to the subject. Any
movement of the subject during the test will affect the tracing results on
the chart paper. The answer of the subject to all questions is limited by
“Yes” or “No”, in order to avoid distortion on the chart tracings.
4. Post-Test Interrogation
After the polygraph examiner is convinced of the guilt of his
subject from the chart taken, he employs an interrogation
technique to secure an admission or confession. Procedures are
as follows:
 Inform the subject that he cant be cleared from

his chart.
 Convince the subject that the responses were
created due to his own emotions and not by any
mechanical manipulations by the examiner.
 Use persuasiveness, sympathetic attitude and
perseverance in eliciting admission or confession
 Point out recorded reaction with brief explanation of their
significance as objective, concrete and tangible evidence that
the eye can see and the mind can easily grasp.
 listen attentively to any ramifications, pursue a line of mild
interrogation as to the reason why the criminal act was
committed or how it was done.
 in some cases, rationalize the subject’s acts by offering a way
to excuse his conduct or minimize the significance or shift the
balance to someone or some situation
 If a confession is forthcoming, allow the subject to talk and
relate it in his own words, tactfully concentrate on the
possibility of recovering physical evidence that will support
confession, and if possible, request the subject to write out
in his own hand the whole story.
 listen carefully to specific details and write it down at the
first opportunity.
 Never make any promise particularly with regards to
immunity, reward or leniency.
 Inform the investigator that the examiner gathered and let
him take the necessary formal statements.
If no confession was derived, release subject in a cordial
 If the subject’s polygraph recordings indicate
that he is innocent, then the examiner must
release him and thank his cooperation.

A polygraph machine is a combination of several

instrument combined to simultaneously record changes
in blood pressure, pulse, respiration and skin resistance.
The electrical conductivity of the skin’s surface can be
measured through the increasing sweat gland activity
that reduces the skin’s ability to carry electrical current.
The function of the pneumograph component is to
record the changes in the breathing of the subject. It is made
up of:
1. pneumograph assembly – is composed of
• Rubber convoluted tubes – around 10 inches long; one end
of which is sealed and the other end is connected to the
 Attached to the chest and abdominal areas of the subject
 It expands and contracts as the subject breathe.
•Beaded chain – locks the pneumograph convoluted tubes to
the chest and abdominal areas of the subject
•Pneumatic rubber tubing- smaller tube the rubber
convoluted tubes
 connects the pneumograph convoluted tubes
to the instrument

2. Pneumograph recording unit – consists of

• Frame
• Brass bellows
• Crankshaft
•Adjustable fulcrums
•Bearing with adjusting screw pen travel
• Vent limiting screws
•Pen cradle
•Pen centering control knob - adjust the tracing so that the
blood pressure patter would be on the guideline

The volume changes of the chest caused by breathing

are transmitted to the recording unit. The activities produce air
pressure to the bellows which move forward and backward
pushing the crankshaft. The crankshaft applies a torque to the
center shaft upon which the pen is attached. The forward and
backward right movement is recorded on the chart paper.
The function of the galvanograph component is to the skin
resistance of the subject to a very small amount n of electricity. It
is composed of:
1. Finger Electrode Assembly – connects the subject to the
instrument in such that his skin resistance is a circuit element of
the polygraph. It consists of
•Finger electrode plate with retainer bonds and connecting plug
2. Amplifier Unit – works with “Wheatstone Bridge Principle”
that detects any changes in the skin resistance of the subject,
amplifies it and furnishes current to operate the galvanometer
3. Galvanometer- recorder Unit- converts the electrical energy to
mechanical energy
Electrical current flowing through the galvanometer
causes the mechanical movement of a 7-inch recording
pen. The overall function of the galvanograph is to detect
changes in the skin resistance of the subject, amplify these
changes, and record it on the chart.
The function of the cardiosphymograph component is to record
the changes of the blood pressure and pulse rate of the subject. It
is composed of
1. Blood Pressure Cuff Assembly – it is attached to the right arm
of the subject
 Transmits impulses from the brachial artery
The pump bulb assembly inflates the system and a hose
connects the blood pressure cuff into the recording unit.
2. Sphygmomanometer (BP) Vent- indicates the air pressure
present in the system in millimeters of mercury
 The vent provides the means by which air in the system can be
• AC power input connector
• 5 volt GC synchronous motor
Chart paper is driven past the recording pens at uniform
speed of 6 in/min. chart rolls are about 100 feet with holes
spaced ½ inches apart. Paper is imprinted with horizontal lines at
¼ inch intervals (20 division) and vertical lines at 1/10 inch
intervals with heavy lines at ½ inch divisions across the paper
represent 5 second of time .
Pulse rate per minute- may be computed by
multiplying the number of beats counted in one division by 12.
1. Program Pacer – a programmable cueing devise for
question and answer spacing
2. Pen Lifter – raises or lowers pens to 3 points
3. Paper Tear Bar – provides cutting edge for convenient
removal of charts
4. Foam Pen Hold-Down – keeps pen in place when
instrument is being transported
5. Attached Compartment – storage for all forms and supplies.
 Slight smaller than Executive Ultra Scribe
6. Accessory Storage and Optional Calibration Checking
Fixture – Slightly smeller than Executive Ultra Scribe
7. Subject Connections – stylish grouping that provides neat,
professional appearance
 Facilitates set- up and storage
8. Mechanical Pneumo Module – recording part of the
Mechanical Pneumo Channel
9. Galvanic Skin Response Module – recording part of GSR
10. Multi Function Module – recording module. Can be used as:
• Electronic Pneumo Channel
• Electronic Cardio Channel
• Cardio Activity Monitor(CAM)
• Cardio Tech, other accessories
11. Mechanical Cardio Module – recording part of the Mechanical
Cardio module
12. Paper Storage Component – holds two spare rolls of chart
paper or other supplies
13. AC Power Receptacle – connects power cord; international
standard design for easy cord replacement
. Power Switch and Circuit Breaker – applies power to the
instrument built –in resettable circuit breaker protects the
instrument and eliminates need for fuses. Pressing the “off”
and the “on” again, resets the instrument.
15 Chart Drive Roller Lever – lifts chart drive roller for paper
changes and chart removal
16. Power Analyzer – automatically indicates whether wall
outlets are properly wired and grounded for proper instrument
operation and subject safety.
17. Stimulus Marker – marks significant events on the chart
18. Sphygmomanometer Dial – reads operating pressure of
cardio channels
. Pneumo 1 – pneumatic connection for upper (thoracic)
20. Pneumo 2- pneumatic connection for lower (abdominal)
21. Cuff – pneumatic connection for cardio Channel subject cuff
22.Pump – pneumatic connection for hand pump used to inflate
subject cuff
23. Mechanical Cardio Switch – disengages Mechanical Cardio
Module from pneumatic system for low pressure Electronic
Cardio Operation
Attachment of polygraph components

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