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Research Study

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Desiree Faye A. Alla
Joshua Cajeda
Marielle Dollero
Mariss A. Pulpul
Mica Ella Faye Villamor
Background of the Study
• Mathematics is often pointed as a difficult topic despite of its importance in daily
life. Such perception is due to the abstract nature of Mathematics as said by Sufiana
K. Malik (2012).
• If the students with negative perception towards Mathematics performed poorly and
vice versa, that performance of mathematics can be improved through enhancing
positive perception towards Mathematics (Wasike, Michael, & Joseph, 2013).
• According to Antony Charles that modular approach in Mathematics learning proved
to be an effective and efficient tool to help students to learn mathematics
themselves. (Jazim and Rahmawati, 2017) stated students improve the mathematical
understanding on the material that is given to them.
• As they explained, the use of module in learning mathematics makes students with
high academic ability tended to be more active in the discussion process. Moreover,
this approach is also useful for students with a poor mathematical background and
lack of motivation (Abramovits, Berezina, & Shvartsman).
Statement of the problem
1.) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following?
- age
- gender
- civil status
- present position
- highest educational attainment; and relevant training attending?
2.) What is the perception of the respondents towards modular approach in teaching
3.) To what extent do the respondents, implement modular approach in teaching
mathematics in terms of the following:
- knowledge;
- skills;
- attitudes
4.) What are the challenges met by the teachers in the implementation of the modular approach
in teaching mathematics amidst Covid-19 pandemic?
5.) What are the strategies employed by the respondents to address the challenges?
6.) What inputs to intervention may be formulated based on the findings of the study?
Theoretical Framework

The study is anchored from the theoretical framework support of the theorist such
as Guilhardi et al. (2007) Modular Theory, Gibson (2002) Introduction the cognitive
theories of perception, Ausubel (1968) Assimilation Theory, Brunner (1966) Inquiry-
based constructivist approach, and Festinger (1957) Cognitive Dissonance theory who
believe that mathematics is hierarchical in nature and the vast majority of theorists
agree that a prior learning is critical in the acquisition of new mathematics knowledge.
The following is a concise explanation of the concepts of the most well-known
mathematical theorist.
• Guilhardi et al. (2007) developed the modular theory of learning and performance. This
modular theory of learning and performance contains parts that may be labeled, perception,
memory, and decision.

• Gibson, (2002), introduced the cognitive theories of perception that assumed there is a
poverty of stimulus. And from Gibson’s early work derived an ecological understanding of
perception known as perception-in-action, which argues that perception is a requisite
property of animate action.

• Ausubel et al. (1968) were opponents of discovery learning, believing that pupils acquire
knowledge by direct exposure rather than discovery. According to Ausubel's Assimilation
Theory, it is critical to connect new knowledge to earlier learning. Teachers should make
learning easier for students by organizing material so that new ideas may be easily linked to
previously taught concepts.
• Bruner (1966) is recognized for establishing the inquiry-based constructivist
approach to learning, known as discovery learning, which claims that it is ideal
for learners to discover facts and relationships for themselves. Inquiry-based
learning is the most effective way to learn. Bruner believes that everybody,
regardless of age, can learn anything if it is presented in a way that they can

• (Festinger 1957), the cognitive dissonance theory, when a person's action

conflicts with his or her opinions and beliefs, an underlying psychological
tension result. An individual is thus motivated to adjust their attitude in order to
achieve consistency between their beliefs and behaviors as a result of this
underlying tension.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Input Process Outcome

 Profile of the respondents  

 Perception of the respondents  
towards modular approach in
teaching mathematics.
 Extent of the respondents • Utilization of the survey
implement modular approach in questionnaire
teaching mathematics. • Statistical tools
 Challenges met by the  Weighted Mean
respondents in the  Percentage
implementation of modular  Frequency
approach in teaching
 Strategies employed by the
respondents to address

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to determine the challenges met by mathematics

teachers using modular approach in distance learning in the

intermediate grades in Holy Infant College of Tacloban City Incorporation

Amidst the pandemic: Inputs in intervention scheme.

Significance of the Study
• Students - Modular Distance Learning would help learners to be
trained them on time management, setting their priorities, solve and
answer the problems and questions given in their modules and helps
learners mentally and it can be associated with developing self-
regulation skill by being independent. With this, learners can have a
positive and academic attitude towards the new learning modality.
• Teachers - This will give a significant plan for educators to improve the
teaching-learning process and how modular distance learning can be
implemented effectively. This study can help teachers because it
would serve as an eye-opener for them in knowing the effects of MDL
in learners’ academic performance so that they can implement
appropriate guidelines and instruction.
• Parents - The result of this study would motivate the parents to extend
more assistance and guide their child/children through the modular
lessons that would be sent to learners while doing remote learning.
Through Modular Distance Learning, parents would be able to identify
their child/children’s strengths and weaknesses when doing their
assigned task incorporated in their modules.
• Future Researchers - Result of the study will also serve as springboard
to all young researchers to conduct other studies related to modular
approach in learning.
Definition of Terms
• Challenges- As defined by the Cambridge Dictionary (2023), It is the
situation of being faced with or something that needs great mental or
physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a
person’s ability.
• Extent- As defined by the Cambridge Dictionary (2023), It is the degree
to which something happens or is likely to happen and it is a particular
degree or stage, often causing results.
• Distance learning - a method of studying in which lectures are
broadcast or classes are conducted by correspondence or over the
internet, without the student's needing to attend a school or college.
Also called distance education.
• Intervention Scheme- As defined by Omaha System Organization, it is
designed to describe and communicate multidisciplinary practice, practice
that is intended to prevent illness, improve or restore health, decrease
deterioration, and/or provide comfort before death.
• Modular approach – as defined by Wondifraw Dejene (2019) is an emerging
trend educational thinking that shifts traditional method of instruction to an
outcome-based learning paradigm. Modularization is based on the principle
of dividing the curriculum into small discrete modules or units that are
independent, nonsequential, and typically short in duration.
• Pandemic- As defined by CDC government website, it is like an epidemic but
even more widespread over several countries or continents. Most of the
diseases posing the greatest risk to humans are contagious meaning that
they are caused by an infectious agent and can be spread from person to


This chapter elucidates the research design and methods that

will be employed in the study. Specifically, this includes the

following: research locale, research respondents, sampling

procedure, research instrument, data gathering procedure and

statistical treatment of data.

Research Locale

• The study was conducted in Holy Infant College of

Tacloban City Inc. located at Benigno Aquino
Avenue, Utap, Tacloban City, Leyte, which is about 2
kilometers from the town proper.
• The school offers basics education, senior high
school which offered different strands such as: ABM,
HUMSS, STEM, and General Academic Strand. For
college the school offers the following programs,
Midwifery, Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Teacher
Education, Liberal arts, and Business Administration.
• The school is managed by Religious Sisters of Mercy
(RSM) headed by School Presidents, Sr. Cecille Marie
L. Lim. And this study was conducted during
Map of the Research local (Holy Infant College of Tacloban City Academic Year 2021-2022
Research Respondent
Respondents Total number of
The respondent of the study are the
Teachers mathematics teachers using modular
Female Male
approach in the intermediate grades in
Holy Infant College of Tacloban City
Incorporated amidst pandemic: Inputs to
Mathematics Teacher 1 1 2 intervention scheme. The total of the
Mathematics teachers for intermediate
Non-mathematics 8 1 9 grades are two and adding with nine other
respondent teachers who applied modular
approach in distance learning are include
Total 9 2 11
as respondent. Therefore, the total number
of respondents is eleven.
Research Instrument

• The researcher used survey questionnaire to determine the challenges

met by mathematics teachers using modular approach in distance

learning in the intermediate grades. A questionnaire is a set of

questions that measures every item by making the rating scale to check

their level of agreement in various statements about on perception.

• The questionnaire made by researcher consist of five parts: the First Part is the

profile of the respondents; Second Part is to determine the perceptions of the

teachers regarding modular distance learning approach in Mathematics; Third Part is

the extent towards modular approach in teaching mathematics; Fourth Part is the

challenges met by the teachers in the implementation of the of the modular

approach in teaching mathematics amidst the pandemic and the part five is the

strategies that being used by mathematics teacher in modular approach in distance

Data Gathering Procedure
• In gathering all the data needed in this research, the first step is to validate the research
questionnaire through the approval of three (3) experts and those are the Dean of College
of Education and Liberal Arts which is also our Research instructor followed by the Principal
of Basic Education Department and lastly is the School President of our research location
which is the Holy Infant College of Tacloban City Inc. in order to secured the permission.
• After that, the approved written request used during the process of gathering the necessary
data. The researcher humbly approached the School Coordinator of Basic Education
Department and shows to him the approved permission. The School coordinator helped
the researchers in administering and retrieving the questionnaire to the teachers. The
researcher collects the accomplished questionnaire from the school coordinator within two
(2) days after administering it.
Ethical Consideration

The strictly adhered to the highest in research. Thus, permissions from the authorities

was sought before the conducting of the data gathering. Permission are secured from the

following: College of Education in Holy Infant College of Tacloban City Inc., approval from

the School Principal and School Head of the covered in the study. Consent is seeking

from each respondent. Moreover, the researcher followed strictly the health and safety

protocols set by DOH and IATF as regards to the conduct of data gathering.
Statistical Treatment Data

The descriptive statistics such as mean and percentage will be utilized in

order to analyze and interpret the data gathered.

To find the mean, the following formulas will be used:

Where: mean
raw scores
sum of raw scores
number of cases/ respondents
To find the percentage, the following formula will be used:

Where: percentage
frequency/ respondents
number of cases/ respondents
Ethical Consideration

The strictly adhered to the highest in research. Thus, permissions from the authorities

was sought before the conducting of the data gathering. Permission are secured from the

following: College of Education in Holy Infant College of Tacloban City Inc., approval from

the School Principal and School Head of the covered in the study. Consent is seeking

from each respondent. Moreover, the researcher followed strictly the health and safety

protocols set by DOH and IATF as regards to the conduct of data gathering.
To determine the perception of the respondents To determine the challenges met by the
regarding to the modular approach in distance respondents in implementation of modular
learning, the following scale, mean range and approach in teaching mathematics, the
qualitative description are used: following scale, mean range and qualitative
description are used:
Scale Mean Range Qualitative Description
5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree Scale Mean Range Qualitative Description

4 3.50-4.49 Agree 5 4.50-5.00 Very Difficult

3 2.50-3.49 Neutral 4 3.50-4.49 Difficult
2 1.50-2.49 Disagree 3 2.50-3.49 Moderate
1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree 2 1.50-2.49 Slightly Moderate
1 1.00-1.49 Not at All

To determine the extent of the respondents To identify the strategies employed by

towards to the modular approach in distance the respondents towards to address the
learning, the following scale, mean range and challenges, the following scale, mean range
qualitative description are used: and qualitative description are used:
Scale Mean Range Qualitative Description Scale Mean Range Qualitative Description
5 4.50-5.00 Extremely developed 5 4.50-5.00 Used

4 3.50-4.49 Developed 4 3.50-4.49 Often Used

3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Often Sometimes
3 2.50-3.49 Approaching to Develop Used
2 1.50-2.49 Poorly Developed 2 1.50-2.49 Slightly Moderate
1 1.00-1.49 Not Developed 1 1.00-1.49 Not at All

This chapter includes presentation, analysis and interpretation of data that have

been gathered from the survey questionnaire distributed to the respondents. This

chapter also contains the presentation of data in tabular form with their corresponding


Variables Characteristic Frequency Percentage

Gender Female 9 81.8 %
Male 2 18.2 %
Age 21-30 y/o 10 90.9 %
31-40 y/o 1 9.09 %
41-50 y/o 0 0
51-58 y/o 0 0
Civil Status Single 10 90.9 %
Married 1 9.09 %
Separated 0 0
Widow 0 0
Present Position Elementary teachers 9 81.8 %
2 18.2 %
Highest educational Attainment Graduate 1 9.09 %
Master’s degree 2 18.2 %
Table 2: Training Attended
Demographic ADEPT
Profile of the Respondents 4 36.4 %
Table 3: Perception of the respondents regarding to the modular approach in distance learning

Statement Level of Agreement Mean Qualitative

5 4 3 2 1

1. In a modular teaching method, the students have a lot of 3 4 4     3.90 Agree

time to answer the activities.
2. Students can be guided by friends, parents and relatives on 5 3 2 1   4.09 Agree
their activities.
3. Students are more active and self-directed.   2 5 4   2.81 Neutral
4.Modular distance learning approach helps to explore myself   4 4 2 1 3 Neutral
in mathematics.
5. It is flexible than other approaches in mathematics.   3 4 3 1 2.54 Agree
6. I am more comfortable to answer the activity in math on my   4 3 3 1 2.90 Neutral
own using modules.
7. I prepare modular distance learning approach in learning   3 5 2 1 2.90 Neutral
8. It is cheaper. 1 4 3 2 1 3.18 Neutral
9. Students can easily answer the problems in mathematics.   3 3 3 2 2.63 Neutral
10. I prefer modular distance learning approach rather than   3 3 3 2 2.63 Neutral
traditional face-to-face instruction.
Legend: 4.50 - 5.00 (Strongly Agree) 3.50 - 4.49 (Agree) 2.50 – 3.49 (Neutral) 1.50 – 2.49 (Disagree) 1.00 – 1.49 (Strongly disagree)
Grand Mean 3.05 Neutral
Table 4: Extent of the respondents towards the modular approach in distance learning
Knowledge Level of development Mean Qualitative
1. I think that I have the right curriculum 5 4 3 2 1 3.27 Approaching to
1 7 3
series in place to teach mathematics to
our main stream students.
1 7 3 3.27 Approaching to
2. I think that I have the right curriculum
series in place to teach mathematics to
my struggling students.
1 7 3 3.27 Approaching to
3. I think that I have the right curriculum
series in place to teach mathematics to
my advance students.
1 7 2 1 3.72 Developed
4. I think that I have the right curriculum
resources in place to teach basic
mathematics skills to my students.
1 6 2 2 3.55 developed
5. I think that I have the right curriculum
resources in place to teach problem
solving (real life) to my students.
Total mean : 3.42 Approaching to
3.82 Developed
1. I find the easy way in teaching
2 6 2 1
mathematics effectively.
3 6 1 1 4 Developed
2. I have to implement greater
responsibility for teaching-learning
mathematics to my students.
8 1 2 3.55 Developed
3. It enables the learner to have a
control over the use of modules.
3 5 1 2 3.82 Developed
4. Learners can study the module in
their own working environment.
6 2 3 3.27 Approaching to
5. Learners can study without develop
disturbing their normal time of
Total mean: 3.69 Developed

1. Mathematics is confusing to 4 6 1 4.18

some students.
5 6 4.45 Developed
2. Mathematics is just important as
any other subject.

I am comfortable expressing my 3 7 1 4.09 Developed

own idea about mathematics.

I am always under terrible strain 2 6 3 3.90 Developed

in my math class.
5. I am always interested and 5 5 1 4.27 Developed

willing to find further knowledge

in teaching mathematics.
Total Developed
mean: 4.18
Grand Mean Developed

Legend: 4.50 - 5.00 (Extremely Developed) 3.50 - 4.49 (Developed) 2.50 – 3.49 (Approaching to Develop)1.50 – 2.49 (Poorly Developed)
1.00 – 1.49 (Not Developed)
Statement Level of Difficulty Mean Qualitative
5 4 3 2 1 Descriptio

1. Students require self-motivation in answering 1 1 8 1   3.18 Moderate

activities in math
2. Students cannot easily access their teachers 1 2 7 1   3.27 Moderate
should they need explanation for a particular topic.

3. Have little support from teacher in learning math. 1 2 4 4   3 Moderate

4. Modular distance learning approach is stressful.   4 6   1 3.18 Moderate

5. Some parents cannot guide their children because 2 5 3 1   3.73 Difficult

some of them are illiterate
6. Modular distance learning approach has minimal social 1 2 4 4   3 Moderate
7. In Modular distance learning approach, there is a feeling of 3 1 5 2   3.45 Moderate
isolation on the part of the students.

8. This modular distance learning approach makes the 2 3 5 1   3.55 Difficult

students’ brain drains.
9. Students can hardly understand of what they are reading 2 1 7 1   3.36 Moderate
in their modules.
10. Students can hardly comprehend the lecture and can 2 5 3 1   3.73 Difficult
hardly solve the activity in mathematics.

11. Students might be depressed to answer their activities. 2 2 6 1   3.45 Moderate

12. Students are being mentally sick. 2 1 7 1   3.36 Moderate

13. This approach affects the students’ health. 2 2 5 2   3.36 Moderate

14. Students are going to be lazy to solve math problems. 2 4 4 1   3.64 Difficult

15. Students cannot cope up with the discussion. 3 2 5 1   3.64 Difficult

16. Learning mathematics using modular distance learning approach is 3   7 1   3.45 Moderate
boring, painful and uninterested.

17. Students have much time to play games, surfing on the internet and 3 2 5 1   3.64 Difficult
others rather than to answer the math activities.

18. Parents must hire tutors to help their children. 3 3 4 1   3.73 Difficult

19. Students can lose their self-confidence. 2 2 6 1   3.45 Moderate

20. Students can rely on their parents, siblings, friends, and others to 3 3 4 1   3.73 Difficult
answer their activity.
Grand Mean 3.45 Moderate

4.50 - 5.00 (Very difficult) 3.50 - 4.49 (Difficult) 2.50 – 3.49 (Moderate) 1.50 – 2.49 (Slightly moderate) 1.00 – 1.49 (Not at all)

Statement Level of Usefulness Mean Qualitative

5 4 3 2 1 Description

1. I use internet to search for learning materials 4 5 1 1   4.09 Often times

1. I use YouTube for tutorials 3 5 2 1   3.90 Often times

1. I join chat groups with my co-teachers 2 5 3 1   3.73 Often times

1. I do home visitation to unresponsive students 1   5 4   2.55 Moderately

1. I maintain positive attitude despite of the challenge developing 2 8 1     4.09 Often times
modular instruction
1. I use supportive digital tools as instructional method into teaching 4 5 2     4.18 Often times

1. I attend webinar meeting for development of modular approach 5 4 1 1   4.09 Used

1. I add discussions to increase engagement and comprehension of the 5 5 1     4.36 Often times
1. I gamify learning for increased participation using electronic 5 4 2     4.27 Often times
educational games
1. I collaborate with my fellow educator for the improvement of the 6 5       4.55 Used
instructional method approach

Grand Mean 3.98 Often times

  (Moderately often Sometimes Used) 1.50 – 2.49 (Rarely Used) 1.00 – 1.49 (Never)
Legend: 4.50 - 5.00 (Used) 3.50 - 4.49 (Often times) 2.50 – 3.49



– This chapter includes the summary of the study and findings

that the researchers have analyzed, documented
conclusions and recommendation that will help enhancing
student’s quality, in upgrading the curriculum and for the
future researchers.
• The main objective of this study is to determine the challenges met by
Mathematics teachers using modular approach in distance learning in the
intermediate grades in Holy Infant College of Tacloban City Incorporated
amidst the pandemic. Findings will serve as inputs to an intervention

Specifically, it sought to answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following?
1.1 age
1.2 gender
1.3 civil status
1.4 present position
1.5 highest educational attainment; and relevant training attending?
2. What is the perception of the respondents towards modular approach in
teaching Mathematics?
3. To what extent do the respondents, implement modular approach in teaching
mathematics in terms of the following:
3.1 knowledge;
3.2 skills;
3.3 attitudes
4. What are the challenges met by the teachers in the implementation of the
modular approach in teaching mathematics amidst Covid-19 pandemic?
5. What are the strategies employed by the respondents to address the
6. What inputs to intervention may be formulated based on the findings of the
The following were the findings of the study.

• Profile of the Respondents

Based on the results, majority of the respondents are Female having a
number of 9 or 81.8%. And most of them belonged to the age bracket of 21-30
years old having a number of 10 or 90.9%. However, majority of the
respondents are single with a number of 10 or 90.9%. On the other hand,
most of the respondents belonged to the present position of Elementary
teachers having a number of 9 or 81.8%.
• Perception
The perception of the teacher regarding modular approach in
distance learning in Mathematic amidst the pandemic having a grand
mean of 3.05 with qualitative description “Neutral”. It means most of
the perception statements the respondents does not agree or disagree,
but they prefer to be Neutral. The teachers who are motivated to
teach will choose tasks that enhance the learning of the students, will
work hard at those tasks, and will persist in the face of difficulty in
order to attain their goals.
•Extent of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes
In the extent of teacher regarding to modular approach in distance learning in
Mathematics amidst the pandemic having a grand mean of 3.76 with a qualitative description
of “Developed”, meaning the respondents did the implementation of modular approach in
distance learning based on their foundation in knowledge, skills, and attitude to be more
effective it to the learners during the pandemic.

The respondent’s extent knowledge was having a total mean of 3.42 with a qualitative
description of “Approaching to develop”. However, the respondent’s extent skills were having
a total mean of 3.69 with a qualitative description of “Developed”. And in the other hand, the
respondent’s extent attitude was having a total mean of 4.18 with a qualitative description of
“Developed”. They developed a sense of responsibility in accomplishing the tasks to provide
a learning module to students.
And in challenges met by the respondents in the implementation of modular

approach in teaching mathematics having a grand mean of 3.45 with a “Moderate”

qualitative description, it means the challenges met by the mathematics teachers

does not easy or difficult but in a moderate level of difficulty. The respondents cope

the challenges experienced using the modular approach in distance learning.

And the strategies employed by the respondents to address the challenges in

modular approach in distance learning having a grand mean of 3.98 with a qualitative

description of “Often times”, meaning most of the strategies statement was Often

times used by the teachers in mathematics to address the challenges amidst the

pandemic. The teachers facilitate learning should prepare and apply different

strategies and techniques in order to help students to understand the lessons

especially in Mathematics.
From the findings, the following conclusions were formulated:

1. Demographic Profile of the respondents

1.1 Most of the respondents are female that has 81.8%, while the male was have 18.2%.
1.2 Regarding with their age, there was 10 out of 11 respondents are 21 to 30 years old (90.9%) and 1

out of 11 respondents are 31 to 40 years old (9.09%).

1.3 The civil status of the respondents, there was 10 out of 11 are single (90.9%) and under the married

there was only 1 out of 11 respondents (9.09%).

1.4 Regarding with their present position of respondents are all of them are elementary teacher with a

total number of 9 (81.8%).

1.5 The highest educational attainment there are 1 graduate out of 11 respondents (9.09%) and 2 out of
11 are master’s degree (18.2%).
1.6 The highest educational attainment there are 1 graduate out of 11 respondents (9.09%) and 2 out
of 11 are master’s degree (18.2%).
2. On the Perception
2.1 The perception of the respondents towards modular approach in teaching

mathematics got “neutral” agreement. That means, modular approach in distance

learning can be useful and effective in educational purposes since it was acceptable by

teachers and students based on the perceptions that gathered from the respondents.

3. On the Extent
3.1 And the extent of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the teachers in implementation of

modular approach in teaching mathematics was “Developed”, that means the teachers

had a capability making a learning module through their knowledge, skills, and attitudes

in order to be effective to the students.

4. On the Challenges
4.1 The challenges met by the mathematics and non-mathematics teachers in the
implementation of modular approach got “Moderate” level of difficulty, it means teachers
does not took it easy or difficult. The respondents cope the challenges experienced
using the modular approach in distance learning.

5. On the Strategies
5.1 And the strategies employed by the respondents to address the challenges in
modular approach in distance got “Often times” level of usefulness. The stated
strategies were often times used by the teachers to help them improve making
modules to get some idea and knowledge to be more attractive and can get the
interest of students.
This study has contributed to the understanding and improvement in teaching and learning
process of teachers in mathematics by determined the challenges met using modular approach
in distance learning amidst the pandemic. As the study progressed, a few areas surfaced as
suggested areas for future studies. The recommendations are as follows:

1. To have a credible data on making a research, may be the researchers finds a

suitable respondent that will accurate to their research problem who supply their

needed information.

2. To have a positive perception of the mathematics and non-mathematics teachers

towards the modular approach in distance learning may be they have to enjoy and

be passionate in teaching mathematics using modular approach in distance learning

for the sake of the learners.

1. To enhance the extent of knowledge, skills, and attitude of the mathematics
and non-mathematics teachers may be they can collaborate to other co-
teacher through having a sharing of discussion on how to improve in
making their learning modules for students’ progress.
2. In teaching mathematics using modular approach in distance learning, it is
hereby recommended to use multimedia materials from the internet to
improve student’s achievement in Mathematics.
3. To attend seminars and training related to the technology integration and
be updated about the usefulness of multimedia materials from the internet.
4. This is one way to close gap between teachers and students. That is
teachers may be adept to technology as this is the new trend.
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